the final countdown

Cue the theme song by “Europe.” We’re in the final stretch. And because so many of you have asked, I am posting my last belly shot. I have a strong amount of shame right now, so I reduced the size significantly to protect myself. That is a BIG baby in there. 


38.5 weeks pregnant

I visited my doctor’s office on Wednesday. At that time, I was 75% effaced and 1 centimeter dilated. She encouraged me to go ahead and schedule the delivery due to Baby Boy Carroll’s size. He weighed 8 pounds at my 37 week visit, so she guessed he was already 8.5 pounds at 38 weeks.

I called yesterday to schedule the induction for June 4. If I don’t go into labor before then, our baby will be born on June 4!

His brother and sister, Boudreaux and Fiona, are very excited– don’t they look excited?



My parents are leaving Dallas on Monday to drive out here. They’re picking up my brother on the way and everyone should be here for the scheduled delivery. My mom will help me put all of the finishing touches on the nursery when she arrives. She is an In-Home Consultant for Calico Corners on Inwood in Dallas and she coordinated everything for the draperies, table cloth, chair, bed skirt, and bumpers. I can’t even tell you how wonderful and happy everything looks!

We don’t have any nursery photos yet because I am still waiting on the crib and dresser to arrive. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. Ahem, delivery company! I’m not too concerned, though. Everything else is completely finished and ready to go. We have the pack ‘n play set up and it has a built in changing table, so he’ll have a place to sleep and be changed if the furniture doesn’t arrive before the big birthday. No worries, right? I’m letting go and going with the flow.

Here’s a sneak peak of an incredible gift we received, though. Our wonderful family friend, Janice Wood (in Birmingham), painted four 2×2 boards for the nursery. They’ll hang in a grid. The others are a surprise because one has his name on it, but here is one of the boards. How adorable is that frog and the little bugs? It’s so little boy! I absolutely love all four paintings and can’t wait to show y’all the finished nursery!


And because I think she’s silly, I scooped up Fiona and all of Baby Boy’s stuffed animals, and put Fiona in the middle of them. It resembles the E.T. in the closet scene when E.T. is hidden in the middle of all of Elliott’s stuffed animals.


I’ve enjoyed every moment of my first week of maternity leave. Being home has been so nice and I’ve gotten a lot done around the house. I’m in the process of making Paula Deen’s banana pudding (my favorite) to take to a birthday party tonight and this will be our last big outing with our friends. South Carolina temperatures have officially reached “hot” and I’m so glad that by this time next week (hopefully) I won’t be pregnant anymore!


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  1. says

    You look great! Seriously you do 🙂 You must be very excited!

    Enjoy that banana pudding too – yum yum!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. says

    So cute, you are seriously adorable! 🙂 Those pups are so excited for someone new to play with, you can tell 🙂 Enjoy your time before he comes!

    Danicas last blog post: 7376

  3. says

    You are so amazingly adorable! I hope I can be as cute when I am less than a week away from becoming a mama! I can’t imagine how excited you two must be!

  4. says

    You do look fantastic! I adore the paintings – can’t wait to see them all up on the wall. And Fiona is just so precious! Take good care of yourself these last few days!

  5. says

    I started following your blog when you were just a super stylish engaged girl who featured on Style Me Prety and happend to be honeymooning the same place as me (Grand Wailea, woot woot!). Now you’re almost a momma! So awesome! I’m so happy for you! Praying for a safe and easy delivery for your and Baby Boy!

  6. says

    You look fan-freakin-tastic! Itty-bitty arms and legs and an adorable belly! Seriously, you look great! Can’t wait to see pictures of the nursery!!! Congrats on the Big Birthday Reveal!

  7. says

    You look SO adorable! Congratulations on making it so far in this heat…the nursery looks amazing, I can’t wait for final pictures! Good luck with everything next week, have a nice relaxing weekend!

    Amandas last blog post: Hi There!

  8. says

    Whoa, 5 days! Pre-congratulations! And yes, your belly is big, and I LOVE it. I love a preggy belly.

