moving along

We’ve had quite the eventful week at our house. The nursery is coming together thanks to my wonderful parents (no, you can’t see pictures yet) and we finished off our registry at Babies R Us thanks to Todd’s parents. Now the baby boy has everything he needs. Now all we need is the baby boy.

At my last doctor’s appointment at 36 weeks, I had an ultrasound to check out his position. At this point I’m reluctant to say anything about how things are progressing because 1) so many readers and commenters are harsh and judgmental and will tell me to change something about what I’m doing and I just don’t want to read it right now and 2) things could change at any point on their own. I don’t want to report news because I know that by my next appointment things could change.

Our little boy is currently a whopping 7 lbs 9 oz and at my next appointment on Thursday of this week I’m sure they’ll tell me he’s even bigger than that. He is in oblique position and running out of room to turn. I’ve had two ultrasounds in the last two weeks and I’ll have another this Thursday to see what position he’s in. If, at that point, he is still oblique, the doctor wants to schedule a c-section for 38 weeks. So this guy could be here before June.

We’re frantically trying to get everything ready before next Thursday as we prepare for his arrival. We’ll put the finishing touches on the nursery, finally get the car seat and extra car seat base installed, and now we’ve got one more project to tackle. We live in an old house and have had some leak trouble in our guest bedroom the whole time we’ve lived there. After a few repairs but not official diagnoses, the ceiling finally fell in yesterday. Beautiful. This is the room that my parents will be staying in when they come to help me with the baby, so it’s crucial that we get it fixed as soon as possible.

Nothing like good timing, right?

Good news, though: my last day of work before maternity leave is Friday. It’s so nice to have that light at the end of the tunnel. I’m experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions a few times every day and working is next to impossible. Sitting is next to impossible. I’m looking forward to being at home and preparing myself mentally for our lives to change!

I promise to post an update after my appointment on Thursday. Keep us in your prayers as we enter the final few days. Baby’s health is of utmost importance to me.

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  1. Gwen says

    Praying for you all and definitely take the time off before baby boy arrives to relax. You deserve it!!! XOXO

  2. KLC says

    Good luck with the final weeks of your pregnancy! I can’t wait to hear all about your little guy when he gets here!! You are going to be such a great mom!!! I will pray for you and your growing family.

  3. Sara says

    I love reading about all the changes and preparation. I’m seriously getting excited for you! Wow it must be such a relief for maternity leave to be right around the corner. Like the last day of school before summer? Hopefully you don’t have to have a c-section, but I’m sure things will fine no matter what.

  4. Miss Monogram says

    Good luck with all your preparations–I’m sure everything will come together just in time for baby boy 😉

  5. Kristin says

    How exciting! I’m certainly no expert, but I will say that both my niece and nephew were projected to be big babies and neither one was close to the size they thought (8.5 lbs for nephew and 9-10lbs for niece)… my nephew was 7lbs3oz and my niece was 8lbs5oz! So, maybe he won’t be as big as they say… I don’t know where they get their numbers. 🙂 Enjoy your last few weeks before little man arrives!

  6. CageQueen says

    I never get why some women feel the need to bash others. I am not even pregnant (yet) and one friend has already told me the “evils” of hospital births. Good grief. I say, do what you feel is best. You instinct supercedes any assvice someone may try to dole out, even if they’re well-intentioned.

    Good luck to you and try to rest as much as you can. 🙂

  7. Kate says

    So exciting! I can’t wait to see pictures of the nursery and to hear all the updates!!!

    Yay for maternity leave, too 🙂

  8. Ruby Slippers says

    I hope everything goes well! It’s annoying that you feel you can’t say everything that’s going on, because of people who like to be Judgy McJudgersons over the net to people they’ve never even met, but I understand where you’re coming from. You do what YOU think is best for everything! And it will all turn out as it should.

    Slightly off the subject: Did you ever get baby bump maternity pics taken? I can’t remember.

  9. Callie says

    I just found your blog the other day and I thought it was too adorable. I am pregnant as well (due with our second little man July 25th *30 weeks right now*). You will love having a baby boy… they absolutly love their Mommies!
    Good luck with everything… I will be praying for you and your little man.

