pre-baby maternity leave to do list

I’m really looking forward to the few days (weeks?) that I’ll have at home to prepare before the baby arrives. There are quite a few things that I’d like to get done and just because I love making lists, I’m going to share the list with you.
  • Finish reading Same Kind of Different as Me
  • Read The Shack
  • Finish reading The Happiest Baby on the Block
  • Read Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child
  • Clear out my DVR
  • Catch up on my Netflix
  • Go to Target to get last minute items for hospital bag
  • Organize closet and put away most maternity clothes (while realizing that my old clothes won’t fit immediately)
  • Stock the pantry and freezer with ingredients for meals
  • Make a list of desired meals and organize recipes
  • Put together a good list of people to call when the baby arrives
  • Begin working on big blog project
  • Install car seats
  • Get guest bedroom ceiling repaired
  • Wait.

Does anyone have any good book suggestions or movie suggestions? It will be a long time before we can go to the movies, so my Netflix queue is in need of a good update.

Does anyone have a favorite recipe that they’d like to share? It needs to be easy and man friendly. Todd is a meat and potatoes kind of guy, so the recipes need to be something that he’s going to like, too. You can email any suggestions to me at erakin11 {at} hotmail {dot} com.
Finally, would anyone like to volunteer to bring a beautiful order of sushi to me in the hospital?

Oh, and an Arnold Palmer, please!

image via Hostess Blog

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  1. Kelly says

    ooo..I hope you get all of your reading done before the big day!! My baby came 10 days early. I’m just saying and I hope I did not freak you out!! Good luck and can’t wait to meet him!

  2. Lucy Marie says

    Good luck with the last few weeks/days of your pregnancy. I have a meat and potatoes loving husband and post lots of the recipes we enjoy on my blog. There is a link on the sidebar that directs you to a list of all the recipes I have ever posted – feel free to check it out if you’d like!

  3. Lucy Marie says

    Good luck with the last few weeks/days of your pregnancy. I have a meat and potatoes loving husband and post lots of the recipes we enjoy on my blog. There is a link on the sidebar that directs you to a list of all the recipes I have ever posted – feel free to check it out if you’d like!

  4. Emily says

    I’m reading same kind of different too.. And about five others:) ur list of things makes me want to come and help:) wish I lived closer. Hope to hear an update soon on how ur apt today went! Thinking about u and praying for u and oh how I love the name cater- bug

  5. smile steady says

    Same Kind of Different As Me is an awesome book… make sure you have time to finish it! And good luck with everything else. Life will be totally different before you know it!

  6. Southern says

    So, have you read the Twilight series yet? Also, Water for Elephants is good. I watched a lot of movies after my little guy was born, so that’s a good plan. So, what’s the big blog project????

    Just enjoy your time to yourself now, babies are fun, but it’s a big change. Have you read the girlfriend’s guide to the first year? That’s good too. Parents magazine was always a good read for me my first year too.

  7. Julia says

    I want to read Same Kind Of Different, too. And you saw my review on The Shack, right? Very interesting. I love to-do lists that are full of fun reads like this! Good luck and enjoy!

  8. Mrs. Classic says

    Love the list! If you have a firehouse close give them a call to help you install your carseats. I would call to set a time because not every firefighter is certified.

  9. Elizabeth says

    I read both of those baby books and the book that worked for us was “The Sleep Easy Sleep Solution by Jill Spivack and Jennifer Waldburger. I recommend this book to all new moms. It’s great!

    Enjoy sleeping late while you can

  10. Preppy 101 says

    Wow!! What a great list! Have you been impressed with any of the child-rearing books you have read? I’ll be interested to hear what you think of them.

    Are you talking about recipes to make ahead and freeze for y’all or things to fix after baby gets home?

    Have a great weekend!

  11. S. says

    what a great list! i love that you are a reader, like moi! anyway, i am reading Wintergirls right now. Its by the same author of Speak. So far, really good. Good movies?? Hubs and I really enjoyed Taken. Fun heist movie with Liem.

  12. Happy Dash says

    I would so come bearing Arnold Palmers … think it would pass the nurses station as sweet tea?!? Ha.

    I’m not sure what kind of book you want, but I love Jen Lancaster’s books – they’re good for a good laugh and an easy read!

