another helter skelter monday post

We had a great weekend– and it seemed to last longer this time! We actually got out of the house every day to do something fun for the first time since Hudson was born. It wore me out and wore Hudson out, but it was nice to get out of the house just for a little bit.

1. Shopping. Friday night, the three of us went to the mall to try to find some things for me to wear while my body is in transition. I’ve been wearing yoga pants for 6 weeks and it has got to stop! I needed some things that I can wear at the beach and an outfit a rehearsal dinner and a dress for a wedding. I was happy to see that I can fit back into Small tops and got a few really cute tops at BR. I was upset, however, to see that despite losing 30 of the 42 pounds I gained, I am still wearing pants 3 sizes bigger than my normal size. I only bought two pair of pants (one white and one black) and a pair of jeans to get me through this phase. The shopping trip was successful when it wasn’t depressing me.

2. Weight gain stress. I’ve just got to lose the weight. I wasn’t obsessed with it during the pregnancy. I accepted that I was going to gain weight and didn’t focus on it. But now that Hudson is here and I’m trying to feel like myself again, it’s hard to feel like yourself when you can’t wear any of your clothes. I’ve been to the dark side and you’ve all heard that story– I don’t want to go back. Now that we had to stop breastfeeding (due to lots of medical issues that I’ve chosen not to get too detailed with on the blog– for your benefit, trust me) I am not as concerned with getting enough calories. I’m still on my very specific diet that my doctor gave me to help the healing process, but it’s nice not to have to get those 300 extra calories in every day when you’re trying to lose weight.

… alright, enough pity party

3. Birth annoncements. The birth announcements will be mailed out tomorrow. Being away from work for so many weeks, my hands aren’t as strong as they used to be. I’m not on the computer as often and I’m not writing with a pen and paper as often. When I addressed those 200 birth announcements, I thought my hand was going to fall off!

4. Date night. Todd and I had our first date since Hudson was born. We went to see The Hangover. I know it’s not the best date movie, but we both really wanted to laugh and I wanted to make sure that I didn’t take him to see something that would cause him to roll his eyes through the entire movie. We both did laugh a lot. Funny movie. A little yuck at times, but really funny.

5. Sleepy baby. Hudson slept five hours on Saturday night. Not sure what happened to that last night, but Saturday was a good night! The good news is… he always goes right back to sleep after he wakes up and eats. I saved a lot of your earlier suggestions on getting through the night and have been reading them over to figure out what might work best for us. I don’t remember who asked this question, but we do swear by The Happiest Baby on the Block. At least for soothing and calming techniques. It’s magic!

6. A blogging rant. I appreciate the friendships that I’ve made through blogging so much. I know that there are readers that don’t comment so I haven’t directly communicated with you via email, but I do appreciate that you read. Those of you that do comment have become great friends to me. I love the community that has formed through all of these newlywed, young professional, engaged, in college, working mom, and stay at home mom blogs. The support and encouragement that has developed is so much fun and I love to see what everyone is up to. I addressed 15 birth announcements to friends that I’ve made through blogging. Beautiful!

I have to ask one question… because I know other bloggers have dealt with this, too… tell me if you think that just because we have blogs and write about our lives, we want advice on how to live our lives and how to make decisions about our lives including, but not limited to, medical decisions, job decisions, life decisions, and child-raising decisions. Is that why any of you started your blogs? Or did you start your blog to have a place to voice your thoughts and opinions or just track your daily happenings? I thought so.

7. Church. We had our first Sunday back to church yesterday. We took Hudson to the nursery and Todd and I went to Sunday school. It was so great to see our friends! I have loved being at home with Hudson, but when I got out yesterday I felt like an animal coming out of hibernation. He did great in the nursery and was sound asleep when we came to pick him up, so we seized the opportunity and went to Zoe’s Kitchen for lunch. Here’s a picture of Hudson and me right before we left for church. I love his little Bailey Brothers bubble. It has sailboats on it. And this was his first time to wear shoes. He’s such a little southern gentleman!


8. Books. I finished My Sister’s Keeper yesterday. I really enjoyed the book. I haven’t seen the movie yet– wanted to finish the book first. I did hear that the ending is completely different, so I have a good idea how the movie ends. I can never understand why they change the story so drastically from the book to the movie.

9. Giveaways. I’ve got a couple of giveaways coming up in the next two weeks from two fun companies. I just need to get my act together so I can get the details straight and get it posted. Stick with me.