  10. Nat says

    Good luck! I’ll keep you and baby boy in my thoughts and prayers! Don’t listen to all those other people, as my grandmother said everyone is different and no two people have the same experience with anything!

  11. *~! megs !~* says

    I can only imagine how excited, nervous, and probably stressed you are right now.. Just hang in there pretty girl!!

    I’ll be praying for you and that precious baby…

  12. thelilwuvskimo says

    I just found your blog today, so I have been trying to catch up and read, absolutely love it. But keep your head up! Your little man will be okay. 🙂

  13. Preppy 101 says

    Baby Boy is very excited to get here!! And your parents won’t care if that ceiling is in the bed with them!! haha… all they care about is Baby and Baby Girl Daughter! I am so excited for you. Can’t wait to see the nursery pics . . . I hope you’ll share them with us!! Are you packed for the hospital?? xoxo

  14. The Cape House says

    Lordy, what a time for the ceiling to fall in! Yikes, that is stressful and unpleasant no matter what, never mind when you’re expecting a baby. Good luck in the homestretch!

  15. Sweet Carolina Bride says

    I know you both must be getting so excited! Will definitely keep you in my prayers and hope everything with the guest room is fixed soon!

  16. USCEmily says

    Oh, Erin! I know you are beyond excited to be headed towards maternity leave and the arrival of sweet BBC! I can’t wait to meet him after he arrives 🙂 Maybe we can do a lunch date once he’s here and ready to go out in the world before you have to go back to work!

  17. Randall @ Happy For This Moment says

    So glad this weekend was productive in the baby sector! Hope everything goes well in your final weeks.

  18. Nora says

    I’m new to your blog, you must be so excited for your little guy to be here! Good luck 🙂

  19. RLR says

    My little girl was oblique until 37 weeks 6 days! She was that way for much of my pregnancy, and it was very uncomfortable for me. I hope Baby Boy Carroll isn’t making you too uncomfortable!
    Enjoy your leave, and I hope you can get some rest before Baby Boy Carroll arrives. I know – probably hard to do when you are worried about getting the guest room ceiling repaired and the room back in order for your parents’ arrival.
    I’ll be praying for you and your growing family!

  20. Carolina Girl says

    Thinking of you!!!! I know things will go smoothly.

    Can I buy him a Gamecock onesie? Is that wrong??? Tee Hee 🙂

  21. BroncoMom says

    I am thinking about you and sending you prayers and good wishes!!
    Think happy thoughts and let don’t let the turkeys get ya down.

  22. Winston Family Blog says

    I just recently found your blog and LOVE it!

    Don’t let anyone tell you what to do about YOUR pregnancy! My little girl was breech and we had a schedule c-section and i LOVED the experience! We knew ahead of time the exact day she was going to be born so it allowed my parents to fly in from Dallas and let us set everything up. And the c-section was not bad at all. I actually loved that it only took 15 minutes for her birth! Congrats!

  23. Winston Family Blog says

    no there are a TON of similarities! We have only been married a short term and then got pregnant! My family is in Dallas (and the rest all over Texas) and we are stranded on our own in Miami for my husband job! so funny!

  24. Southern says

    Thinking of you! It’s a thrilling, exciting, but scary time – I remember it well! DYING to see pics of the nursery…why must you tease us so? I know it’s fabulous! Take care you!

  25. Erika says

    Wow you are almost there. My baby boy will be 1 on May 28th and time flies by so fast! Motherhood is amazing and challenging all in one but 110% worth it. As your next few weeks approach get as much rest as you can, you will thank me later, and enjoy your parents while they are here to help. I never thought I’d need them so much after our little man came! Can’t wait to see more updates! Best of Luck!

  26. Julia says

    wow, are so close! I’ll be thinking of you. Hang in there. And kudos to you for deciding to keep some of the baby stuff private to avoid criticism/opinions. I cannot blame you:)

  27. Veri Teri says

    Hi Erin,
    We’re “family” now, but I will definately not give advice or be judgemental… I will, however, be praying for you!

