
I wanted to dump my brain into this post.


  • I’m having trouble coming up with blog content lately.
  • I have lots going on, but feel like most of it is too boring to tell you all about.
  • I am so ready for Hudson’s two little bottom teeth to come on in. They’re almost there and they’re making him miserable– which can lead to pretty long days.
  • I think that cinnamon toast and hot chocolate are the perfect combination on a cold day. Yum.
  • The best part of my day is when I walk in to get Hudson out of his crib. That “good morning, Mommy” smile brings me just the right amount of happiness for the day.
  • I’m terrified of not losing these 20 pounds.
  • I’m also terrified of the next (and hopefully final) surgery that I’ll have after the end of the year.
  • I have not been the best mommy to my dogs since the baby arrived. They haven’t been the best doggies since the baby arrived, either. Hopefully we’ll find a good balance soon.
  • Even though Hudson is sleeping through the night, I still can’t seem to get rested.
  • This week I’d rather read than do anything else.
  • In grad school, I ate cheese fries every Monday night at Delaney’s with my dear friend. Shockingly, I was the thinnest I’ve ever been in my life.
  • I am just about to finish Mad Men Season 1 on DVD. Do I need another show to watch?
  • I am not a basketball fan. There. I said it.
  • I still wish I’d had a c-section.
  • I chose not to have a c-section because I was too worried about what people would think or say about me.
  • I’ll be having a c-section with the next baby. Say what you want.
  • I’m delaying the whole Christmas decorating and Christmas music listening because I don’t want to get sick of it before Christmas arrives. But I really can’t wait to get started!
  • I miss my little college town every day. There weren’t many restaurants there, but I crave something from one of those restaurants on a daily basis. And my little brother lives there now!
  • I’m jealous of people that have nieces and/or nephews. I wish Hudson had a buddy. My dearest cousin (who is the closest thing to a sister) has a baby girl and that will have to do for a while. She has given me tons of advice.
  • I wish that my best friends could see Hudson more often and watch him grow up.
  • I can’t wait for Lost and American Idol to start again.
  • I’m inspired daily by my blog friends and bloggers that I don’t have a relationship with. Thank goodness for blogs!
  • I wonder if I’ll go to my high school reunion next year.
  • If I ever got a French Bulldog, I’d name him Piglet.
  • Weight loss seems to be on my mind in some way all day long.
  • We are very blessed and I’m afraid that parts of this post sound like a pity party.
  • My goal every day is to be in a great mood at 6:30 when Todd comes home. It’s much harder than it sounds with two dogs and a baby. Hudson’s bad mood of the day comes around 5:30 and lasts until about 6:30 as he’s winding down for bed. I don’t want to project all of that onto Todd when he walks in the door. So that’s my goal.
  • I’m constantly counting down the days until the next time I get to see my parents and brother.
  • I’m so excited to have a weekend with no big plans, but some fun plans, too!
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  1. Paige says

    i read your blog all the time but this might be one of my favorite posts you’ve ever done. it’s so simple and honest.

  2. says

    Chin-up – you don’t sound like you are having a pity party. I’d just ask that you remember that health care decisions, like c-sections & the like are for you to make and others to accept. Unless they are your doctor and you are disagreeing with them there is no room for judgment.

    I get home before B in the evenings and I have a goal of shaking off my work-day and having a cheerful house for him to walk into. It isn’t always accomplished, but I certainly try. It is an admirable goal- especially if his goal walking in the door centers around making you happy too!

  3. says

    This post made me tear up a little (can we say my hormones are crazy this week??)! I know exactly what you mean about the constant though of weight loss! TOTALLY! I miss my mom like crazy DAILY! I only wish I had lots going on like you… I got nothing! I miss getting all dressed up to go somewhere. Down a little today I guess, but still realizing how VERY blessed I am 🙂 Love you much!

  4. says

    Poor Erin! Please don’t be down on yourself about the last 20 lbs. I think you will be able to lose it. Please know that you are an inspiration to a lot of people, including me. I don’t yet have children, but I love reading your thoughts on Hudson and seeing stuff like “good morning mommy smiles” makes it even more difficult for me to wait another year before we start trying. It is so sweet and inspiring!

    I skipped my HS reunion this year and I odn’t live anywhere near my close friends. That’s one thing that makes me sad/scared about having children.