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  1. says

    You look beautiful! I agree, I started my blog as a way to share my thoughts and life (more of a journal than anything). If I want advice or suggestions, I ask for them. Otherwise…just sharing! I have never understood why people feel the need to leave comments, etc. that are not positive. Like, why did you just spend the energy to write that??? Oh, well…it takes all sorts. Congrats on your first date night and first time back at church too…he’s such a cutie!!

  2. says

    You and Hudson look great! While I haven’t had a baby I can relate to your shopping trip woes– I gained, ahem, quite a bit of weight in our first year of marriage and when I realized that I couldn’t wear my clothes or buy new things in my size it was pretty hard to swallow. It’s very easy to feel like you’ve lost your identity after a major body change.

    Maggies last blog post: Training Update – Weeks Two & Three

  3. says

    hey there,
    love that pic of you and hudson! he’s sooo adorable! and just so you know you’re not alone-i had such an easy time losing the weight after my first-seriously, i went home weighing 1 pound more than i did when i got pregnant. but with my second, i gained twice as much weight (35lbs total) and still carry about 12 of that around. i hate it, but (shhh!) now i’m pregnant with #3 so i really can’t worry about it. i have vowed, however, to get rid of it for good after this one! its sooo hard to look in your closet and see all those adorable clothes that just don’t fit. i will say, even after jack when i was lower than my pre-pregnancy weight, my hips were definitely wider. ugh… you look beautiful! i’m glad you got some new things to get your through-i think it makes us all feel better when we have some great things to wear, regardless of our current weight! :0) jls

  4. says

    I agree with Michelle, my blog is more for me than for anyone else. While that may sound selfish I think that’s what the majority of us are here for. A place to share things we enjoy and others might as well. I think often advice can be helpful, but judgements will never make a person feel good about themselves. There is a definite difference betweent he two in my opinion.
    So glad you got to get out and have a much deserved date night. Hudson is such a handsome boy!

  5. says

    I cannot remember where/how I found your blog but I have been following for a couple weeks…I totally agree, I started my first blog to share my European travels with family and friends back home and became addicted to this high-tech journaling. My Sister’s Keeper is my all time favorite book and I was VERY disappointed by the movie! I absolutely love Jodi Picoult – my other favorite by her is Plain Truth (also a Lifetime movie). I highly recommend it!

  6. says

    Screaming over the picture of you & H… beautiful picture of mother & son! Even tho you already know how I feel about #6 I’ll give an additional 2 cents, people that take the time to tell US how to eat, sleep & breathe are the ones with the issues – not us!!!

  7. says

    Great pic! We saw the hangover too, it was really funny. We went to see Bruno on our date night thinking it would be funny, so wasn’t, I knew it would be crude, but not THAT crude haha, don’t see it. I actually started my blog so that my bridesmaids who live far away could comment and give their opinions on wedding stuff, it just kinda kept going from there, but I understand about the getting advice where you don’t ask for it. It tends to get kind annoying.

  8. says

    I love Jodi Piccoult. I just finished “Plain Truth” this weekend. It was very good. I have not yet seen the movie “My Sister’s Keeper” b/c I am sad that they changed the ending! The book was great!

    And regarding your point #6 – Sorry that people feel the need to tell you how to do things. I personally don’t get too much unsolicitated blog advice… but I’m sure being pregant and having a baby opens you up to a world of “this is how you should do that” comments. I’m glad you let it roll off your shoulder, because I love reading your blog!

    Beautful pic of you with Hudson, btw!

  9. says

    Well, I think you look great! I know it can be frustrating – our bodies change and shift so much during the pregnancy process. I’m a totally different shape than I used to be. And Hudson is a cutie-pie! You still look like a skinnie-minnie to me! And I mean it! 😉 Congrats on the five hours of sleep – that is a huge achievement!

  10. says

    I started my blog to let me family know what was going on in my life and I continued it because other people started reading and I realized I love making those connects. I don’t like people telling me what to do in real life so I can’t imagine having them do it through my blog.

    As for books/movies with different endings. Have you ever read The Notebook? That’s is a good example of why they might change it ha.

    Katie Lakes last blog post: New Addition

  11. says

    I’m seeing My Sister’s Keeper tonight, and I’m very interested to see how they changed the ending. I agree, I’m not sure why they felt the need to change it. I thought it was one of the most powerful aspects of the book.