  13. Suzette says

    Whew… I feel like my list grows larger and longer in this last strech before our big arrival! I am such a list maker too! Hope you get it all finished before D-day!!! 🙂

  14. Allison aka HaselBride says

    Dying to know what the big blog project is! 🙂 If I were close by, I would totally bring you sushi. Love the lists. I live for lists!

  15. Lexilooo says

    I just read a book called “Sarah’s Key” by Tatiana de Rosnay and it was amazing. I began it during my lunch break at work and as soon as I got home from work, I ignored everything else, including dinner, until I finished it!

  16. Lexilooo says

    PS. Another good one that I finished just before Sarah’s Key was “Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet” by Jamie Ford.


  17. Life Abroad says

    Wow that sushi looks absolutely delicious! In the Netherlands we have a meal called “stampot”, which is a traditional meat and potatoes dish. It is basically just mashed potatoes mixed with carrots or turnips, and then served with lots of gravy and German sausage. My boyfriend is a meat and potatoes guy too, and he loves this Dutch food! It sounds pretty simple to me, but people here are obsessed with it!

  18. Lucky in Love says

    So I’m thinking a visit is in order after you’re settled where we can get drinks and sushi (they have SOME non-gross things there for me too right?). Just kidding…well…I’ve never been brave enough to try it so I’m not sure if I’m kidding or not 🙂

    Anyways…hope you finish everything on your list before your baby boy arrives! XOXO

  19. KY Mommy says

    Here is an easy meal I thought I would share here so everyone could see it if need be

    1 lb browned hamburger
    1 can tomato soup
    1 can green beans
    1 cup shredded cheddar
    1 packet of instant potatoes, coooked (you can make homemade if you want 🙂 )

    Mix together first three in a skillet until warm. Put in a 8 by 8 or 9 by 9 baking dish. top with potatoes and cheddar. Bake for 25 minutes at 325.

  20. *~! megs !~* says

    i would totally bring you sushi and a (couple) Arnold Palmers if Savannah was just a bit closer!!!

    I hope you get everything done! Enjoy your time off girlie!

  21. Elizabeth says

    I think this is my 1st comment!

    I would recommend the Twilight Series, any book by Dorothea Benton Frank (great heroines and good food descriptions!), the movie Wall-E (which was adorable), and how about some old school Romantic Comedies: You’ve Got Mail, One Fine Day, and the Princess Bride?

  22. A Delightful Life says

    Good Luck with the next couple of weeks! I’m so excited for you! I’m a new follower and I love your blog 🙂

  23. Baffled Blogger says

    I would definitely pick the old school classics Elizabeth suggested! One Fine Day, You’ve Got Mail, My Best Friend’s Wedding, The Wedding Date, ohh and Jersey Girl. That movie makes me cry, EVERY time.

  24. Jillian, Inc says

    Good luck with your list. I hope your maternity leave is glorious. One thing I’ve always done as far as food is brown lots of ground sirloin and/or turkey and it freezes great so you have pull some out and make tacos, add it to sauce for pasta, etc. Another thing that is popular at my house for the guys is “sloppy joes” made out of browned sirloin and 1 can of chicken gumbo soup per pound of meat. Don’t dilute the soup with water…just dump in the can. It’s so tasty and easy. Add a side of chips and mac n’ cheese (have you tried the fozen Stouffer’s?) or a side salad and it’s a great meal!

  25. southern daze says

    I have a feeling the time is going to fly by! I hope you enjoy the nesting phase and know you'll get everything you want accomplished prior to his arrival. One thing I didn't see on your list is to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet. I have a feeling that's all about to change (in a good way, of course) 🙂

    I'd love to help with Netflix ideas but my own queue is in serious trouble as well. I'm embarrassed to admit that I've had two movies since December that I haven't watched. How pathetic is that?!

    I'll check our recipes and see what "easy & man friendly" ones I have. Hopefully you'll have so much food dropped off for you that he won't have to cook much.

    If I lived closer I would definitely bring you sushi & an arnold palmer. Sorry I'm so far away!

  26. Brown Eyed Girl says

    Great list! You have a lot of reading to catch up on!! I bet you are so excited to be off work and able to relax and wait for your precious baby to arrive!

    I’ve never tried an Arnold Palmer…it looks yummy!! I’m sure you’ll be ready for a little sip 🙂

  27. SassyEngineer says

    I just started reading Same Kind of Different as Me! My mom recently read The Shack and really liked it. I can’t wait to finish Same Kind of Different as Me. Maybe we can chat about it when I am done 🙂

  28. Legallyblondemel says

    Wow, that is one ambitious list!