  5. says

    I really, really detest how so many women who have gone through natural childbirth feel the need to look down on a woman who has a c-section. Most women who have one aren’t just “scared of the pain” — there is a legitimate reason for it (health problem, 10 pound baby, etc!) and NO ONE should feel like they are a worse parent because they are making a choice that is better for them down the road. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I already know I will have to have a c-section if I am able to get pregnant, and despite normally being mild-mannered and considerate of others, anyone who tries to make me feel worse for not having a natural birth is absolutely going to get a huge piece of my mind.

    Don’t let anyone make you feel worse about what is best for you. What do they know about your life?

  6. says

    Everyone has days when they just need to vent.. the good things and the bad things. That’s what we’re all here for! I’m completely with ya on the Christmas decor/music thing. I actually think its terrible that some of our radio stations start playing non-stop Christmas music on November 1st. I feel like such a scrooge saying it, but its really because I feel like people lose the Christmas spirit when they try to force it too early! I like to wait until it really feels like Christmas is on its way.. which is atleast after Thanksgiving. And, I can’t wait!!

  7. says

    I can’t even imagine how hard it might be to have a smile on your face and be in a happy mood when Todd gets in. I have a hard time doing it and I don’t even have a baby! That’s wonderful that you make it a daily goal. I’m sure he appreciates it so much! It’s got to be hard to maintain a balance of emotions with all you have going on but you seem to be doing great! I’m sure seeing little Hudson’s smile helps too 🙂

  8. Jessica says

    I just tweeted a response to your post, but I’m not sure if you can see if if you don’t follow me so I wanted to comment here. Erin, I find your blog SO inspiring and enjoying reading it every day! I just passed your link along to a friend of mine who is expecting and had questions regarding baby products, and the first comment out of her mouth was how amazing you look. I’m sure the rest of the weight will come off in no time! Thanks for your honesty.

    PS- If you can, go to your HS reunion. I just went to mine last month and it was highly entertaining!

  9. Kimberli says

    What a great post! I love your blog and find you very inspiring. It’s nobody’s business to judge your health related decisions or anything else for that matter.

    I hope you, Todd and Hudson have a fabulous weekend! 🙂

  10. says

    Honest thoughts do not equal Pity Party! Being real is so refreshing!

    On a sillier note, is it terrible that the only reason I would go to my HS Reunion is to see my ex (for all those ridiculous reasons like I would make sure to be uber skinny and hot, etc, etc) but I probably won’t seeing as he lives in CA now so probably won’t be attending…. how pathetic is that thought process?

  11. says

    Sorry to hear that you need another surgery. Perhaps you mentioned it, perhaps not – I try to read each post but I may have missed that part. As for the 20 pounds, you sound so determined that I’m sure you’ll get there! As you are surely well aware, there’s a lot about a body that changes during/after pregnancy. I lost all but the last 4.5 lbs between pregnancies, and I was still a size larger than pre-pregnancy 🙁
    It’s hard to be real on a blog – or rather, it’s sometimes scary to be real. We all want to put the best out there, but it is also very meaningful to put the not-so-great out there. Kudos to you for being real and allowing us to connect with you, each in our own way.
    I agree with you about cinnamon toast! Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Tara Gibson says

    Great post girl! Love the honesty! I too think its awesome that you try to be in the best mood of the day when your husband gets home! I find that hard sometimes and I dont have a baby yet! Love the french bulldog name! : ) and dont stress to much about the weight, you look great and sometimes when you dont worry about it so much it comes off easier! Keep smiling!!

  13. Karah says

    It sounds like you’ve got alot on your plate girl. Just take it easy this weekend and have some fun. : ) This was a great post. It was completely honest and sometimes thats what we want to hear. I like to hear that other people are just like me and that not everything is always perfect. Hope you have a great weekend!!

  14. Amanda says

    I loved reading this post! And, I think you should go straight into season 2 of Mad Men, if you haven’t already seen it.