  12. le chiquest says

    you and your baby boy look amazing. God bless!
    i found your blog through gingersnap’s daily fashion post and i love it. keep posting awesome things! i myself started my blog just to vent about anything…and i wouldn’t want advice unless i asked for it. same goes for giving advice…wouldn’t unless someone asks.
    but i would give compliments because those can turn someone’s sour day happy! cheers!

  13. says

    That picture of you and Hudson is absolutely beautiful! Love it! I will never understand why people feel it is necessary to share their rude thoughts/comments. I love your blog so much and have really enjoyed the friendship that has formed as a result of it. You never deserve for somebody to be rude to you because you have a public blog. Completely ridiculous. Just keep being you! I checked out My Sisters Keeper from the library last week, but I got sucked into the Harry Potter world, so it looks like I will be taking that book back to the library without finishing it. I have read it before though, it has just been a couple of years.

  14. says

    What a weekend!! Such a gorgeous of you as well. And thank you for emailing last week when I first began blogging, I really appreciated that! 🙂 As for blogging problems, I only just started, so I haven’t had any issues–but I have heard from others of the unsolicited advice! I hope you can get some rest after that weekend!!

  15. says

    I have always had a journal and I remember one day I stumbled upon your blog and a family members blog. It was like a light bulb went off in my head. I spend so much time already on the computer, why not add an extra 20 minutes to keep a “journal” on line. Then of course Eric & I got engaged and it was a great way to keep some family members up on the latest news. I find that I am enjoying blogging much more than my journal, now I can pictures and I feel like I am being more open with my friends than I normally am outside of the blog. You and H look great, you both look like you have adjusted well.

  16. says

    You both look beautiful! I started my blog to keep family and friends updated and to have a kind of journal to look back on. I’ve made so many wonderful bloggy friends and have been blessed so far in only getting advice when I ask for it. Not sure how I would handle unsolicited advice. Sorry you have to deal with that :-/

  17. says

    I’ve heard lots of bloggers complaining of rogue comments/emails lately. I’m so sorry that someone feels they need to guide your life- I think you are living wonderfully! You look great, too! Good luck with the last of the baby weight!

    smile steadys last blog post: Kelly Clarkson Karaoke

  18. says

    You are the most beautiful mother! 🙂 Seriously Erin, you look amazing. Your hair is so shiny and I love that ring! 🙂 So glad Huddy is doing good. I totally know what you mean about getting advice when in reality you’re just almost asking rhetorical questions. I get it on my blog too. Fun times!

  19. says

    First of all, what a gorgeous picture of you and Hudson!!!!

    I know you are starting to worry about getting back to your pre-pregnancy body. Please know that your post-pregnancy body is much better than my no-pregnancy body, lol.

    I started a blog to let some of my friends in the loop with what’s going on in my life. As our lives become more and more busy, we talk with one another less and less. I wanted a way to still have them be a part of my everyday life. I’ve “met” other bloggers through it and love it! I don’t ask for advice unless I truly want it….. and *try* not to give it unless it’s asked for!

  20. says

    I used to glance at your blog during the wedding planning stage, but now I am a loyal follower because I have so many friends and family members going through pregnancy! I love hearing about the latest news, what products work, which ones don’t, etc.

    You look great and Hudson is just adorable!

  21. Kar says

    Erin~ You look fabulous and Hudson is beyond adorable! What do you mean when you say “you have been to the dark side” of weight gain? All of your pictures throughout your whole blog – you are teeny tiny! Maybe I missed a post? I am recently engaged and struggling with trying to lose the elusive *last ten pounds*. Can you or anyone recommend a good blog to follow on weight loss?
    Thanks! ~Kar

  22. says

    You look great! I know how you feel about losing weight…and I havn’t had a baby so I have to blame it on eating a lot! haha

    I’m sorry people have been giving you unsolicated advice…that is so annoying. I know I started blogging to get my thoughts out and fourtuantly since my blog is still small I don’t get many offensive comments but I am always shocked at comments I seem people leaving on bigger blogs like yours.

  23. says

    What a sweetheart! Glad to hear you had a great weekend. I started my blog to have something COMPLETELY mine (that’s hard to come by when you’re a mom)! What a fun date night..keep those up! I think you look great (and not”especially for just having a baby” great…just PLAIN great)…have a great week!

    jessicas last blog post: A MUST read…

  24. says

    I want to read that book! I always like to read the book before seeing the movie. The books are always better. I’m sure losing the baby weight is frustrating, but congrats on getting back into your top size! That is something to be excited about!

