holy gross day, Batman!

Seriously. Why is it that when you have a bazillion things to do, mother nature brings on the rain. And not just rain. Rain on a thirty-four degree day.

This is where we live. Do you see a garage anywhere in sight? No? That’s because we don’t have one. It’s usually not an issue, but today, in the rain, it was an issue. We needed a garage.


My first concern was making sure that Hudson didn’t get wet, so I covered him with a blanket and the hood on his car seat. But it’s nearly impossible to hold an umbrella while carrying his 40 pound car seat. Yes, it’s 40 pounds. He weighs 22.1 pounds (as of last week) and the seat itself is close to 20 pounds. I’m not a small gal, but that doesn’t mean I’m a strong gal. So I didn’t even try with the umbrella.

Anyway, enough of that. I had perfectly blown out hair when I walked outside, but I just had to let that go when I got outside. Iย was getting wet and there was no way around it. While trying to get the car seat into the base in the car, I stepped in a pile of leaves and they pulled off one of my flat shoes. (No, I don’t have any Wellies yet.) So I’m trying to get the car seat in the car, but my shoe has fallen off and I am standing barefoot in a wet pile of leaves. Cold water is raining into my J.Crew flats and for some reason I can’t get the car seat to go into the base.

I get it in there. I get in the car. And I shiver all the way to the stores that I have to visit to pick up last minute gifts. When we arrive at the store I have to do it all over again.

Apparently Best Buy has shopping carts, but they were covered up by a wall of flat screen TVs today. Very helpful, Best Buy. Thankyouverymuch. So I hobble all over Best Buy with the 40 pound car seat in tow (because I couldn’t see the shopping carts!), and pick up the couple of items that I came to find. After I check out (after waiting in line for 20 minutes– if you need something from Best Buy for a Christmas gift, get it in November) I walk to the door. There’s an older man working the door and he actually says to me, “Don’t slip and fall out there in the rain with that baby.”

Gee, thanks, mister. Care to give me a hand so we can make sure that doesn’t happen? Or are you just going to state the obvious?

There was also another man standing there as I struggled to get the car seat in the crook of my elbow before running in the rain back to the car. He was staring. Staring with a look on his face that said, “I should offer to help her.” He looked like a kind manย and if he had offered to help me I definitely would have accepted the offer. But he didn’t offer and I hustled out to the car with bags and baby.

Now, tell me. Those of you that have been pregnant and have had babies. Why do people fall all over themselves to help a pregnant woman– holding doors for her, walking her to her car so she doesn’t have to carry anything? Always asking if she’s okay. But as soon as the baby arrives, they’re not going to help you. They may stare at you (or stare at your cute baby), but they never offer to help?

I don’t expect help. Don’t get me wrong. But I actually need more help now than I did when I was pregnant. I’m toting around an immobile infant. He also happens to be very heavy healthy.

I just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this. I know that pregnant women are much cuter than new moms and probably more fun to be around. But I’m just not sure why people stopped bending over backwards to help when I clearly need more help now than before.

On to prettier topics… I’m dying over this kitchen from the KraftMaid Kitchen advertisement. Swoon.

I’m currently lusting over black kitchen cabinets, but this may be my new favorite. It’s kind of gorgeous.

kraftmaid kitchen

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  1. says

    I have experienced the same lack-of-help issues – and I think people are hesitant to help because they know how it feels to have strangers touch THEIR children. I have hesitated to help for fear of offending someone, even though I know what it’s like to be in a similar situation. It’s a tough spot to be in, since we aren’t as trusting of others anymore.
    Sorry you are having such an awful day. We have had our fair share of cold and rainy this season, and it’s just no fun. Hope tomorrow is better!

  2. caroline says

    So…I’m a columbia blogger (i used to live with kathy of ChatTeaKathy; I’m actually the one who put the pieces together of who your husband was and that Kathy would know him)…anyways OMG I LOVE your house, I swear I have probably passed by it a million times and thought how cute/perfect it is, LOVE the curb appeal! If y’all start looking for bigger, let me know=) We live in a little brick bungalow in Rosewood now, but Shandon is my dream of course! LOVE your blog as well!