    Teri Roy
    (your 2nd cousin in-law! I think that should count as family)

  28. Puttin' On The GRITS says

    Something tells me that the unwanted advice from people in the blog world (and real world!) is only just beginning for you!!! No matter what you do, someone will always have a “better way”. Do what YOU and the Mr. feel is the best for the little one and that’s all that matters…you are his parents.

    I guess that was advice you didn’t ask for, huh?

    It’s okay if it’s from me. 😉

  29. Friends says

    Best of luck to you with the birth of your little one. I wish you many blessings. If a scheduled cesarean becomes necessary, consider postponing it until 39 weeks or after. My 1st was born pre-term because we were wrong about her dates. March of Dimes and other orgs are trying to get the word out about waiting until 39 weeks for elective inductions and cesareans. Best of luck to your growing family!

  30. Glamorous Life of a House Wife says

    I will definitely pray for you as you finish this journey with excellence! It truly amazes me how many people have something to say or interject, even when it’s completely unsolicited. Ugh. It makes me hesistant to discuss some stuff, too. Your pregnancy, your delivery and your mommying is YOUR business and no one should critique that. I’m with you 100%. Hang in there, girl. You can do it! And yes, sitting is impossible.

  31. Eileen says

    I had a button I wore during the last six weeks of my pregnancy reading: “Only happy birthing stories, please. Baby is listening.”

    I have to admit I got a kick out of watching some people’s mouths open. Then close. And their eyes would go all squinty.

    In case you care: I was in labor for over 48 hours. It wasn’t as bad as it sounds. For me. I did hypnobirthing. My husband was another story.

    I ended up having a c-section and, I admit, I was disappointed. It wasn’t The Plan.

    I think I was upset and resentful because it wasn’t The Plan.

    BUT The Boy was in a funky position and just wasn’t coming out. Thank goodness for medical science.

    I’m totally over it and have a happy, healthy, cheerful son.

    You will have a wonderful baby, too.

  32. Abbie says

    Hang in there, Erin! He will be here soon! No one person’s view point is the perfect way. Keep that in mind! XOXO

  33. Lucky in Love says

    This is such an exciting time for you guys…and I’m sure scary as well to say the least.

    But, you two are so prepared. You have everything you need for your little boy, your parents are there to help out, and you’ll be home soon, resting and awaiting his arrival. You and Todd are going to make fantastic parents and I just can’t wait until your little bundle of joy arrives.

    We’ll definitely be praying for you and the baby so much and wishing you the best of luck!

    I can’t wait to see how the nursery turns out!

  34. Charlotte says

    I am wishing you all the best!! I know how you feel and you will enjoy not working as I know that I have!!! Its been such a relief to be able to relax!! I look forward to reading more about your progress! I too am in the position where I am scheduling my C Section and I am proud of you for standing your ground! Do what feels right to you! It’s amazing the judgment from other mothers out there!!! Best of luck girl!!!!

  35. Pretty Personal Gifts says

    How excited are you??? I do hope you post some photos of the nursery and of course, of that baby boy!

    About the harsh comments. That really stinks. Sorry to hear that. This is your place to vent, not to be judged. So sorry…

    Wishing that baby an easy breezy stress free arrival, any which way he chooses.

  36. A Walk With The... says

    Oh Erin I can so relate reading your post. I can hear the anxiety in your voice. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if every person you met told you how beautiful and glowing you were? (Instead of their eyes popping out of their head and making some comment about not being able to believe how big you are?!)

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone you talked to told you that only you could decide what was best for your baby (Instead of telling you how you should be doing things!)

    I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts…please don’t hesitate to email if you need to vent!!

  37. Baffled Blogger says

    You must feel so overwhelmed, stressed, nervous, and excited! I’m sure your parents wouldn’t care if they had to sleep outside knowing they had their beautiful grandbaby inside! Everything will work itself out! Have a great last day at work, and I’m praying for an easy delivery for you!

  38. The Shabby Princess says

    Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear about the ceiling!!! Don’t worry, you’ll get it all done. Yay for maternity leave!