    Your friend Janice should open an Etsy shop or something and sell baby picture boards like that. Seriously, I’m In Love. I want something like that oneday if I have a baby! The frog is adorable.

    Can’t wait to find out the name, either!

    Ruby Slipperss last blog post: I ♥ Faces Fix-it Friday

  9. MrsPreppy says

    I know everyone tells you to enjoy the quiet, but if you are like me you are soo excited about meeting him that you can hardly sit still! Those last couple days (before she was born) are all a blur… You look wonderful… and just think, pretty soon you can have a drink!

  10. says

    You look great! I know you must be getting very excited to meet him! I LOVE those paintings – how sweet of your family friend! She is very talented. 🙂

  11. says

    You look fabulous!!!! I can’t wait to hear the good news and learn his name!!! Praying for you & your family. XOXO

    P.S. The doggies really do look excited. 🙂

  12. says

    You look great!!! I think if I was about to give birth I would be laying on a bed in sweatpants…or maybe just laying in a bucket of ice!

    Can’t wait to see your little boy!

  13. says

    Can I just say that you look great? I don’t think you should be ashamed at all about your picture. Also, I love your doors! I have always loved the pictures of your house, but I love the black doors. I also can’t wait to see pictures of the nursery!

    My sis had her baby about two months ago, and had to be induced because he was over a week late. I guess they didn’t realize how big he was so they weren’t planning on doing a c-section, so she was induced and in labor for almost 28 hours before she finally let them do a c-section. She is a doctor so she fought with her doc about letting her try to do it the other way, but once she found out he was over 10 pounds, she was glad to have the c-section! I hope everything goes well 🙂 I also like the new look of the blog.

  14. says

    Girl! You are too cute for words! You should not be at all ashamed.. you are ALL baby!

    I can’t wait to see the nursery and meet little baby boy BEB! So soon.. YAY!!

    Megss last blog post: odds and ends.

  15. Suzette says

    Are you kidding me? You look amazing!! How exciting that they have scheduled it for June 4th.. Oh how I wish I would be 2 weeks early and deliver by then as well!! 🙂

    Best of luck incase you go before then!!

  16. says

    I can’t believe it’s so close! How exciting!!
    Enjoy your banana pudding – I’ll have to try her recipe. I love banana pudding and I love Paula Deen…. so naturally the two together must be wonderful! 😉

    And hush it about your size! You are not huge. Just expecting a healthy baby boy next week!!!
    Can’t wait to see pics!

  17. says

    How exciting for you all! Your belly pic is so cute! And those dogs!

    On another note, I totally made the banana pudding for birthday celebrations at work today. 10 minutes into the start of the celebration, it was all gone! I think i will just start making the pudding part and eating it out fo the bowl!

    Congrats and I hope the next few days go smoothly!

  18. says

    Holy crap girl! You really are in the home stretch. I delivered at 39w1d, so be prepared. 🙂 And you look fabu, no shamr should be involved!

  19. susan says

    You look so great! All belly and the rest of you is so tiny:) Enjoy your last few days until baby C arrives – can’t wait to hear all about him!

  20. says

    You look GREAT!! Ahhhhh . . . you are about to experience the most awesome wonder ever!! I remember it so well; so, so great. I remember leaving the hospital with baby and hubby and feeling like I was just going to burst into tears cause I was so happy. My cup runneth over . . . So excited to see your nursery with baby boy!! Love the paintings.

    Preppy 101s last blog post: Jersey Boys in the Peach State

  21. says

    I think you look wonderful! So gorgeous! You’re being harder on yourself than you need to be. (All the women in my family gain about 70 pounds when they get pregnant so I think you look like a twig).

    How hot is it there? I know y’all have humidity I don’t experience so I’m always curious.

    Kristens last blog post: Updating the blog

  22. Sassy says

    You look fabulous, Erin!!! For goodness sake, you’re due to have a baby any time now!!! You glow, my daer, just glow.

    Boudreaux and Fiona look so sweet! (I loved that scene in E.T.;))

    Thinking of all of you!!!