  3. says

    Doesn’t sound like much fun at all and I hate when the rain ruins a perfect hair day!! We got rain/snow in Chicago and it’s around 34 degrees and it felt WARM outside!! haha!! I hope the weather and your day improves.

  4. says

    I hate rainy days like that. Rain sucks all the time, but it’s the worst when it’s cold out.

    But I’ll make you feel better by reminding you how adorable your little home is! I love it!

  5. says

    Ugh. Your adventure in the rain sounds like mine this morning, except my hair was not perfectly blown out and I was wearing my old Uggs, not lovely J. Crew Flats. ๐Ÿ™‚ I have quite a hike from my work parking lot to the door and this morning was just a struggle to get everything in the door (food for potluck, gifts, purse, umbrella) and several people passed by me and didn’t even hold the door. Now, I’ve never been pregnant and never had to carry baby around while doing errands, but people just don’t help people anymore. It’s sad, but unfortunately, how it is.

  6. says

    So sorry about the rainy day! Those are the WORST when you have to do stuff. I just assume sit at home all day when it rains but sometimes you just can’t ๐Ÿ™

    LOVING that kitchen!!

  7. says

    What a cruddy day. Yours definitely wins over mine! Hopefully you were able to get a Sbux while you were out. I had one but it didn’t perform its normal magical power on me. Boo. Guess my addiction is leading to sub-par experiences. Hope you’re all dry & warm now ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. says

    Ugh!! Had that same expierence a couple weeks ago, pouring rain, 36 degrees out and had to take daisy to the vet and bring cate with me!! I feel you!! Love that kitchen too!! Gorgeous!!!

  9. says

    I agree! What a nasty day! We are in Charleston and EVERYTHING is flooded! It is pure pandemonium around here. I will now take to heart what you said and try to help more people with babies!!
    That kitchen is stunning! Your house is very cool too!

  10. says

    Hi, I have followed your blog for along while (love it! ๐Ÿ™‚ ) and I don’ think I have ever commented before, however, I had to today. I hate running around in the rain or cold with my girls too! And I have seen the same lack of help, and mostly from women!!! People will watch me pushing my youner two girls in their little tram, lol, I mean double stroller, whiel holding my 6 year olds hands and not offer to even open the door when I am so struggeling to manuever us all in, they just watch. ๐Ÿ™ I think the majority of people are just tuned into themselves and not others, really sad. Have a Merry Christmas!!!

  11. says

    You are exactly right about not getting any help when carrying a baby, packages, diaper bag, etc. I always tell the young girls who are pregnant to enjoy the attention, because they’re gonna be invisible when the baby comes! xoxo

  12. says

    Love your house! So charming … we’re in a 1930’s home so I feel your pain about lack of garage. I agree with you on the lugging babies situation … I’ll be trying to balance a huge stroller with my twins along with grocery bags, box of diapers, umbrella, etc and people just smile and say “oh I bet you have your hands full.” Tell me something I already didn’t know, a-hole! : ) Now if they offered to carry the box of diapers to the car, I’d be all over that!

  13. says

    Aww lady I am so sorry! That sounds so frustrating, I hope you are happy to have that done with. I often want to offer help to moms who look like they have their hands full (I like to think I’m a normal looking 25 year old gal, not too frightening…) but I don’t want to be butting in and seem like a crazy person without boundaries. Next time I see it though, I am going to lend a helping hand-thanks for always sharing your perspective, I think you’re great!