    For reading recommendations, I just finished one of Emily Giffin's books; if you're in the mood for something light, yet well put together, I recommend any of hers. Ashamedly, I also just finished "Mommywood" – and loved every tacky word, naturally.

    For movies, I just watched & liked "Rachel Getting Married". Definitely not a pick me up movie, but it was well done & Anne Hathaway was excellent.

  29. Heidi says

    Just found your blog. Congrats on that little guy on the way!

    …and don't put those maternity clothes back quite yet. Uh, you'll be needing those for a few weeks after! :>)

    My favorite feel good movies are You've Got Mail and the American President. Great comedy/romance stories!

  30. Chic Runner says

    I can’t believe he’s coming so soon! It’s going to be so amazing and I will be keeping you in my prayers/thoughts in these upcoming days! 🙂 Let us know how the Shack is, I really have been putting off reading that one but I hear it’s amazing. 🙂

  31. Rachel says

    You’ve got a busy bunch of days ahead of you!! It’ll feel so good to have all that done before the baby gets here!

    As for recipes, Pioneer Woman is my go to when I am looking for a great meal. Her Pasta Ala Vodka is delicious!

  32. Kappa Prep says

    Have a wonderful few days/weeks at home and rest up too! I cannot believe your baby boy is about to arrive!! This is so exciting and I wish you all the best over the coming days, weeks, months and years!!

  33. Tara Gibson says

    i will so miss my sushi and wine when i get preggo! enjoy these last weeks before the baby arrives!

  34. Naturally Caffeinated Family says

    someone is def bringing me sushi right after i get to hold the little bebe! and a drink to soon follow=) I would be there with sushi in hand for you if i was closer=) hope you’re doing great!

  35. thelilwuvskimo says

    OH MY GOSH.. you are AFTER my heart with the sushi and Arnold Palmer! I had my first Arnold Palmer a few months back, and omgosh.. I fell in love!

  36. yeahexceptfornot says

    I love your list of things to do! I’m at 40 weeks and still have a few things on your list to finish! Good luck!

  37. Southern Savvy says

    Hey, give your hospital a call to find out if they have a special meal that you can order post-delivery. My hospital had a surf and turf special – unfortunately no wine to go with it. Next time I’ll have someone sneak that in for me! LOL 🙂

  38. Tina says

    Movies: “Finding Sarah Marshall” … I haven’t laughed that hard in forever…

    As for books goes, right now i’m reading “Gracie” By George Burns, about his wife Gracie Allen. So far it’s just hilarious, a wonderful love story.

    Best of luck!!!

  39. Bama Belle... says

    You are going to be such a wonderful mommy! Hope these last few days(weeks?) are easy for you. Sending you lots of hugs.

  40. 'cuz I'm the mommy, that's why! says

    Get the car seats installed, make sure all your comfy maternity clothes and sheets and towels are clean, then kick back with the books. Trust me, if the have to do a C, they won’t likely wait until you are over 38 weeks, so that maternity leave time may go faster than you think. Have someone come in and clean the house for you while you are at the hospital if possible (pay them if you have to) so you can have a couple of weeks to recuperate before you have to think about toilet bowls, dirty rugs, streaky windows, or dusty shelves. They will not be your priority for a couple of months if you are like most of us:)!
    Good luck!

  41. Q. and La. says

    Don’t put all the maternity clothes away. I had my baby Tuesday and I’m SOOOOOOOOOOOO glad for the too big clothing. C section or not, you still look like you have a baby in there… I’ve found The baby Whisperer to be quite lovely and oh so helpful. I’m lookin’ forward to the posts on your little one!

  42. Preppy Coastee says

    I cant wait to see pictures of that new born!! I loooove babies! I decided I had to have one of my own, lol lol.

  43. Mrs. Newlywed says

    Clearly I have no baby advice.

    I do, however, believe they should serve alcohol the second after you give birth.

    I also want to know what this big blog project is…I’m just nosy like that.

  44. Sarah Warchol says

    Hi Erin.
    I’ve been following your blog for a bit and comment occasionally. BTW-LOVE the blog and your fab attitude!

    I’m in the process of writing a cookbook and have a recipe or two I’d love to share with you and Todd-I’ll get them to you ASAP.

    And as for the Arnold Palmer-my husband and love them! You’ve great taste, my dear!!!

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