  23. A Walk with the Marshalls says

    I know its is so hard to believe people when they say you look great when you feel swollen all over and just miserable – but from one prego to another…lord I hope I have the same glow you have at 38.5 weeks! You are just beautiful!

    Your sweet little boy is going to be big but perfect! You know our little prego group will be stalking you up a storm this week! We are so excited!!!

  24. says

    You look great! I was induced too – it’s kinda nice knowing exactly when it’s going to happen – at least you have an exact end date instead of waiting and waiting…of course, I was induced after waiting two weeks after my due date!!! Be glad you don’t have to do that! Love that painting and the colors! What a fabulous gift. I can’t wait to see that little guy!

  25. says

    38.5 weeks pregnant suits you SO well! You look amazing and so ready to have that bundle of joy in your arms. I am waiting in suspense to see the nursery.

    Also, I searched Paula’s recipes and I am going to try her babana pudding recipe. You made me so hungry for it!

  26. Krissy says

    You look great!! I know you say you think you look huge, but you don’t…you are all baby! 🙂 So exciting that you will have your sweet baby in your arms by Thursday!! I will be praying for you!

  27. says

    Final week!! So exciting!

    Hope you are enjoying your maternity leave so far and I can’t physically wait to see your little bundle of joy!! And the nursery!!

  28. says

    Erin you are absolutely darling!!! So adorable! U r all baby belly !! And u look amazing! Just like u stuffed a basketball under your shirt! I love the pictures of the pups! They look soo excited;) and the painting is too cute! What fun colors.. I can’t wait to see his room!! I can’t believe Thursday is the day! U r going to do so great! I just know it!! What a fun post! Cater bug and I love u guys!!! Muah!!

    Emilys last blog post: Wordful Wed on Thursday:)

  29. says

    Hooray! You are so close, sweet girl! And you hush yourself about feeling “shame”…you are absolutely glowing and radiant! I cannot wait for Baby Boy C to get here! The nursery is going to be straight out of a magazine perfect! Hope you are feeling well and enjoying some good r&r. The picture of Fiona and the stuffed animals…priceless! Very ET.

    Lyndseys last blog post: Apartment Rat Race

  30. says

    Ahhh!! So exciting! You look fabulous–you’re all just baby, my dear! The dogs look thrilled 🙂 AH! Congrats on the upcoming big day Mommy To Be! Hugs and loves

  31. says

    You look so good! I can’t wait to see baby pics and the nursery. I hope everything goes according to plan on Thursday! If you hold out until the 5th that is my hubby’s b-day. 🙂

  32. says

    erin you look beautiful!! you are all belly so don’t think anything otherwise!=) i love the 2x2s, they are adorable! i am soo glad that you are enjoying your maternity leave, i am so happy for you!!

  33. says

    You look BEAUTIFUL my friend!! Stunning!! I know you are so exited! I am so excited for you! I think about you everyday wondering if today was the day! 🙂 And soon it will be! Lots of love, hugs and prayers your way girl! Love ya!

  34. says

    Wow, for a second I thought I was at the wrong blog! It’s been so long since I’ve been able to sit down to read blogs that I haven’t been by since you got a new look. I like it!

    Your belly is so big! You look so pretty/adorable. I bet you don’t feel that way though, haha.
    I think the first post of yours I ever read is the one where you told the blogging world that you were pregnant! It’s so crazy to think that now you’re about to have your big boy! Can’t wait, and I hope and pray everything goes very smoothly for you, baby boy, and hubby!
    Much Love!

  35. says

    BEB, you look adorable! I am so excited for you that you get to meet your little boy so soon! I can’t wait to see the rest of the nursery and I’ll be praying for you and baby boy!

  36. says

    Love the new blog! Those paintings are beautiful, I’m excited to see nursery pictures. I’m a proud Auntie and had so much fun painting the murals for my niece’s room! Congratulations on this exciting time, and I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts on the big day!

    Life Abroads last blog post: Windmills, Clogs, and Cows

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