  14. says

    that kitchen is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!! i was right there with ya girlfriend in the rain today! I somehow managed to keep myself and georgia under the umbrella…an AMAZING feat in itself!!!! I wanna hold that precious baby of yours again! I can’t get over how sweet he is!! It was so good seeing you!! Hope you all have a VERY merry Christmas!!! xoxo, C

  15. Natasha says

    I have, in general, experienced three years of the same frustrations that you described above, with them growing increasingly worse after baby #2 arrived. I have to say, though, that my faith in humanity was restored today by a little old woman in the Target bathroom! My three year old son conveniently announced his need to use the potty half way through our trip today, so I had no choice but to lug him, diaper bag, and baby sister into the dreaded public stall. UUUGHHH! As I stared at the toliet, the dirty floor and my poor little boy trying to get his jeans down by himself, a sweet little voice asked us if we needed help. She was quite feeble looking, but she appeared to be clean and beggars can’t be choosers, so I handed baby girl to her so I could help the big boy with the potty process. That was a first for all of us, but she couldn’t have been nicer and was happy to try to entertain my difficult daughter for me (not an easy task). Public bathrooms are never ideal, but this woman definitely made it easier and brightened the day of a very stressed mom! And BTW, there is nothing cheesy about your Christmas card! It is completely perfect and couldn’t be more adorable:) Merry Christmas!

  16. says

    Wasn’t it just awful today? I’m about an hour up the road and our weather was about the same. While I didn’t have a baby to carry around, I did have to load and unload the car with things from my classroom. Needless to say, much of it will stay in the car until tomorrow. I’ve always thought to but never offered to help the moms I see because I just wasn’t sure how they would take it… Now that I know, I’ll be sure to ask how I can help next time!

  17. says

    1 – Your house is adorable! 2 – I was just having that conversation yesterday about pregnancy vs. having a baby. Now no one holds the doors, cars do not stop to let you walk across the street, etc. And I feel like I need the help now more than ever! My least favorite thing is when I have a car waiting on my parking spot. It takes forever to get his car seat into the base, then the stroller into the back and then get into the car. By the time I’ve done all of that, there are 15 cars waiting behind the person that just has to have my spot! How annoying! 3 – Love that kitchen! I would actually cook if I had a kitchen like that!

  18. says

    I just love your house! It is adorable. We just built a new house with a garage and I love it. I can’t imagine not having one with my little one.

  19. says

    Ick. Sorry you had a rough day. I don’t have kids and have never been pregnant so I can’t weigh in on that one – but you have just made me realize that I do need to be more in tune with this and be willing to offer help when I see Moms who need it (like last week at the mall when the elevator was broken and everyone was having to try to maneuver their strollers/children/bags up the escalator). In my defense, all of the people I saw had two or more adults together so it didn’t seem as though anyone was really struggling. But if I had seen a mom on her own trying to get her baby and her stroller and her bags up the escalator, I would have offered to help. I will definitely keep this post in the back of my mind when I’m out so that I make sure to help when needed!

  20. says

    I gotta say, I ALWAYS try and help people (mothers, the elderly, kids…) if they look like they need it, but I’m the “No, no, I’m okay! Really!, I’m fine, I don’t mind carrying this 20kg suitcase up the stairs. Really! I’m fine!” sort of girl. Maybe that will change when I become a mother ๐Ÿ™‚
    My dad is also a big helper, but he’s gotten a few suspicious looks from people that he’s assisting. “What do YOU want from me buddy?” so I can see how some people get disenchanted and stop trying to help people.
    Maybe you need to yell out “Oy! A little help over here!” and see what happens, haha!

  21. says

    I agree with the person who commented above me, I ALWAYS help anyone who needs or looks like they might need help with doors, elevators, etc. I think that’s because I was born and raised in Texas, maybe? Anyway, my only idea is that some people are scared of kids? or scared that the person who looks like they need help with something will just turn them down, so they just keep on with what they were doing, or stare like in your post. I love your house! So cute!

  22. says

    I honestly just had this discussion with a random young mother in a store this week! She had a little baby in a carrier, and TONS of presents with her. I helped her through the door, and then we started talking about this! I’ve always thought it was crazy how people are so incredibly helpful to a pregnant woman, and then as soon as the baby is on the other “side” they stop–when that’s when the help is needed! Maybe we can slowly change things. ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. says

    I am convinced from December 15th until January 3rh people are just STUPID! No if’s, no and’s just STUPID. Traffic today was a nightmare and mainly because of the stupidity…..