  25. Becky says

    I have a question – how is the swelling in your fingers? That isn’t your wedding ring, is it? I know you said you had a lot of swelling, but hopefully that’s subsided by now.
    YAY for getting out and starting to be around other people again and for having a date night already! That’s great!
    I thought nursing burns an extra 500 calories a day, not 300. Hmmm….I know I sure eat an extra 500 per day!

  26. says

    You look fantastic in that pic! So does your little Hudsy!! I would love to know where you found some of his more classic outfits. I’d love to have some go to websites for traditional baby outfits once we have babies, and I’d love to start a list sooner than later!

    You will lose the weight, don’t worry! 9 months on, 9 months off. You know you won’t let yourself go, so do it slowly and with strength training. You’ll be a fitter, stronger, healthier mom!! Yea for that!

    I’m so glad you had fun at Sunday School. What a blessing!

  27. says

    I started my blog more for me. I wanted to have a place to share my daily life and photos with those I love. I am new to blogging and recently have been hopeing for more of a following so I can get advise and relate to others like me. I have followed your blog for a few months and I really enjoy it. Thanks for sharing!

  28. says

    1. I am glad shopping went so well 🙂 And you got some good staple pieces! 🙂
    2. In time you will be right back where you want to be!! We are all here to encourage you and remind you that you are beautiful and that baby weight will come off with time!! 🙂
    3. I know Hudson’s announcements will be PRECIOUS!
    4. So glad you and Todd got a date night… and The Hangover is FABULOUSLY hilarious-ha!
    5. Glad Hudson gave you some sleep Sat. night 🙂
    6. You know how I feel about this! We are here to share not be judged!
    7. Glad yall got to go to church 🙂 i am sure Hudson loved it! 🙂
    8. I gotta read more 🙂 ha
    9. YAY for giveaways!

    Ok that should cover it-ha

  29. Jill says

    First of all, this picture of you and baby Hudson is just darling! You look great and I love your long hair! Very pretty!

    Loved this post and especially loved the bit about blogging. It is amazing to me the people that don’t leave friendly comments. We don’t want them and on my blog, I won’t post them. Aside from blogging for yourself, you also blog knowing that your community around you is going to support you with whatever you are writing about. The blog community IS something else.

    Hope you have a good day!

  30. Jessica says

    Regarding number 6, there’s an easy solution: don’t allow comments! Here’s the thing — negative comments suck. But negative comments are going to happen, they’re inevitable when you display your life to the public and then open a public forum for anonymous people to comment on your life. Which is that you’re doing. So either allow comments and just accept that there are some annoying and cruel people out there, or turn them off!

  31. says

    I especially enjoy #6 on your list today! I know that Mrs. Newlywed recently had an issue with a reader responding to her life and I was appalled! I vow never to (and I never have) give someone unsolicited advice in any way, shape, or form. I am very conscious of my comments on others blogs because I would never want for it to be misinterpreted as advice or an unsolicited opinion (even now! lol).

    Keep up the good blogging! I will continue to read and enjoy your blog! 🙂

    Rachels last blog post: recipe: zuppa toscana

  32. says

    You look FANTASTIC – and Hudson is precious! I know you will be happy to finally be feeling like “yourself”. Don’t stress too much about losing all the weight – I gave myself 3 mths and each time, with both babies, I had the weight dropped within that time and I am NEUROTIC about my weight.

    I am with you on the blogging — I started to document home improvement projects and give my Mom and sister an outlet to see my kids and what they are up to. I have never had a negative comment (although I’m sure it is due) – but it really makes me laugh to see how some people really just VOICE their opinion the way they do. It’s like going to a fan site of someone and telling them how terrible they are … HELLO – it’s FOR FANS! I don’t get it, but people never cease to amaze me!

    Keep up the fantastic writing – it’s always fun reading your blog!

  33. Caycee says

    Look at you and sweet little Hudson 🙂 Iam glad that you and Todd were able to get out of the house yay for that! I know that it is hard I lived in my pjs when Carson was first born!

  34. says

    Look at you and sweet little Hudson Iam glad that you and Todd were able to get out of the house yay for that! I know that it is hard I lived in my pjs when Carson was first born!

  35. says

    So glad you and Todd were able to get out for date night! My husband and I made the mistake of NOT making date night a priority after the girls were born-EVER. I regret it so… We recently brought date night back into our lives again -went out for Sushi (yum!) and a lovely evening stroll.