  15. says

    Don’t worry we’re all allowed to be honest and complain if we want! I plan on having a c-section, I’m not pregnant yet but I’ve already decided. My mom had a difficult delivery with me and had to have a c-section and then planned one for my sister’s birth. She said if she could go back she would have just scheduled one from the start. I don’t care what people think about me or if they want to judge me it’s my body and I will do what I want with it 🙂

  16. says

    I love honest posts like this one! I think that is so great that you try to be in a great mood when your husband gets home, I should try to do that more. Instead as soon as he gets home I start on a rant of whatever happened to upset me that day! And I’m totally with you on the weight thing. I have been trying to lose 20 lbs for about a year. First for my wedding, but no matter how hard I worked, it wouldn’t budge. Then after the wedding I finally started seeing some progress (I think I was really stressed before) and just when I was on a roll I found out I was pregnant and everything went downhill! For what it’s worth, I think you are gorgeous and look amazing, and I would have never guessed that you had any weight you wanted to lose!

  17. Amber says

    E –

    I had to have a c-section because my Zoey was breech. My doctor highly suggested I do that instead of trying the external rotation because I didn’t have a lot of amniotic fluid so I’d probably end up needing an emergency c-section anyways. I may be overexaggerating but everyone kept saying how sorry they were that she wasn’t born naturally. This annoyed me so I would just say (instead of going off like I really wanted to!) there are only two ways babies can come into this world either via c-section or naturally. That seemed to put people in a different frame of reference & helped me tons!! Remember you do what’s right for you not anyone else! Your blog is amazing, keep it up lady! 🙂

  18. says

    Aw, everyone has days just like this. I feel like my blog is waaay lackluster lately and I’m {gasp} stuck blogging about vampires! (Sick sick obsession, I know! I don’t understand it either…) However, you are way beautiful and if my hair even looked a fraction as good as yours’ I’d be happy! And you had to be paper thin before, because you look totally gorj and skinny now! Have a better day 🙂

  19. says

    I love your blog and have been following for a while, but this may be my very first comment, gasp I know. I love your honesty. You are beautiful! You have a lot going on with being a new mom. I know it is hard not to think about losing weight every single day because I think about it 24/7. I will be having a c-section when I have children. My sister didn’t with her first and the surgeries she had to have after her baby was born were enough to convince me. Thank you for keeping it real 🙂

  20. says

    I think about weight loss every day too. I think we all do in one way or the other. I hope you have an enjoyable weekend and thank you for letting us into your brain for the day. XOXO

  21. says

    I’m with you on soo many of those things girl. I don’t think it’s pity party at all! It is definitely hard to be in smiley everything’s perfect I’m not frustrated at anything housewife mode everyday then too=) I think about my weight and weight loss waaay too much, yeah, all the time, hoping it comes off more than I feel like working for it sometimes =) and don’t you let anyone say anything negative to you about wanting to or having a c-section, and if someone does, send them to me! I’m so sorry for everything that you’ve had to endure, I pray that it’s the last surgery too! i hope you had a fabulous weekend!!

  22. JMS says

    Just want to echo those who have said that the c-section decision is between you and your doctor. It’s none of anyone’s business. What matters is whether you and your baby are safe and healthy–not how you give birth.

  23. says

    Oh Erin, I wish you weren’t feeling down today. Please always remember that with the decisions you make, it should only really matter what you, TC and Hud think about them. Everyone else are just spectators and will never truly understand what is going on with you and your family. I wouldn’t stress about the 20 lbs, that probably is making it harder for you and we all know that you will get there someday soon! You look better than you ever have! 🙂 I LOVE reading your blog because I find it inspiring, educational and fun to read. I feel like I have been able to reconnect with you and get to know you SO much more than in HS. But I am also with you about the reunion next year, not sure if I want to go even and I still live in Ytown. I count down days too when I get to see my dad’s family, I love them so much and they lift me up so much too.

    I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  24. Tiffany McKeown says

    I had a vaginal delivery with my first child and c sections with my second and third. I cannot even explain how much better the recovery was from the c sections compared to the horrendous recovery from my first delivery! I’m talking awful the first time and a breeze the second! The third was a little more uncomfortable than the second one, but I also had a 3 year old and almost 1 year old to chase after then. I’m just curious what your reasoning was for wanting a c section next time? Was it the recovery or the process in general? I just love to hear about people’s experiences and I really enjoy your blog! Thanks for sharing. You aren’t having a pity party… you’re just sharing life and that’s just fine!

