the smile that melts my heart

Hudson started giving us some really big smiles about three weeks ago and we are so excited about it! There’s just something so magical the first time you see that smile– especially because for the first few weeks you’re not getting much feedback at all from your baby. Hudson is now a smiling machine!

We had dinner at Todd’s parents’ house two nights ago to celebrate his mom’s birthday and she snapped these pictures of the Bud while he was smiling at his mommy.

We had his two month check up last week (when he was 10 weeks old) and he weighs a whopping 15 lbs and is 25 3/4 inches long! His head is 41 centimeters. He is off the charts in height and weight and in the 91% for his head measurement. So that birth weight wasn’t a fluke– he’s still a big ole boy. And we love every pound and every inch of him.

Just before we left for the beach, we were so close to having him sleep through the night, but that kind of fell apart. We’re back to every 4 hours or so. And those Swaddle Designs blankets that I was raving about? They’re too small for him. Way too small. He can bust out of that swaddle like Houdini– or HUDini. Yeah, I’m an nerd.

My mom found a new swaddling option called the Woombie. Not sure how well it’s going to work, but we’re giving it a shot tonight. I’ll keep y’all posted.

For now I’ll leave you with another giggle at the best little smile I’ve ever seen.


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  1. says

    What a sweet smile on your little guy’s face!!! He is too cute for words, Erin 🙂

    PS – I laughed out loud at your HUDini joke!

  2. says

    I stop breathing for a few seconds! Wow, we are really dramatic…. but this Aunnie can’t help it! Love him. Love that smile! xxoo

  3. says

    I would have loved to have known about the Woombie! We have been through every type of swaddle possible and our houdini gets out everytime. She is tiny but long so I had to make my own by attaching the swaddle part of a newborn halo and the small Halo sleep sac. I am hoping to break her soon!

  4. says

    We LOVED the Woombie!!! It was our miracle, I can’t recommend it enough! Our daughter, who just turned one, would not sleep without being in it. She loved being swaddled and all the blankets were too small. This was perfect. Hope you have as much luck and sleep with it as we did. Oh, and he is the CUTEST thing I ever did see!!

  5. pam says

    i was just thinking today when is erin going to show us some new hudson pics…oh my… this was worth the wait..he is too cute…

  6. Hillary Novak says

    Shut up, Erin!! That baby is precious!!!!! My Kendall is tipping the charts too, and was also able to bust out of her swaddler! Ha! We should get them together. 🙂 The long nights will be over before you know it and you’ll be missing those quiet moments with Hudson….hang in there. Love the updates on your sweet family. Keep them coming!

  7. says

    Ohhh baby Hud is so so so adorable! Way too much cuteness going on! 😉 He’s such a big and healthy boy, I’m pretty sure my Jakey was 10 pounds when he was between 2 and 3 months! 🙂

  8. Es says

    Whenever I look at a child, it always makes me aware at how much time has passed. Can’t believe that it’s been two months – although at times it seems longer. He’s grown into such a handsome and healthy young boy.

    Seeing Hudson makes me want to start having kids tomorrow!

  9. Heather S. says

    I just found your blog and I love it! I have twins (a boy and a girl) that are 8 weeks old and I love seeing other peoples babies and hearing the things that are happening. It’s like comparing notes via the internet. I just wanted to say that your son is adorable and you seem like a great mom!

  10. says

    Oh man, what a cutie! I love that one of the very first milestones in a baby’s life is smiling – what a great way to start out in life!

  11. Maria says

    Darling, precious, adorable, luv bug, handsome!
    My little boy (7 weeks) is starting to smile and it melts my heart. I can’t wait for the really big smiles that occur more frequently than the occasional one I get now.

  12. Jenny says

    Babies figuring out how to smile is the best ever. So cute!!

    This is totally random….but there is a designer on Project Runway who sort of looks like you! Carol Hannah…..and she’s from S. Carolina! Very strange.

  13. Carolyn says

    Hi Erin, I have been following your blog for awhile now but have never left a comment. Hudson is adorable! Can you please post your thoughts on the Woombie. I have a 2 yr old who was a great sleeper and now I have a 6 week old who will not stay in her swaddle and is constantly waking herself up! I am very tired and would love a solution! Looking forward to hearing your opinion!

  14. says

    That smile makes me grin uncontrollably! Are you and Todd both tall? It seems like Hudson is going to be tall, possibly dark, and definitely handsome! Hee- he’s already a lady killer with that smile, at only two months to boot!

  15. cara says

    Just thought I would start off by saying, this is the first time I am commenting. I have been reading for awhile but this post gave me the urge to comment. Have you ever heard of Aden + Anais swaddling blankets?! Look them up…I have given friends these blankets for baby showers and the the fact that they love them is an understatement.

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