Hudson is 5 months old!

Hudson turned 5 months old on Thursday, November 5. What a day! I cannot believe my sweet baby boy has been with us for almost half a year. He is the joy of my heart and the light of his Daddy’s life. We couldn’t be more blessed with a better baby and we thank our Lord every day for bringing him into our lives.

I know I’ve said this before, but I look forward to seeing his smiling little face every morning when I go to get him out of his crib. He’s usually babbling in there and I hate to interrupt his little conversation he has with his mobile. But I can’t wait to hold him and steal all of his sugar!

It is such a pleasure and a privilege to be able to witness all of his special moments. Many moms want to freeze time and stop their babies from growing up and I do feel that way to some extent. But I only feel that way because I can’t believe how quickly 5 months has passed and I know that the next 18 years will go by just as quickly! That being said, however, I enjoy every day even more. He is so much fun now and he’s a funny little boy! We just know that he’ll bring tons more smiles to our faces and make us laugh every day!

Look how my boy grows!


3 months


4 months






5 months

(it’s obviously getting harder to get him to smile on command without being completely distracted!)

  • Hudson is wearing all 9 month and 12 month clothes. In Magnolia Baby and Kissy Kissy he is wearing 12-18 months. Yowza! He weighed 19 pounds about 3 weeks ago at his sick baby visit. His Jump ‘n Go only allows up to 25 lb babies, so I hope he slows down a little bit!
  • He’s still a rolling machine. We had to get a bigger blanket for the floor because he can make his way clear across the room before I know it!
  • He’s a bouncing machine. He can entertain himself for nearly 45 minutes in his Jump ‘n Go. It’s so much fun to watch!
  • He has become quite interested in Boudreaux and Fiona. They walk by and he starts babbling at them. If he is close enough to reach them, he’ll stick his little hands out to give them a pat.
  • He has started grabbing my face when I hold him and talk to him. Such a sweet little feeling!
  • He has found his voice– and it is loud. I’ll post a video sometime of us doing our exercises, but when we do his “sit up” exercises and pull him up, he sounds like a wild animal.
  • We’ve heard a few more giggles. I would guess that he has giggled out loud about 10 total times. We think he’s either lazy or scared or of it. But when he laughs we always wish we’d gotten a recording of that precious sound!
  • He gobbles up 4 ounces of rice cereal and half a jar of banana baby food every morning. And he has mastered all of his vegetables without allergies so far. We’re back to green beans this week– not his favorite, but he tolerates them. He particularly loves green peas and squash. Mmmmmm boy!
  • He can hold himself in a sitting position for a minute or two before losing his balance. He kind of supports by resting his arms on his legs. He’ll get it one day!
  • Bath time is still his favorite time of day.
  • As I mentioned last week, he goes to bed at 7:15 or 7:30 every night and sleeps until 6:30 a.m. without waking up. We’ll go in and feed him a bottle, put him back in his crib, and he’s back to sleep until 8:30 or 9:00 a.m. Good boy!
  • He turns on his tummy immediately after being put in his crib and this definitely has me worried all through the night. I’m constantly checking the monitor to see where he is and if he’s okay. He ends up scooting his way up into the corners of his bumper pads, so we’re about to replace them with some breathable bumper pads. I would just go without anything, but I need to protect his head from those bed rails.
  • We purchased our BOB Stroller Strides Revolution today. I loved all of your recommendations! Hudson loves his walks, but the Bumbleride is not so easy to push on my 3 mile treks every day. I’m so excited for our new stroller!
  • Hudson loves the church nursery every Sunday and we always feel 100% confident leaving him there with the sweet ladies. He’ll “promote” to the “crawlers” class as soon as he can start sitting up on his own. We have a feeling that will be pretty soon!
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  1. says

    ok that list pic of H is amazing!! I love how you are like, “Hudson, sweetie, please look at the camera for mom.” and he is like, “BUT MOM, I don’t want to get my picture taken. The giant monkey is wayyyyyyy more fun to play with. Try it some time.”


    I crack myself up!

    AND YAYAY for your birthday on Wednesday!!! xoxox

  2. says

    My has he grown!! I can’t believe that little baby is getting so big right before your eyes. What a precious gift everyday with him must be. Awww I just want to squeeze those cheeks! I hope you love the BOB– I loved it and have heard nothing but good things. Momma and baby are going to have so much fun on those runs together.

  3. says

    AHH!! He’s so cute. So, so, so cute. Just a doll. How wonderful that you have such a sweet little family.

    Happy 5 months, Hudson, and happy almost birthday to you!

  4. says

    My son just turned 5 months on November 8th! How fun that our boys are 3 days apart. 🙂 Love that you’ve been taking his photo by that monkey. 🙂

  5. says

    What a Doll baby you have on your hands! You look amazing, and I am so happy for you and your husband to have such a wonderful addition to your family! I am looking forward to hearing all about his adventures and to seeing pictures of him getting even bigger!!

  6. says

    Such a living doll. These posts will be even more fun to read in the years to come. What a great way to journal his progress! These need to go in his Baby Book! {Do moms still do the Baby Book thing or has it progressed to something more technologically advanced?} xoxo

  7. Maria says

    Hudson gets cuter by the day! I know you worry about him sleeping on his belly – and I’m sure there are people who won’t agree with me – but he’ll be just fine! You mentioned he is rolling all over the place and I’m sure that strong boy is pushing up on his arms and lifting his head. All good for a baby that sleeps on their stomach. My baby started sleeping on his belly at 2 months. I was a nervous wreck and would keep turning him onto his back. He’d sleep for a little bit and then wake himself up. When I finally relented and let him sleep on his belly without turning him back over – he started sleeping through the night. Some babies just prefer their bellies. Try to relax about it, although I know it is hard.

  8. A Walk with the Marshalls says

    Hudson you are just adorable! I can’t believe how big you are getting! Can’t wait to hear those belly laughs in person!!

  9. Christie says

    Hi! I am a semi-new reader, but I don’t know if I have ever commented before. Hudson is absolutely adorable! I miss my babies being that age — they are now almost-7, 4, and 2. Time really flies way too fast!

    I love your blog! My only concern — you are a Gamecock fan! 😉 MY blood runs orange!!!

  10. says

    Hudson is sooo sweet! I love reading your entries about him; they make me so happy 🙂 I love the monthly pictures by the should frame those after his first birthday 🙂

  11. Nicole says

    I love reading your blog (I found it through another friend’s blog)! I have a daughter who just turned 5 months old as well! I was wondering if you have a chance if you could email me Hudson’s feeding schedule. We are trying to figure a good schedule for Peyton. Right now she is eating rice cereal in the morning and at night and then a 1/2 jar of fruit at lunch, of course with her bottles. I want to introduce fruit in the morning and then veggies at night. It is tough trying to figure everything out! Thanks!

  12. says

    sooo sweet! every time I see an age post from you i think oh my goodness Little Boo’s next milestone is right behind, they are only about a month apart=) Every stage gets more and more fun! but we do say we want them to stay put where they are too, the time goes so fast (so cliche but so true=)). When I lay LilBoo in his crib to go to sleep it is so hard to leave because he usually just looks at me with the sweetest little smiley face and “talks” to me, and I love when they wake up talking and singing, soo cute!! love these boys!!!

  13. says

    I love seeing how much babies change from month to month! 🙂 I’m glad you’re documenting his monthly milestones, I did that with J when he was going through more changes each month but haven’t in awhile. 🙁 I’m amazed that he already weighs 19 lbs! WOW!

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