  25. says

    I just had my third baby in July. And they just go thru a phase, that witching hour, where they are little terrors. And it’s usually right around the time Daddy’s coming home and you’re trying to get dinner on the table. It will pass!!!! It’s just a horrible, horrible, maddening phase. As is teething. Ugh! I hate teething. It’s such a miserable process and seems to last forever when you’re in the middle of it.

    My other 2 kids are 3 and 4. And even though there are potty training challenges and the “terrible 2s” challenges, I really think the first year is the hardest. It’s full of sleep deprivaity and inexplicable crankiness. (from the baby, not you… we all know why moms are cranky when they’ve got a fussy baby.) 🙂

    It gets sooooo much better. I don’t think you’re complaining one bit. You’re just layin’ it out there. And anyone who’s been there can relate.

  26. says

    I just love your blog!AND I know how you feel! Some parts of being a SAHM are hard and lonely and it is difficult to be cheery when the husband comes home, but if you ever want a playmate for Hudson, and some grownup time for yourself, let me know! Or even just a walking buddy-it is always more fun and motivating to exercise when you have someone to talk to!

  27. Christina says

    I read your blog all the time…LOVE it. I had a 10 lb. baby – 10lb 4oz. to be exact, got a c-section and went home the next afternoon. It was a breeze compared to being pregnant. Don’t listen to the c-section haters – they’re just jealous!

  28. A Walk with the Marshalls says

    Gosh, Erin. I can tell we just need to give each other a big hug. So many of the things you talked about I struggle with every single day now. I wish I had a C section too. I wish I would have known what would have happened by turning down a c section!! I also think about losing these 20 lbs every.single.hour. It is just so awkward to have this roll of skin hanging over my pants. 🙁 I feel like we need a phone date! I can’t wait for this summer…I have a feeling we are all going to be giggling and talking well into the morning 🙂

  29. says

    My dear Erin,

    Can I just confess something to you right now? I remember when Todd first introduced us when you came for our wedding and I thought, “Holy crap Todd? Where did you find this gorgeous girl!?!” And then I got to go to your wedding which was the most beautiful, elegant wedding I had ever laid eyes on. And then you got to have the most adorable baby boy I have ever seen. I think…no…I know I was envious. The word “perfect” enters my mind…

    But getting to know you through your blog and reading posts, especially like this one, I am able to see that your life is in fact not rainbows and teddy bears everyday. You are not perfect…you are normal. You have your problems just like me…and everyone else for that matter. I worry about my weight every second of every day. It’s the first thing I think about when I wake up…literally. I get down on myself if I have eaten badly the day before or not worked out. I’m my worst critic…and even though I have good days…my own self judgment is never fully gone.

    But I remember you sharing your previous weight loss story before…and I know you can do it again. It will take time…but just know that you look absolutely fabulous right now and I am not just saying that. You know on Never Been Kissed where she talks about how there are still those girls in high school that remain the prettiest girls you have ever seen close up? You are my high school girl 🙂

    I think it’s wonderful that you try to make a happy home for Todd when he gets home. I’d imagine it is difficult to do at that time of the day when Hudson is so fussy…but it is really sweet of you to try. I’m going to make a mental note to do this as well. I think I’m just so excited to be around another human being I can talk to when Matt comes home that I bombard him with all of the details of my day before he even takes his coat off 🙂

    So anyways…in attempts at making this the longest comment ever, I will just say that I am so thankful for the chance I have had to get to know you. I really wish we lived closer because I know Matt misses Todd like crazy and I’d really love for us to have the chance to be real friends. But until that day…I’ll just continue to read and pray for you and your little family 🙂


  30. Leah says

    I so get the weight loss thing! You are not alone! I too had lost weight in the past but had convinced myself that I could gain as much as I wanted when I was pregnant because I was going to breast feed. Well I did breast feed, and it still took me a solid year to lose the weight. It stressed me out every single day. I’m now pregnant with my second and happy to say that I’ve only gained three pounds so far (at 13 weeks). At this point last time I’d already gained more than 10.

    It will come off, I promise. You just have to stick with it. And keep hugging that little baby as a reminder of why your thighs are a bit bigger than you’d like. Keep posting, we love it!

  31. NewYorker says

    I love reading your blog and felt compelled to comment today. I don’t know you in real life – but I can’t imagine you twenty pounds lighter. Your recent Christmas photos are amazing!!! I have tried and tried to get my hair and makeup just as gorgeous as your photo and never succeed. I hope you know that you’re a knock out just as you are!