  24. says

    Poor Erin! That is not fun. I was running aorund like crazy as well, doing last minute errands for our Christmas party this past weekend. Stepped in a puddle and soaked my tights. It was freezing! I have enough trouble with my purse and un umbrella- can’t imagine carrying Hudson around too.

  25. says

    Oh man, that sounds like a rough day! It’s so frustrating when people stand by without offering any help. Sometimes it seems like people are afraid to put themselves out there. Apathy is just easier, I guess.

    Also, I love your house! It is SO CUTE. And that kitchen is to die for.

  26. says

    Boo. That sounds like a terrible outing! This reminds me of the time I was walking 2 blocks to work at 5:30 am in the pouring rain with gusting winds that literally snapped my “wind-resistant” umbrella in half. As I was struggling with the broken umbrella, a nice man walked past me and said “it’s not a very good day for umbrellas, is it?” Really sir? Because I thought that pouring rain was excellent umbrella weather. I always try to hold the door open for women carrying car seats, but now I’ll pay extra attention to see if they need more help! That kitchen is gorgeous!

  27. Becky says

    Ok, first off you need to get a car seat cover that is elastic around the edges. I have two of them and they make them in all sorts of different materials so maybe they have ones that are waterproof now. (I’m in Wisconsin, so I was more concerned with getting a fleecy warm one.) No more struggling with blankets and you can just close the flap so he won’t get rained on.
    Secondly, I don’t know how you ever managed to put a car seat in the crook of your elbow – you ARE strong! – but my brother got tennis elbow from doing that with his daughter, so be careful!

    You are right about people being less eager to help with a baby, but do you think that might be because some mothers are weird about someone grabbing their baby from them? Just a thought.

    Try to stay warm and don’t go out anymore! The stores are BRUTAL! Merry Christmas!

  28. says

    I remember from my days of a Nanny in college how freakin heavy those carriers are. Poor thing. I’m sure motherhood is just exhausting, but I think you’re probably doing a bang up job! Sorry this was a rough day.

  29. Jennifer says

    As a new mom, I’ve definitely had experiences that have mirrored what you just went through. I was recently at the grocery store with my 2mo. old son. I was in the check-out line, he was all out wailing and the teenage cashier just sat there and watched me while I scrambled to bag my own groceries. Oh the chivalry! ๐Ÿ™‚ Don’t worry- I’ll be teaching my son very early on how important it is to lend a hand as I’m sure you will with your little guy. We can do our small part to curb the apathy.

  30. says

    I’m obviously no help about this, so I’m just here to offer sympathy. I’ve often wondered how it is that parents actually manage to do errands with a newborn or toddler in tow, let alone in the rain. Ergh.

    Selfishly, I’m encouraged to hear that at some point in my pregnancy (guessing when I get huge), people will go out of their way to be helpful!

  31. catherine says

    Moms can’t do umbrellas. Your hands are too full. If it isn’t baby carriers, its babies, toddlers, little hands, diaper bags, grocery bags, purses, etc. Time now to get a raincoat. With a hood. I am getting a new one for Christmas in a fun bright color. I used my old one year round. Once the kids get a little older and porch steps are mastered, I might get a cuter trench, but for now, I need a durable raincoat.

  32. Jen says

    Poor Erin! Sorry to hear about your terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day (did you ever read that book? It was one of my favourites growing up). I’m pregnant now, but not showing yet, so I have yet to experience offers of assistance! I think people may be hesitant to offer help because we are so wary of strangers now, especially when children are concerned. It’s sad because I can’t think of a time when you’d need help more.

  33. Tina says

    Sorry to hear about all the rain, hair day, no help with your baby, i know how it feels.
    About the weather… I moved to Central Florida and today is Dec 31st. and is 70 degrees outside. Loving it, no regrets.
    Happy New Year to You all.

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