How I Clean Now

A few months ago, I was approached to take part in a blogger cleaning intervention hosted by Pledge. I recently wrote a post about some of the challenges of pregnancy and how cleaning in our house has fallen to my husband (or fallen by the wayside) and the good folks at Pledge saw that post.

For the past few weeks I’ve been working for Pledge helping them to promote this product– and they are paying me and offering me some very helpful advice on how to maintain a clean, baby-friendly home. This is the new Pledge Multi-Surface Cleaner. You can learn a lot more about it and a great contest for you at How I Clean Now.

You can read my blog posts, and the posts of four other bloggers who have some home cleaning challenges, at the How I Clean Now bloggers page.

We opened up our home to a video crew and those videos will go live in a few days so you can see me talk about my challenges and our problem areas. The lovely Trish Suhr will be offering me some very helpful feedback to try to get my house ready for Baby Boy Carroll and how to easily maintain a clean house once he arrives.

So if you want to see what I’m writing about and how I’m losing all kinds of control in my home because of pregnancy, dogs, and lack of energy, please check out the Pledge blog. And feel free to leave your cleaning tips as comments on that blog.

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  1. The Reality of Happily Ever After says

    Cleaning with natural products was a norm in our home — Ammonia on windows and mirrors, lemon juice for on counter tops, baking soda for the tougher stuff like shower floors…

    I’ll have to check this product out!

  2. Southern says

    Very cool! I hated the cat hair being around when my little guy came, but you get over it soon enough!

  3. Chic Runner says

    I don’t know if I can ever give up my bleach now that I know how magical it is… but I will have to look for this soon! 🙂 Thanks for the tip!

  4. Gwen says

    Look at you go!!! This is fabulous for you and to get to meet Trish Suhr is AWESOME!!! I love Clean House!!! XOXO

  5. LyndsAU says

    that’s awesome 🙂 I can’t wait to see these videos 🙂 I need all the advice I can get for the months to come! 🙂

  6. Julia says

    You’re so popular these days! 🙂 I never even thought about cleaning while preggo or with a newborn…as if I didn’t despise it enough.:)

  7. Mrs. S. says

    I have been wanting to try that and I will definitely have to go buy it now! I bought the Pledge Pet Hair roller thing…I love it! It really works. I can’t wait to try it!

  8. Tattooed Dorothy says

    I’ve never tried this stuff, but I will certainly give it a go!

    I’m usually more into the wipes because they seem a bit easier than dragging a bottle and paper towels around. But the spray looks like a great idea! Thank you for sharing!

  9. *~! megs !~* says

    can’t wait to see the videos! i am a clean FREAK and feel like i can never catch up with the dogs in the house! i need to try this stuff..

    and amen on a kris and danny finale. so sad that we didn’t get that!!!

  10. Cee says

    Very cool! I will have to check out the videos! I have the pledge muti-surface wipes and they work great.

  11. The Dunaway's says

    I need to pick up some of that stuff!
    How are you feeling?
    I left you a little something over on my blog!

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