    I don’t know what’s compelled the c-section comments, but this is the first time I’ve ever heard someone say they wished they’d had one. If you are comfortable sharing your circumstances about why you wished you’d gone another way, I know I’d love to read it! None of my friends have needed c-sections yet and each has insisted to me that I would be better served with a natural birth. I’m really curious to have another opinion out there!

    Good luck with your week 😉 I think you’re awesome to want to keep a smile on for your hubby.

  32. says

    I hope you have a fantabulous weekend! Sometimes, its nice to just realize that no matter how different everyone’s lives seem, we’re all still just people dealing with our own bullet points. 🙂 Thanks for sharing the exciting AND the mundane!

  33. says

    This is a great post! Soooo honest & open!!! I’ve never heard c-sections being a negative thing. There’s no need for that nonsense and don’t care what anyone thinks 🙂 I am on the same page with you as far as losing weight goes, it’s such a battle. Chin up you can do it!

  34. says

    hey…quit it~
    i want a bulldog too someday.
    lets see what else things did you say that i would have said after my first kid..lets see.
    hmm.weight loss. guess what. you can just go to a mommy and me class. at the y.
    get inspired. watch biggest loser
    realize you are beautiful where you are.
    you are making a small sacrifice right now. MOM IS A MOM FOREVA. always. no breaks no off days.
    GET OVER IT. haha

  35. says

    I really appreciate this post, Erin. So honest. I can relate to some of your points – I go weeks at a time when I can’t stop thinking about losing weight. It consumes me! Thanks for putting it all out there – I think I might do something similar.

  36. says

    I totally agree, I’ve been busy too but still can’t find anything to blog about and I feel bad for not doing it. And if Lost doesn’t start soon I will go nuts, I have been dying to watch the final season since the last one ended.

  37. Catherine says

    Wonderful post, Erin. I SO relate to all of it! Keep up the amazing job you are doing as a wife, mother, blogger, and inspiration.
    PS – You’ve gotten me hooked on your favorite SmartOnes!

  38. jessica says

    I think the HARDEST part of the day sometimes is trying to be happy and cheerful as hubby walks through the door at night when I’m scraping crayon off of the wall and trying not to burn dinner…its challenging to remember that he hasn’t always had the greatest day either when he gets home at night…you’re doing great!

  39. Es says

    Although you wished you had a c-section, my mom had one with me, and she has said that she had a very difficult recovery. She opted not to have a c-section with my sister and told me that it was a lot better. She has also said that she felt a little embarrassed in front of her mother in law and everyone else who judged her for “not being able to have a natural birth”. Honestly, I think that it’s hard to tell if one way will be better for you beforehand. At least now you know what doesn’t work for you and next time you can opt for the c-section. Hope all goes well with your surgery, sorry to hear about all the complications. Despite everything, you have a wonderful baby son as a result so I suppose it was all worth it in the end. It’s true that the most rewarding things in life are sometimes the hardest.

  40. says

    Oh my friend….I love your honesty and your transparency here. So much that I could say and respond to, but I’ll just say thanks. Thanks for being so genuine on here and for not holding back. It’s not easy balancing it all, but you’re doing a beautiful job!

  41. McKenzie says

    I’m fighting the weight loss battle..Just keep making wise decisions.The small no’s(starbucks, dessert & candy) will show up when you try your favorite pair of skinny jears 🙂

  42. says

    I know you and I are in completely different stages of our lives, but everything you said (except baby stuff) sounds so familiar to me. The biggest familiarity is the weight issue. I can’t get it off my mind either. You are beautiful though… don’t forget that. I need to remind that of myself many times too.

  43. says

    Hey Erin,
    C-sections are THE BOMB. If my painkillers had worked correctly after mine, I would have breezed right through the whole experience (well, if you can call anything a “breeze” after 16 hours of fruitless labor). Anyway, go for it with gusto. The first day is not pleasant but I bounced back pretty quickly physically (emotionally was another story, but it had nothing to do with the C, of course!). I’ll probably do another C next time around. They really are nothing to be afraid of, and so super-quick and easy. Hurrah for C’s!!!
    Oh, and don’t worry about weight anymore. I honestly think it’s a genius method of Satan’s to get into a woman’s head and distract her from more important things. We all fall prey to it, but fight it (and the devil whispering “you’re not good enough” into your ear) away, and fight hard. Do your best to focus on what makes you beautiful…and talented, and smart, and sexy, and fun. Because you are all those things.

