genius marketing?

Why is it that when I see a big pile of sweaters in all different colors that I just want to reach out, grab them all, and purchase every one of them?  I wouldn’t want to wear the purple by itself either. I’d want to find a way to wear all colors at the same time so it looks as pretty as this pile in the picture!
Picture 16

Picture 17

Or why is it that when I look at these images of Hunter wellies, I cannot, for the life of me, decide which color I would get for myself? I want them all!

Picture 14

Picture 15

Or if I see a beautiful package of pens or Sharpies, I want to take them home. Even though I already have multiple packs at home. The colors just speak to me!

Picture 19

And, why, oh why do I think I need to purchase eye shadow palettes like this even though I know I’ll probably only end up wearing the browns and throwing the rest of it away before it expires and gives me some kind of eye funk?

How pretty are those colors?

Picture 18

Is it genius marketing? Or is something the matter with me?

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  1. says

    Absolutely genius marketing! I can’t help but want a Jackie in every color and also can’t decide on a color for my Hunter wellies. I need to figure it out so I can ask for a pair for Christmas!

  2. says

    It might just be genius marketing but I’ve fallen to prey to it as well. Especially when they then have offers like £50 each or two for £80. Gets me almost every time

  3. says

    I think it’s marketing too, because I do the same thing. Like with Jcrew shorts in the summer…they have so many great colors, and they are all right there together, so I end up buying at least three pairs!

  4. says

    It’s almost like we’re birds, drawn to all the pretty colors. Even though I know hardly any of those colors will look good on me I can’t help but want them. I think it’s why colorful candy is so appealing as well.

  5. says

    I do the same thing, and I especially have a problem buying multiples of the same item of clothing in different colors. You have such great eye and hair colors though that you should try some of those fun funky eyeshadow colors! I always wished I had different colored hair than I do for that reason. Blonde seems like such a much better palette to work from. Yay colors!

  6. says

    pure genius because i fall victim to it EVERY DANG YEAR. Those Jackie cardigans? I have them in like 10 different colors because I MUST have them all, or so my brain thinks when I step into J. Crew. The same goes for BR and their merino wool sweaters. I always buy them in like 20 colors.

    And don’t even get me started on sharpies…where else do you think my anal retentive color-coding calendar system started?

  7. says

    I can totally relate with you on the eyeshadow. I have so many colors of eyeshadow at home in a cosmetic bag under my bathroom counter, yet I only use the browns and pinks in my drawer.

  8. says

    Ha. My first job was in a quilt shop and I just LOVED being surrounding by all the colors – all organized like a rainbow. My closet to this day is arranged by color because it makes it oh so pretty.

    I ALWAYS want to buy the big packs of sharpies and am known for having a sweater or shirt in multiple shades 🙂 Trying to break that habit!

  9. says

    I COMPLETELY agree!! It really is fantastic marketing. You are always thinking, maybe I could use this one…and this one…until you’ve bought everything!!

  10. says

    Something’s the matter with you…I kid I kid! I’m the same way. Especially when it comes to pens-well school supplies in general. I love being a college student because there is nothing like getting new notebooks and dividers and pens and pencils every semester. I buy the cheap stuff, and some stuff I stock up on so that I can at least open it and get the “new” experience.

    I love creative marketing-it’s the only reason that the economy still has some movement. As long as there’s great marketing and women armed with a few (hundred lol) bucks, the economy will still be moving 🙂

  11. says

    In high school I worked at American Eagle and we actually had to set up clothes in a very specific way and match the color order exactly. It’s definitely a marketing ploy that they spend lots of money on researching and it works! (i fall victim to it as well even knowing that I used to be the person setting the trap!)

  12. says

    That is so TRUE! I can never decide either and I tend to buy the same shirts but in different colors….either that or I am a leprochan and attracted to rainbows?

  13. Es says

    I also find it hard to choose when there are so many pretty colors. I mean, I pause for a few seconds and debate the issue in my head as if getting the blue over the yellow would be a life changing decision.

  14. says

    I suffer from the same disease! I can’t ever choose a shirt/sweater/pants/dress/underwear when I see it bunched up with lots of other colors. I go into panic mode and suddenly think I need them all. Glad it’s not just me 🙂

  15. says

    I know you’re not being literal, but if you ever get a chance to read Buy*ology, it is a fascinating book about why we buy what we do. It actually delves into some of the science of it – for example, images of Apple computers light up/spark the same area/emotions in the brain that images of a rosary or chapel do. The genius behind the marketing of these companies is, well, genius.

  16. says

    It is absolutely great marketing! I actually bought that huge make up box from Sephora during their friends and family event a couple weeks ago and before I opened it I realized that there was no way I was going to be wearing the bright blues, greens, pinks or any of the other colors that were in the set so I returned it! I talked myself into it because I was like this is soo many eye shadows for such a good price! When it reality, I clearly wouldn’t have worn most of the colors. Completely agree. But all of the colors are so fun, especially the J.Crew cardigans!

  17. says

    I agree. Especially with the Sharpie part. I just love the colors!! When they went from 3 to 10 colors and then doubled-that, I was in heaven. I bought two sets for me (thin and normal tip). A few years later my husband bought me another set. Love them.

  18. says

    Completely genius! I always fall victim as well! It’s too hard to only pick one or two…but you’re right, there are some colors I would never wear or that might not look too great on me, but when mixed in with the others, it looks beautiful!

    Love love LOVE colored pens, especially the Pilot G-2! That is all I use!!

  19. says

    I agree. When I see all those pretty colors together, I just want them all. It doesn’t look the same when you see just one color. Usually this marketing trick works on me and I’ll buy at least 2 of something just to have another color. =)

  20. says

    I think its genius marketing!! I too,want all the colors…in everything!! I know I’ll end up using the same eye shadows but I’ve REALLY been wanting some of the palettes I’ve seen lately!

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