    You and Hudson look wonderful!!! He’s getting so long!!!

    Keep doing what you’re doing, Erin!

  36. says

    you look great girl. Try to hang in there, those last lbs will come off very soon. I ready via twitter about the disrespectful comments you got on a post below, I think its absolutely absurd. I feel sorry for people that try to bring down others. Keep your head up, you have tons of great (and nice) blog readers so dont worry about that bad ones.

  37. says

    I LOVE the picture of you and Hudson.

    On another note I guess I should introduce myself. Confession–I’m one of your blog stalkers. I love reading your blog! Your topics touch on all things that I love (shopping, family, shopping, traditions, weddings, shopping…you get the picture.) Well, now that you’ve had Hudson, I love to read your blog to get ideas for when it’s my turn to become a Mom. I’ve even referenced your blog in conversations I’ve had with other moms-to-be. I was thrilled to learn you lost almost 30 lbs. of baby weight just two weeks after your pregnancy. I think that’s my biggest fear–gaining the weight and not being able to get it off. I’ve gone through the weightloss transformation (losing 15 lbs. my junior year of college) and feeling on top of the world, and I just don’t want to get that big again. Even though I know with the pregnancy I can expect to gain weight. I’ve been looking for your blog post on your weightloss accomplishments/transformations, but I seem to be missing it somewhere in your blog. I’m embarassed to admit that I’ve read almost every post to no avail.

    On another note–I love your blogs on your new favorite things you love (clothing, decorating ideas, mom gifts, etc.) {Shh…I even bought the JCrew ruffle tissue t-s you showcased. I know, I’m a shop-a-holic!}

    Well there you go and here I am!

    Keep up the great blogs!

  38. says

    I am a long time reader of your blog. For some time now I was happy just to be a reader of blogs. This past May my youngest child graduated from high school. It finally hit me that I was also graduating too. No more cooking dinner for the varsity football team on Wednesday and Thursday nights. The end of selling doughnuts for the PTA and the list goes on and on. The light bulb finally turned on and I took the blog plunge and started my own. Time and time again I have witnessed the support of other bloggers. Could it work for me? I sure hope so! I will need the support of all you bloggers as I start this new chapter in my life without the baby chick in the nest. So my blog friend I will support you every step of the way with my thoughts and prayers!!

    BroncoMoms last blog post: Summertime Blues

  39. says

    I also started my blog to have a diary of sorts when we got married…to write about the good and the bad, vacations, happy days, ordinary days. Now that we are having a baby I love having all of our adventures on there even more. I do like some advise…but when I ask for it! ha ha!

    Meagans last blog post: 36 Week Appointment

  40. says

    Just wanted to let you know that I am a HUGE fan of your page. I followed you when you were blogging from your old page. Congrats on the beautiful baby boy! You do look great, and I love all of the ideas I got from the baby’s room! Super cute!! To answer your question, I started my blog as a way to post my daily musings, but to also have a window into other’s heads. I love getting ideas from others, because you know two heads are always better than one!

    Can’t wait to read every day!!


  41. says

    I too think that you look great and you look so happy which is wonderful too!

    I agree with you about people giving unsolicited advice on blogs or even worse, making negative comments about a bloggers lifestyle. Great post!

    life {new england style}s last blog post: The Last 7 Days

  42. says

    Congrats on your first date night! It’s really important to get those back in. You look beautiful- the weight will come off soon enough. Carrying around Hudson is giving your arms more of a workout than usual and you probably hardly notice. He is such a beautiful child!

    Sarahs last blog post: Church Doors

  43. says

    That picture is absolutely gorgeous!! He is so handsome and you look great! No worries on the weight, it will come off in time. I always love reading your blogs and may not always comment, but I love reading how level headed you are and have been with this baby! It is tough being a mom and there is so much pressure. It is always refreshing to hear someone that is honest and doing what is best for her baby and herself!

  44. says

    Erin…PRECIOUS!!!! Hudson is adorable and you look GREAT!!! I know what you mean about getting your body back. Hang in there girl and it will come back. I will email you about the workout program that I am doing…I know you have asked several times and I keep forgetting to tell you. Love Hudson in his shoes…I can’t find any that fit Georgia Kate. Can’t wait to meet your precious little boy. I miss you…friend!