  44. says

    First, thanks for this very REAL post.

    Second, if you want to have a c-section, then have a c-Section. It is YOUR body and only YOU know what is best for YOU.

    Third, I HATE basketball too!!! Hooray I’m not the only person who feels this way.

    Finally, have a good weekend.

  45. says

    I’ve read your blog for over a year now, and this is one of my favorite posts. The candidness and randomness is awesome. And Piglet is a great name for a dog 🙂

    PS Thanks for the Twitter follow!

  46. Dallassooners says

    I’m finally moving out of lurker status. I could have written most of your post myself! I live in London and should have gobs of witty and interesting posts but with an infant and two school aged children how interesting is laundry and school runs? I had a nine pound baby “naturally”. After she was born I made my doctor promise I could have a c-section IF there was a next time. I think about losing baby weight all the time too. Love your blog! All of my best ideas are stolen from others – you included now! Please share even the boring stuff. It is good to know we are not alone.

  47. says

    Thank you for your honesty! I have lots of your ideas I agree with. I also can’t wait to get lilly out of bed each morning. Well, my husband does it during the week b/c I leave for work most mornings before she gets up, but I love it on the weekends. She is now going through a phase where she gets upset if I am not playing with her or if I leave the room…6 months..already??? I too would have a C-section next time around. I don’t think my labor was a bad as yours, but I don’t want to do it again!!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  48. says

    I too loved this post. I just had my high school reunion and I was twenty pounds heavier than I wanted/needed to be … But, you know what? So, was everyone else. I still looked pretty. And I had a great time. I hate feeling consumed by weight, especially from within. You will do it. I love your weight watcher posts … I just need consistent motivation. Good luck!

  49. says

    Great honest post! I hope Hudson’s teeth settle soon so he isn’t miserable 🙁 Poor guy! I’ve been thinking about getting Mad Men on Netflix..I’ve never seen it but heard good things about it! I’m having a c-section and so thankful. I’m sorry you have had troubles 🙁 I know they aren’t fun!

  50. says

    I enjoyed this post, and I don’t think it was a pity party. I feel the same about so many things. My little munchkin is teething too, and it does make for long days. And, I also try to not just hand the baby off to my husband when he walks in the door, b/c I know he’s had a long day too. I too, often feel grouchy. My savior has been Baby Einstein! We watch it 1-2 times a day, depending on our schedule. And, when I say “we”, I mean munchkin. It is my total babysitter. He’ll watch it in the mornings when I am getting dressed and straightening up the house. But, he’ll watch again in the early evening, when I’m exhausted, and we’re waiting for my hubby to get home. Try it out!

  51. ali says

    Hi Erin
    I love reading your blog. As someone who had an hellacious attempted delivery that ended in a c section, and had a csection with my 2nd child, I say to hell with what others say. There seems to be this new breed of mom that likes to judge you if you didnt have a natrual birth or breastfeed. Show me someone that declines medication for any other type of surgery . Natural is not better. Thank god for anaesthesia! Life is too short to suffer. Well that is my 2 cents. good luck and try not to worry about the weight although i know it is hard. The best thing to do is to take care of your self and the other things fall into place

  52. says

    A. I’m a fairly new reader to your blog, but I love every post!

    B. Props to you for standing up for wanting a C section. I truly believe that your birth plan is YOUR birth plan and shouldn’t be judged by ANYONE.

    C. Mad Men Season 2!

    D. I love your goal of being in a good mood when your husband gets home. If you have any tips for achieving it, please let us know!

  53. says

    Love this post. Everything is not perfect all of the time. And that’s okay – it’s real life.

    Also – don’t stress about the weight. You are beautiful and fabulous!

