Hudson's first Christmas part 1: meeting Santa Claus

Thank you all so much for sharing your Christmas traditions. I read every single comment (y’all left some long comments and I loved it) and really enjoyed reading about your favorite traditions and the way you plan to spend your Christmas this year.

There are so many things I want to remember to do for Hudson for his first Christmas. The hope is also that we will continue to do the really special things every year for him and for our future children.

I realized on Saturday that we had not yet taken him to visit Santa Claus. I’ve avoided those areas at the malls for many many years, so it was strange to think about getting in line to take a picture with Santa again. But I couldn’t let my baby boy miss out on that!

On Sunday after church, we ventured to a side of town (full of chain restaurants, our best mall, and shopping centers) that I rarely go to because I don’t deal well with gobs of people. This is why we never eat at Olive Garden, too. I don’t like crowds and I prefer local establishments. Okay. Enough with that rant.

So we’re at the mall, and we get in line to see Santa. I seriously thought we’d be in and out of the mall in 30 minutes tops. Nope. The line rivaled the line to get on the Texas Giant at Six Flags on the fourth of July. Insane. Line. To. See. Santa.

Then after about fifteen minutes we realized that the line had not moved at all and we started to wonder what was going on. Then we discovered that the camera had broken and no one was sitting on Santa’s lap. Poor Santa. Poor tons of people in line.

(My mom informed me that North Park Mall in Dallas gives you a number when you visit Santa Claus and they assign a time for you to come back. Genius Dallas folk.)

Hudson started to get restless and I just knew that we’d never last long enough to meet Santa on Sunday. So we left. We knew that we’d bring him back, but it made more sense for me to bring him back on a weekday morning when the crowd was smaller. But I didn’t want Todd to miss it.

So Hudson and I got dressed earlier than usual this morning and then we ventured out to the mall again. I never go to that side of town and there we were again!

We stood in a very short line this morning behind a very kind family. Hudson was very talkative and was charming all the people around us. I taught him how to say “ho ho ho” while we stood there and explained to him that he needed to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas. He was so excited to sit on Santa’s lap. The sweet elf behind the camera even let me take a picture with my own camera after I bought one of her pictures!

When we finished up with Santa Claus, Hudson and I just strolled around the mall (and I didn’t buy a thing). He fell asleep and I enjoyed just walking. I got a Caramel Brulee Latte from Starbucks and enjoyed having some time out of the house. He slept for about thirty minutes and then we went on home.

You think he was happy to be on Santa’s lap?


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  1. Amanda says

    Oh look at that precious smile!! We always went to the no longer existent Woodhill Mall to see the “real” Santa Claus as my mom called him. But the best mall in Cola’s Santa is looking pretty good!

  2. says

    He is so cute! I remember going to see Santa was always an ordeal. My mom has a Santa pic with the kids from every year framed and she puts up a display of them all each Christmas.

  3. says

    Oh my gosh, happiest baby and Santa picture ever! That’s great–I love it.

    My little sis got her picture with Santa at NP last year and it really is genius because my parents got a time that was like 3 hours away, so, they went to lunch, went shopping and then it was time for Santa pictures–no real waiting in line. Genius.

  4. April says

    Seriously very cute! How awesome that he wasn’t scared a bit – looks like he’s loving it! And what a terrific Santa!

  5. says

    He’s a cutie patootie!! You caught a great smile! My mom told me I was deathly afraid of Santa when I was little, but my little guy has always been pretty fond of him! I remember the days when Walkie was little and would just hang out in the stroller – I would walk for hours at the mall just looking!

  6. says

    You are so lucky! Mac hated Santa the first year we took him. This year was better though. Love the Starbucks Creme Brulee Latte. I am addicted to them. Enjoy this time with Hudson. It goes so fast. He is so cute! Oh and I hate the mall too. I also hate chain dining. Unfortunately I live in town that only has chains.

  7. says

    That is adorable!! My oldest son (26 months) freaked out… screaming, reaching for me, I truly felt like we were torturing him! My youner son (5 months) was so beyond tired with the first Santa we sat with, and by the time we got to the good mall Santa he was sleeping. Here’s to hoping that next year will turn out better. 🙂
    You got a GREAT picture of your little man. Absolutely PRECIOUS!

  8. says

    I love it! What an adorable Santa picture! Hudson is just too cute!

    I still haven’t taken our little guy to see Santa yet. I think I’m going follow your lead and hit the mall on a weekday vs. this Saturday.

  9. says

    Eeee!!! SO CUTE!! That little guy just loves the camera!! I’m pregnant with our first and my husband I I were at the mall this weekend, and when we saw the line for Santa, we talked about how that would be us next year, and with our luck, our child will be screaming his/her head off when we hand them over to Santa! Something to look forward to next holiday season 🙂

  10. Maureen says

    Love that picture. A tradition in our house, we have a lovely, long… red velvet ribbon and each year, a Santa picture has been attached to that ribbon. My children are in their 20’s and they were gracious enough to do the Santa picture til the end of high school. So I have about 20 pictures on this ribbon and everyone loves to look at it each Christmas. Just a thought for you.

  11. Alyssa says

    What a cute picture!! He is just the cuties little man. Congrats on one of your local malls having a pretty good santa too.. much better then the ones we had back in the 80’s!!

  12. says

    This is so cute. I took BabyGirl to the Christmas Festival at church on Saturday and she saw Santa. I guess, technically, she didn’t though because she was asleep. We got her picture made anyway.
    Merry Christmas!

  13. Becky says

    WHAT??? You don’t go to Olive Garden??? You are missing out! There are always crowds of people there for a reason. Yuuuuuummmm!

  14. says

    OMG, can you say A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E!! What an awesome picture! I hate that TC missed out on that too, but this picture almost makes up for it!

    PS. Got the new Rebel TI…I’m in love!

  15. heather hooks says

    That is one of the cutest Santa pics. ever! So many times when kids are that young they get scared by Santa, but it’s great to see Hudson enjoying his first visit!

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