  39. Mojito Maven says

    you’re going to be a mommy so soon!!!!!! I am so excited for you and Todd!!! And I can’t wait to see pics of the finished nursery!!!!

    And I’m sorry about your ceiling, but if it makes you feel any better I am still IN LOVE with your house!

    love you friend!

  40. KrissyBo. says

    It’s wonderful that you will have a few days to be home and nest before his arrival!! 😉 I loved having that time to prepare. 🙂

    I’m so sorry about your ceiling!! Everything has a way of working out, so try not to worry. 🙂

  41. Mandy Rose says

    AHHH it’s going to be here before you know it! I am beyond excited for you! You are going to be a great mama!

  42. Miss E says

    So excited for Baby Boy’s arrival! I’m praying for a safe and healthy last few weeks and delivery (and that the guest room ceiling gets repaired!). Can’t wait to see pics of the nursery.

  43. Beth says

    My best friend backed into my car 2 weeks before I had my little girl! It took a lot not to go off on her. I didn’t not want to bring Olivia home in a rental! Luckly my car was fixed the day before we left the hospital.
    Good Luck with everything!!
    Love your blog!

  44. Legallyblondemel says

    Sending good thoughts to you – and to your guest bathroom!

    Just think, Friday is almost here . ..

  45. Leah says

    I’m glad you’re able to plan the birth you want, regardless of what the others say. Though I’d agree with the other posters who say to wait until 39 weeks. Nothing sucks as much as having your baby stay in the hospital without you or having to go to the NICU. I know your goal is a healthy baby, you’ve obviously put so much thought into it. But I’d ask your doctor if there isn’t any reason why you couldn’t wait another week like the March of Dimes and Obstetricians organizations recommend.

    That gives you some time to pamper yourself before you go form pregnant princess to postpartum cinderella. LOL

    Happy birth!

  46. LyndsAU says

    thinking about you lots my friend and praying for you and that little sweet boys safety and health!
    i am so sorry to hear about the ceiling fan! that stinks!! it will all come together sweet girl. only two more days of work 🙂 yippee!

  47. Maggie Dickinson says

    Stumbled across your blog today. Just wanted to say congratulations. I had an emergency c-section at 38 weeks due to multiple complications and my son was perfect (still is). Your doctor is the one who knows best when and how you should deliver–not the people who read this blog. Good luck.

    I love your blog!

  48. Amy I. says

    How exciting! Best wishes for a smooth remainder of your pregnancy. Thinking good thoughts for you 🙂

  49. Suzanne says

    Don’t listen to anyone! You do what is best for you and that baby. I had a c-section and I was just fine. Sometimes, the natural way isn’t right for everyone. I am so excited for you! Enjoy these last few days of just you and your hubby.

  50. Naturally Caffeinated Family says

    yay for maternity leave, you’re almost there girl!=) i will def be praying for you and sweet baby boy!!! i am so sorry you’ve had mean people comment or give advice that think their way is the only way, i know exactly how that is, not fun at all! you’re going to do so great no matter what=)!! (and yes, sitting, phew=), and getting up even more phew, ha)

  51. laura says

    hi! i found your blog through my college sorority sister at The Preppy Baby. first off, congratulations on your impending arrival! secondly, i’m sorry to hear that some readers are being harsh and judgmental. scheduled c-sections can, sadly, be a hot topic of conversation. my daughter, sydney, was breeched for most of my pregnancy. she did not turn. my doc said that an ECV was not a good option for me. we scheduled a c-section at 39 weeks. it wasn’t what i had imagined when thinking about giving birth to my first child. i had only seen the baby story episodes and those scared me…but i could not have been more wrong. having a c-section was what was best for my baby. and, i had a wonderful, and i mean, wonderful experience!!

    laura at the land of syd

  52. Me says

    I stumbled across your blog and love it!
    I was about to offer some unsolicited advice and then remembered how much I hated it, haha!
    Good Luck with the Wee One! They’re just amazingly wonderful!

  53. Courtney says

    Hope you’re hanging in there OK and that you got the ceiling problem fixed! Enjoy this holiday weekend!

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