the real push present

Note: There’s a special new section to my website called “Baby Hudson.” If you look at my tabs, you’ll see the “Baby Hudson” tab. I’ll try to update it at least once a week with new pictures of the baby for those of you that are interested!


Do you remember this post? You know, the one about the push present.

Well… I wanted to introduce all of you to my push present. This is my “Congratulations, Erin, you just pushed out a kindergartener” present.

He got me the pearl because itΒ the birthstone for June. Every time I look at it I’ll think of Hudson and his June 5 birthday. {And I’ll think, “Dang! This is a gorgeous ring!”}


Poor Todd. A couple of hours after the baby was delivered and I had been stitched up, I was lying there and the nurses came in to get me to try to sit up so they could wheel me down the hall to the room where I would be staying overnight. Right before they came in Todd started to give me the gift, so I started opening it, but stopped so we could open it privately after the nurses left. Well two seconds after the nurses got there and I stood up, I fainted. So the push present opening was put on hold for a little while!

My husband out-did himself again! I haven’t been able to wear the ring yet because my fingers are still the size of sausages, but I can’t wait to wear it and get it fitted. (I actually haven’t worn my wedding rings in two months either because of the size of my fingers)

A little help here… how long should I give my fingers to return to their normal size before I just give up and go get all of my rings sized again?

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  1. says

    Great work, TC!!! I’m drooling on my laptop. Obsessed. I’m a non-mommy so won’t be much help in the finger dept but that ring is fanfreakintabulous!!!!

  2. says

    It took my fingers about 2 1/2 months to get back to their normal size. And, I also got a Yurman ring as my push present! It is the eternity band with diamonds and blue topaz.

  3. says

    That is lovely! Can you send my husband a memo? After three children, i have never received a push present (to be fair, I didn’t push anything out, as I had c-sections, but I do like presents!)

    Your fingers will return to normal, sooner than you think. Drink lots of water and move as much as possible. I got rid of so many clothes during my first pregnancy – it seemed impossible that I would get back to my normal size, but it happens!

    Annies last blog post: And now you know…the rest of the story.

  4. says

    Gorgeous! And, love that it’s Hudson’s birthstone. So precious!

    I just re-read your first “push present” post and love, love, love the idea of a third band. I designed my rings and have kind of kicked myself I didn’t get another band just like my wedding band to go on the other side of my engagement ring.

  5. says

    Ohhhh, I LOVE that! So pretty. As far as the ring sizing, I have no idea. I’ve been married for 9.5 months and before that was engaged for 9 months and I’ve had my rings sized twice… once smaller and then recently a bit bigger! (And, no babies for us yet.) If you still feel like you’re carrying water weight, I’d hold off a bit just because I’ve seen how much my finger size can fluctuate just from humidity, temperature, and maybe even the little bit of weight I’ve gained (I’m talking 5 lbs or so) since getting married.

  6. The wife says

    So pretty!

    Don’t have your rings resized yet! Given that we have children born around the same size I can tell you that it may take a little while longer than “normal” for the swelling to go down. Not to mention, the heat and meds you are on right now may be contributing to the swelling hanging around.

  7. April says

    Erin – this is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen!! Which hand/finger are you planning to wear it on?

  8. says

    That is seriously the most beautiful push present I’ve ever seen!!! Todd did a fabulous job and how sweet that it’s something you can wear every day if you want!!! XOXO

  9. says

    Beautiful! My little guy was born in April and the gemstone is the diamond. Hubs said I already had one, so didn’t need another….I beg to differ. I think earrings are definitely needed – big beautiful diamond ones! πŸ˜‰

  10. says

    Wow- it’s beautiful! What an amazing husband you have!! I would definitely wait on sizing the rings for a few months as a lot of my friends have taken at least 6 months to get everything “back to normal”. Can’t wait to see more Hudson pics!

  11. says

    How beautiful! You are one lucky lady. I will have to remember this ring when people want to know what I want for college graduation in 2 years because I have a June birthday as well!

    Gracie Beths last blog post: Tone Tuesday.

  12. shaz says

    dont get your rings fitted, it took about a month for me to get them on and now, which is 2 months later my rings are back to normal and even a little loose… the ring is gorgeous!!! I love my david yurman ring i wear it with everything, ive always loved the pearl ring, you have a sweet husband!!!