  54. says

    Erin, honestly…I loved this post. You were wonderful to share so much and (maybe unknowingly) encourage so many people! A few things to remember:

    1. You look fabulous. Seriously. You had a gorgeous baby boy just a few months ago and you already look amazing. When that “20 lbs” number pops into your head, keep in mind that lots of gals would love to look like you, at your goal weight or not – such a happy, beautiful person inside and out.
    2. Also, you had a baby. Did I say that already? I remind myself daily – a happy, healthy boy is such a miracle – and I had a hand in that! Maybe new moms should cut ourselves a little more slack sometimes.
    3. I think just making a goal and good attempt to greet Todd at 6:30 (unhappy Hudson or not) with a great mood is something to be touched by – I’m sure he is. And it’s a wonderful goal I’m going to steal!
    4. I’m such a Lost fan – can’t wait ’til it comes back! Hard to believe it’s the last season…
    5. Have you tried The Tudors or Gilmore Girls on DVD?
    6. It’s your blog and people love it – whine, vent, daydream or babble about anything you like!
    7. If anyone tries to comment and/or judge you for how you chose to (or were advised to) give birth to your child, think about what they’re REALLY judging. The most personal parts of your life, your family, your body and your health. So long as you and Todd are happy (and you and baby H are healthy), everyone else can kindly stuff it.

    Sorry to ramble – hope your Sunday’s going fabulously!

  55. says

    Your blog is one my of my favorites to read. I always get down this time of year too. Something about the time change and the early sunset. The holidays and new family memories are right around the corner for you!

    I had a really good experience with my c-section. I would not feel bad about choosing to do what is best for you. The one piece of advice I have you for Hudson is the same that one my friends told me: If you don’t like the phase that your baby is going through, just give it a few weeks and it will change. Amazingly it seemed like things just constantly changed. Not always for the better, but sometime any difference it better. For me, it just kept getting easier as Mac got older. Except for teething–luckily that ends too. 🙂

  56. says

    And this is another reason why we’re besties.

    GAH I feel like I have nothing to blog about or, if i do, it’s always about the same thing: my lost engagement ring or my writing.

    Also, I found this post refreshing and real, not a mini pity party. We all have those days.

    P.S. I love you.

  57. says


    Hello! I came across your blog after followingn a link from a posting that Anne (www.annesaysso.com) and then realized that we’re on the JLC HM committee together. Anyway, just wanted to say hello and that I really like your blog!


  58. misslily says

    this post brought me out of lurker status. it’s the most real thing i’ve read on these blogs. ever. thank you for sharing it with us

  59. says

    I think this is the most honest post I’ve ever read and I don’t get pity party from this at all. I can only imagine what all you’re going through and I think you’re amazing for doing everything as well as you are. I love coming to your blog everyday for your take on things and to hear how life is going with a little one and pups. You’re one of my faves.. Keep your head up girlie. I personally think you’re awesome =)

    Go to your reunion. I went to my 5 year and it was awesome. I can’t wait for the one next year!

  60. says

    Can I get my brain together to comment? My dogs are driving me nuts, I had a dream last night about stepping on the scale, and I wish my friends were closer to see my baby girl. I had a c section and then spent 6 weeks convincing myself I had wimped out. The smile in the morning out weighs my frustration come the 5:30 fussies but I have to remind myself of it often. Great post! Reminds me that we are in this together. Happy Thanksgiving.

  61. Scottie Mom says

    Erin–I love your blog…even your venting! Sometimes you just have to dump the baggage somewhere! 😉 And we, your readers, are here to listen.

    BTW–if you have not seen it yet…get The Tudors from Showtime (even my husband will watch it over a Sportscenter…at least after he has seen the scores and highlights from his team…).

  62. Becky says

    Love the post because it makes you seem like a real person and I think it’s easy to forget that when I don’t know you and just see pictures of you and your family.

    First of all, about this supposed 20 lbs you need to lose. If you were ever 20 lbs thinner than you are now, you were clearly too thin. This is based on pictures of you now with the camera adding 10 lbs. I can’t imagine how thin you must be in person!

    Also, I have had 4 children completely naturally (no drugs or anything) and resent that other women who’ve had natural births are giving us a bad name by being judgemental. I agree that if you choose to have a c-section that is 100% up to you. Do people get judged for having other elective surgeries, like a face-lift or gastric bypass or something? No, so why judge someone who wants a c-section? Personally, I feel a bit judgemental of doctors who seem to push them on women for their own convenience, but if the mother decides she really wants one after being informed of the risks, that is her decision and no one else’s!

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