  45. says

    Okay, right off the bat I can say that I know I’m going to make myself unpopular here. To give advice on a post where you basically said you don’t like getting advice. So I’m sorry if it bothers you, but I just can’t avoid saying it. You have so many people commenting with things along the lines of “you’ll lose the weight! You’ll be right back in your clothes in no time! Don’t worry!” and your own comment of “I’ve just GOT to lose the weight” (emphasis added). I’m sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but here are the facts: You most likely WILL lose that last 12 pounds. I have no doubt about it. But your body WILL NOT be the same as it WAS, even if you lose MORE than the 12 pounds. Your body built a human being. As part of that job, things shifted. I’m assuming you experienced “round ligament pain” in the second trimester? The aching and stabbing pains around your pelvis? So do you know what was happening there? The ligaments around your pelvis and hips were stretching and moving in order to allow your bones and joints to shift, in order to create a space for that growing baby. Some women may look like they simply stuck a basketball under their shirt–the tummy being the only thing that changed, and everything else looking as though they weren’t pregnant at all. But let me assure you, these are the exception, not the rule. As a matter of sheer physics, your body HAD to change in order to accommodate that baby. The actual BONES and JOINTS of your hips and pelvis MOVED. Wild, I know. Now for the real downer: it doens’t magically go back. In fact, it doesn’t even go back through hard work and determination. Yes, like I said, you will be able to lose those pounds. But no amount of starving yourself or exercising will convince those bones and ligaments to go back to where they were. So save yourself some real sadness by finding joy in the fact that your body could successfully and healthily build a magnificent little boy, and forgive that body for being a slightly different shape than it used to be. And in a few months, go out and buy some really nice pants in your new size and donate your pre-baby jeans. Be kind to your body and your emotions–no amount of beating them up will change the facts anyway.

    Sorry for the advice. I just think it’s important for young mothers to try to understand the physiology of all of this.

  46. says

    So glad to hear that you had a great week with a date night and then a lunch out after church! I am sure you and Todd both deserved it 🙂

    Love the picture of the two of you! Hudson is getting big! And you look great in this picture. I’ve go no advice for the last 12 pounds, as I’ve never had a baby, but hang in there. It sounds like you’re determined, and that’s half the battle sometimes!

    Rachels last blog post: A Year of Marriage in Pictures

  47. Es says

    I don’t have a blog as of yet – however, I do find that I read blogs to get advice on home design, exercise routines/fitness advice, recipes and product reviews. It’s also nice to find like-minded individuals from all over the United States. I am also a fan of beautiful photography and I loved Hudson’s photoshoot.

    I liked your idea of having a hallway dedicated to family portraits. My latest dilemma that I am faced with is trying to find a nice way to organize the books in my home office. There is also a small collection of books in my living room and bedroom. Right now the books in the office are arranged on a boring bookshelf, arranged by subject and size. Any advice on what sort of shelving to purchase or how to arrange them on the shelves? I also am searching for advice on DVD and CD storage. I am not a fan of having the DVDs/CDs out in plain sight. Ugly!

  48. Es says

    My best advice for trying to lose 10 lbs would be to just drink water with a hint of fresh lemon juice for flavor or unsweetened tea. You’d be surprised at the calories you can cut out of your diet by drinking calorie free drinks. I’ll admit that this is hard to do at first.

    Increase your fresh vegetable (tomatoes, cucumbers, a side salad with homemade dressing) and fruit intake (mostly berries, melons, a small serving of grapes, or an apple). Lean protein – I would recommend eating mostly fish, chicken, and lean turkey.

    For breakfast either one of the following selections – some oatmeal with skim milk or unsweetened almond milk, 1 tbs of low fat plain yogurt on top (this adds protein and makes the oatmeal more filling) and flax seeds. A small omelet/ scrambled eggs. A relatively healthy breakfast cereal with low fat milk/ soy milk. Breakfast is key.

    Also, you can have a small amount of something if you’re craving it. Just make sure you get one milkshake and share it with your husband or something.

    More walking/moderate running is also key. Even a 2 mile walk around the mall or outside with the stroller is great if you do it every day. Just think of your progress as being in baby steps.

    You might not be able to see the results right away – which can be very frustrating, but if you can see past that and stay motivated you’ll notice the changes within a few weeks.

    It’s also proven that people who weigh themselves in the morning and at night are more aware of how much they are eating and end up losing more weight overall. This may be rather depressing at first but I guarantee that it works. Just realize that you’ll weigh less in the morning than at night. I know that when I weigh myself I am more prone to eat less or skip dessert the following day if I am one or two pounds heavier.

