the cone of shame

Picture 2

See any resemblance?

Is it a Golden Retriever thing?


I’m sure you can see where Boudreaux has tried to chew his way out of the cone. Poor guy. You can’t see it in the picture, but he has a large scratch on his face next to his ear. I’m praying that it heals and goes away very soon. Life with a 90 pound dog in a cone is no bueno.

*And three cheers for Up for being the second animated film (after Beauty and the Beast) to be nominated for a Best Picture Oscar!

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  1. says

    sweet boy. that face of his…killer 🙁 but i have to say, when i see that cone on his head, all i can think about is when he was a puppy and we would call his name and he’d come running and all of a sudden “wam!” the cone got stuck on the door frame! maybe that’s his problem, haha. awww. i miss him!

  2. Sara says

    My dog attempted to jump over our fence and sliced her side open pretty good. We had to take her to the vet for stiches, but she too needed the cone. It was so depressing watching her walk into walls and just stand there so we went to PETCO and bought her a doggie “donut” which is so much easier to maneuver around with…I highly recommend it!

  3. says

    Watch your legs!!! I always end up with horrible bruises on my legs when Baxley is in his cone. And yes…I think it’s a golden thing. LOL!!!

  4. says

    I think it’s the same for all dogs. They all hate the cone. Be it our black Lab or our mini dachshund. Hope he’s better soon so you don’t have to hear him run into the walls….

  5. Eve says

    Awww-our pup, Roscoe, had one this summer and was SOOOO unhappy. Whenever he had it on he’d freeze in place-as though having TCOS (The Cone Of Shame, as we called it) made him unable to move. I hope he’s out of it soon!!

  6. says

    Those cones are always entertaining to me, but a little sad at the same time. My in-laws Bichon is wearing one right now, too, so it’s definitely not just Goldens. They are in misery together! 🙂

  7. says

    Oh my I hate these things, and to see any animal in them. We had to do it when the meter man hit our dog on the nose and he kept pawing it to make it worse. I was soooo upset!! Hopefully a speedy recovery is near!

  8. Becky says

    I just saw Up a couple of weeks ago and LOVED it! If that movie doesn’t make you want to get a dog, nothing will!

  9. Susannah Edwards says

    Oh girl, TRUST ME, I know your pain! A 120 lb bloodhound in one of those=utter misery for all peeps in the house. He kept rubbing it on everything!!!!!!! Annoying!!

  10. says

    I loved Up! Even my husband who isn’t a animated movie kind of guy has asked to watch it more then once. We have a 9 month old basset hound puppy that I’m completely convinced would sound like Dug if he could talk.

    Hope Boudreaux heals up soon!

  11. says

    I’m laughing so hard right now because that dog in Up is just the most hilarious thing ever. I don’t have a golden (anymore, sniff, sniff) but, I’m pretty sure my beagle could use the cone of shame. “Please oh please be my prisoner” is her attitude towards any creature that is not us or the other dog.

    Hope he gets better soon!

  12. says

    Aw. Boudreaux!

    I adore Up! The relationship in the beginning reminded me of my great grandparents. I initially saw it right after my great grandfather passed away. It is my favorite animation film ever. I think they will take home the Oscar!

  13. says

    Poor little guy! It’s too bad dog’s don’t really have those collars that help them talk to us, I’m sure he would be asking, or begging, to have you take that cone off!

  14. says

    what a cute pup! i absolutely adore goldens and he is too cute!

    i really love the movie “Up” and laughed out loud as i remembered the ‘cone of shame’. hilarious.

  15. says

    oh my goodness, you poor thing, and poor Boudreaux! Our puppy growing up had to wear the cone many a times 🙁 We still haven’t seen Up but Beauty and the Beast was always my favorite!

  16. Ryan says

    Poor pup! They do make nylon fabric ‘comfy’ cones if he has to have it on too long. Petco carries them and they’re much more flexible and comfortable than the plastic cones… and they’re not noisy when the dog bumps into everything :)! I imagine 90 lbs bumping into anything is noisy!

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