  13. says

    Erin, that ring is BEAUTIFUL! What a great symbol for your baby boy. My husband and I are not ready for babies yet, but once our time is here, I know I’m going to ave to start hinting about a push present! I love the idea!

    Rachels last blog post: Mutt Monday

  14. says

    Gorgeous ring! Your hubby did a great job!

    It took me about 2 months until I could wear my wedding rings again (and it was during the winter months)…i would check every single morning and then one day they fit…i was so excited!

    amys last blog post: Wordless Wednesday

  15. says

    WOW! Beautiful!! i am dying for a DY! πŸ™‚ I have informed Adam and a new super duper Canon mom camera is indeed what my push present should be πŸ™‚

  16. says

    Oh Erin, it is simply amazing!! And you poor thing fainting!! I’m so glad you are ok!!

    The hubby did an amazing job – this is definitely a ring to treasure forever!!

    Liss last blog post: Birthday Wish List

  17. says

    It is gorgeous!! Todd is #1 DAD and HUSBAND!!! I couldn’t wear my wedding rings either with both of mine. But don’t resize yours. You will be that small again! I honestly cannot remember when I could wear my rings again. Been too long πŸ˜‰ But I remember when I was back in my clothes, I was back in my rings. xoxo
    P.S. So excited about the new Baby Hudson section.

    Preppy 101s last blog post: Red, White, and Blue Giveaway Winner!!

  18. crystal pye says

    Hey Erin,
    I gave myself a 3 mo. time limit before I was going to give in to the fact that my fingers were permantly swollen, and about a week before my deadline I squeezed into my rings. Trust me they will return to normal. Your new ring is gorgeous!

  19. says

    That is beautiful-what a thoughtful husband πŸ™‚ That’s so funny you fainted, poor thing! I’m sure your fingers will be back to normal in no time!

  20. says

    Soooooo pretty!! You are a lucky girl!!
    I am thinking about having my rings resized, they barely go on and off and have caused huge ‘dents’ in my fingers, and I haven’t even had a baby! How sad is that?!?!?

    Megans last blog post: Ten Random Thoughts

  21. says

    i love that! your husband is so thoughtful….i can’t believe he thought of the june birthstone and pearl. i love this and i’m not a big jewelry person. at. all! i hadn’t heard of a push present either till you did your post.

  22. says

    Simply lovely, Erin.

    What a beautiful reminder of your gorgeous son and amazing husband.

    My birthstone is a pearl as well-LOVE receiving pearls as gifts. That ring is fabulous!

    Your fingers will be fine…;)

  23. anna says

    Thanks for making sure the David Yurman bag was featured prominently in the photo, for those who may be unsure of the designer.

  24. Kelly says

    Wow Jen, that was a little (aka a lot) judgemental. Obviously the baby is a wonderful gift, what does adding something extra hurt?

    Todd did a great job and the “push present” idea is wonderful. ;o) I LOVE David Yurman, Great job Todd!

  25. Jen says

    Kelly… Wasn’t being judgmental at all!! Sorry if it came off that way =( It cut off the rest of my comment. After that, I said that I had never heard of a “push present” as an actual gift to commemorate the birth, but I was sure going to pass it on to my husband. Sorry for the misunderstanding!

  26. says

    That ring is gorgeous!!!! Scott had planned to get me flowers after Harper and then we had to rush off to a different town. But I’m re-doing our family room and I’ll count that! ha!
    Give it a little bit. I was soooooooooooooooo swollen after Harper. It took 2-3 months and I FINALLY got back to normal. And that was in the winter – summer will be harder. You’ll ge there – don’t get them re-sized.

    Kellys last blog post: Did you Hear the News?

  27. Kelly says

    My mistake Jen, sorry! I realized my post came across harsh too. Love internet communication!

    I still want that ring…

  28. says

    Gosh, I was swollen (fingers and feet) for nearly 6 months! My feet got back to normal a little quicker than my fingers for some reason. But, I had preeclampsia towards the end of my pregnancy with lots of swelling and then I had to be induced which I’m told prolongs the swelling issue? Anyway, give it time and your body will adjust. Baby H is a cutie. Congrats!

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