  49. says

    Hi Erin!
    Hudson looks so adorable in his little white shoes! He really does look like such a perfect little boy, you are so fortunate 🙂 I really enjoy reading your blog, even though marriage/children are a long way off in my future. Hearing about the day-to-day steps you take with Hudson is so interesting, and has helped prepare me for when that day does come!

  50. nici comer says

    weight watchers. i swear by it for losing baby weight. even if it is only 10-15 pounds. the online tools are great and it’s a very easy way to keep hubby happy by feeding him decent stuff and keeping yourself satisfied. it’s worked for my last 2 pregnancies and i’m hoping, that once the little prince arrives in 5 weeks, it’ll work again. good luck. there’s nothing better than the feeling you get when you FINALLY get back into your real clothes. then, the REAL shopping can begin. 🙂

  51. says

    What a great weekend! You look gorgeous (seriously), and Hudson is just the cutest thing.

    I agree about your blogging rant. I don’t need/want your advice or opinion unless I SPECIFICALLY ask for it. You wouldn’t do that to me if we knew each other in real life, so just leave me alone. Ha!

    Carolines last blog post: Bookworm

  52. says

    I totally feel you with the weight issue. My girl is 10 weeks and I still can’t fit in my pants! I have lost all but 7 pounds but those pants don’t even fit! It is so depressing to go anywhere because I don’t have anything to wear. I am going shopping today to get clothes b/c I go back to work in 2 weeks! I have actually made a few cute skirts to get me by too. I loved The Hangover too. We laughed so hard and needed it (although everytime they showed the baby I missed her so much!)

  53. says

    Uh can I just say that clearly it doesn’t matter what size pants you had to buy, you look AMAZING!! And Hudson?! Is there anything cuter!!

    Sorry you’ve been getting people in your face lately. I am not sure what makes people think they actually “know” us just because we blog. Hmm…

    Can’t wait to see the birth announcement you put together pretty girl! I’m sure it’s lovely!

    Perfectly Imperfects last blog post: Weekend Wrap-up

  54. says

    You are just the cutest little mama~ I know the weight gain has to be frustrating, especially since you were working so hard at WW before you got pregnant. It will come off in due time, I am sure!

  55. Elle says

    You look great, as does your handsome little man! I can only imagine how much unsolicited “advice” you’re getting. Thanks for continuing to share. As someone who has never experienced motherhood firsthand, I really appreciate your insight into first time motherhood. It’s your blog and you should never have to defend your choices and decisions to others!

  56. Amber Freeman says

    Hey there! You look sooooo GREAT! I have no idea what ur stressing about… but I also understand that if you’re not happy, then you gotta change it! My husband and I have been married for 2 years now and are really thinking seriously about trying to start our little family! I’ve always been a “plus” size gal, so I’m currently trying to lose a little weight too! I wanna be a little more fit b4 we start trying! Anyway… I know how hard it is! Just keep up the good work! You look fab and little man is absolutely adorable!

  57. Heather says

    You look so pretty. That blue is a great color for you. And Baby Hudson is adorable! What a cutie pie!

  58. says

    Hi Erin,
    I love your blog but I soooo know what you mean about sharing personal things about our lives on blogs. When my little boy was born 3 weeks ago, I couldn’t sleep at night until I took my blog private (hey, we all have our hang-ups post-partum and that was just one of mine!). I was wondering if you’d like to read mine — no offense taken if you’re full-up on blogs to read. If you would, though, just email me your email address to and I’ll send you an invitation. I really love following your blog because our sons are just weeks apart and I am also struggling with the slow-going healing process (I had a C-section and a pretty awful labor experience beforehand, too!). Anyway, just know that most of your readers are just normal girls like you and I, and try to ignore the nosey crazies who can’t just keep their opinions to themselves.
    Hudson is beautiful! Keep up the good work and enjoy being a stay-at-home mom.

  59. says

    You are such a cutie! And re: the unscolitied advice, I’m attempting to prepare myself mentally for when I start talking about kids, pregnancy, etc, more in detail. I know I’m going to get a bunch of naysayers, but the community that has developed me around me (as you mentioned in your post as well) is worth every annoying email and comment I think.

    If you ever come to Dallas again (which I’m sure you will if your parents are still here) please look me up!

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