blonde moment or pregnant moment?

They say that pregnancy takes away some of your smarts. I can’t say that it’s true– I have the occasional blonde moment anyway, so I don’t think blaming ditziness on pregnancy is totally fair. You tell me…

The Stage and Scene:

Todd and I went to the Original Pancake House on Memorial Day before running 800 errands. We sat down and it took a while for our server to arrive, but another server came to our table and here’s how the conversation went:

Server: Oh, aren’t you cute?

Me: Me?

Server: Yeah, look at that belly!

Me: Oh. Thanks.

Server: I’m not your server, but I can go ahead and take your drink order. You shouldn’t have to wait! You’re pregnant!

Me: Cool. I want a large chocolate milk. {hold the judgment!}

Todd: I’ll have a coffee.


The server leaves and comes back with our drink order.

Server: Do you know what you’re having?

Me: Yeah. I want the sausage and eggs, please.

Todd: Erin. She means the baby.

Server: Yeah, remember, I’m not your server.

Me: Oh. It’s a boy.

p.s. Find my server immediately because I’m 38 weeks pregnant and starving!!!

We’re at a restaurant. The question, “Do you know what you’re having?” usually means that someone wants to take your order, right?  Even after 38 weeks of pregnancy, I guess I’m still not as obsessed with my belly as strangers are.

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  1. says

    LOL… it’s like enough with the small talk… I wanna EAT! No I don’t think that was a blond moment. That would have happened to anyone! 🙂 xoxo

  2. says

    This might be one of the funniest stories I’ve heard in a long time. I’m totally cracking up at my desk right now!! I would have been right there with you — get me some sausage, B then you can talk to me about my baby!

    Ninas last blog post: getting my groove back

  3. says

    Dude. I totally would have ordered food. Always, always, always: Food First! I think that’s a rule no matter if you’re preggers or not!

  4. jessica says

    hilarious….don’t feel bad some of my pregnant brain shenanigans closely resemble those alzheimers commercials on tv…best of luck, what an exciting time!

  5. Adie says

    I would have totally done the same thing. If the server had so much time to chit chat why wasn’t he your server?

  6. says

    Haha, this is too cute. I would have said the same thing…I’m hungry! We’re at a pancake house! Plus, it is generally frowned upon to eat baby boys…ha 🙂

  7. Tracy says

    Haha oh Erin I would blame that one on the server! I would have done the same thing! The other night I had my parents over for dinner and I totally lost my mind. For some reason I made corn on the cob and canned corn?!? They all looked at my like I had totally lost it! Oh well – everyone got their veggie dose that night!

  8. says

    That’s too funny! I would have said the same thing! I have to confess, I know for a fact that my brains went to mush for awhile after I had my sweet boy…I can be so forgetful and unorganized now, which I never used to be! Oh, and we’re prego again, almost 8 weeks! 🙂 Hope you’re feeling great…you’re allllmost there. 😉

  9. says

    I think I’m with you on this one… she asked what you were having… and you told her… Sausage and eggs!!! What’s wrong with that?? LOL

  10. says

    Ok I would have done the exact same thing…when you are in a resturant and someone asks what you are having obviously you are going to think food, pregnant or not! Now I have a funny image in my head of a baby made of sausage and eggs! hehe

  11. says

    I’m not pregnant, but I am blonde… and I would definitely have ordered. When a server asks that question, I expect that they are taking my order!

  12. Suzette says

    Okay – so I am totally with you… I think I probably would have answered the same way – Get me my food and then we can chat! 🙂

    I miss not getting to see bump updates! I know you look beautiful!!!! I bet you are so ready!!! Soooo close girl!

  13. says

    wow, i almost did a spit-take when i read this, i was laughing so hard!! i’m with you…”do you know what you’re having?” in a restaurant means food, not rando stranger asking about your baby.

  14. says

    I think I would have thought the same as you and told the server what I wanted for breakfast. Wasn’t it obvious that you were hungry? Pregnant women don’t go out for breakfast just for good times … come on people!

    Lucy Maries last blog post: Garage Sale Fun

  15. says

    if this same situation would have happened to me i also would have ordered the food. i mean, come on, she just dropped off your drinks and then asks if you know what you’re having. that is OBVIOUSLY food related.

    Mojito Mavens last blog post: a chat is in order

  16. Katie says

    As a fellow prego lady I can relate to the small lapses in brain power that come with being pregnant. When will you post some pics of the nursery?

  17. says

    hahaha! yes in fact ‘what are you having?’ in a restaurant should definitely reffer to food! and besides, would then the question be “WHO are you having?”

    Maybe you should always carry like an emergency sandwich in your purse? 🙂

  18. says

    That is hilarious!!! I wasn’t pregnant, blonde or hungry the time I called my husband on the cell phone to say, “I just passed gas for $1.37.” To which he replied, “Wow, I usually do that for free”.

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