holy 35 weeks pregnant, Batman!

Do y’all see the pregnancy ticker right up there? Right above this post? Does it really say 35 weeks and 0 days today?

Just a little FYI: there is no way that I’m going to be pregnant for five more weeks. I’m not going to show you a picture of me to prove it, but I’m freakin’ huge. I know, I know. I’m going to get bigger. There’s just a really big baby in there already.

I go for my 35 week appointment tomorrow and the only big event happening at that time is my Group B Strep test. Awesome. Some of these routine pregnancy things are really disgusting and I’m so glad that our wonderful nurse at the child-birth class told us about this test because I would be in for a world of surprise tomorrow at my appointment if she hadn’t.

My normal routine for going to the doctor is 1) check in at the front desk, 2) walk down the hall where Todd waits in the “Waiting Womb” and I go to leave a urine sample, 3) go in to have my blood pressure checked and weigh in. Right now, I’ve gained about 35 pounds. There, it’s in writing for everyone to see. I’m sure, by the end it will be at least 40 pounds. Oh well.

TMI alert: (stop reading if you don’t want to know a little too much about me)

On the way to the doctor’s office every time I’m thinking to myself, “I don’t even have to pee. How am I going to leave a urine sample?” Then as soon as I step into the restroom and lock the door, I feel like I’m going to wet my pants.

I start doing the pee pee dance and frantically try to unwrap the plastic wrap around the plastic cup and then pull down the giant maternity pants. There’s always a little bit of a question in my mind about my aim and if I’ll actually make it into the cup, but there was never a problem. Until the last visit.

My stomach has gotten so big that it’s physically difficult for me to hold the cup in the line of fire and make it around my belly. The toilet at the doctor’s office stands up really tall, but because I’m so “front heavy” I’m always afraid the gravity is going to pull me forward onto my face while I’m trying to balance and hold the cup in the correct position. So at my last visit, I really had to go. I miraculously made it into the cup, but as I was pulling the cup back up, I hit my belly, stumbled, and dropped the entire cup in the toilet. Toilet water filled the remainder of the cup and my “sample” was ruined.

The worst part was that I had to retrieve the cup from the toilet so I could throw it away. Then I had to ask for a bottle of water so I could “try again” at the end of my appointment. Of course I didn’t tell them why I was unsuccessful on my first try. I’m sure I’ve psyched myself out now and I’ll struggle with this for my next four visits. Lovely. It’s a good thing they have amazing soap and scalding water in those restrooms.

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  1. Kelly says

    Your bathroom story made me laugh out loud! Thanks for sharing. I hope it goes smoother next time! 🙂

  2. Lisa says

    OMG what a cute/funny pregnancy story! I’m a little girl, so I imagine I would be in for the same fate in your shoes!

  3. The Dunaway's says

    You aren’t going to believe this but I did the EXACT.SAME.THING at the end of my pregnancy! I just told them I didn’t have to go at the time and would try again at the end of my appointment! LOL

  4. Glamorous Life of a House Wife says

    Oh my, we relate so much!! And I have this test next week. I am NOT looking forward to it. We’re at the end, lady. Let’s do it!

  5. GingerSnap says

    Hillarious! I love that you just pretended that you “weren’t successful” the first time around. 🙂

  6. The Reality of Happily Ever After says

    You are clearly getting cutter as you get more pregnant 🙂

    I can hardly believe it’s been 35 weeks! Time is FLYING!

  7. Emily says

    Oh friend.. i just love you! U make me smile daily.. whether is is by reading your cute post or by the sweet comments you leave on my blog!!
    1. I always feel like I am not going to be able to pee and then get in there and gotta go
    2. Last time I peed so much I overflowed the cup and then had to wash my hands and pour some out
    3. There is a lot of stuff about being pregnant that is wonderful
    4. There is a lot of stuff regarding pregnancy that is humilating.. u want details.. email me:)
    5. Hope your drs apt goes well, cant wait for an update
    6. Im sure you are still adorable as ever… IM SURE OF IT:)

  8. Naturally Caffeinated Family says

    you poor thing, haha! i was going to write a post about the craziness of peeing in a cup while “very” preggy=)!! we know you still look gorgeous hot mama=) almost there, yaaay!!

  9. *~! megs !~* says

    I can’t believe how close you are to the end! Wow.

    Your pee story just cracked me up. I feel for you.. =)

  10. d.a.r. says

    You are so close to meeting your little one!! And holy cow, I adore your blog. Seriously. Thanks for the honesty and laughs 🙂

  11. Legallyblondemel says

    Ha! As usual, we all appreciate your honesty on these pregnancy matters. I’m only sorry that you have to endure the unpleasant bits like pee-aiming. 😉

  12. almost DUNN says

    heeehee! my friend did the same thing, except she wasn’t even pregnant!! she was just giving blood and they did all these crazy tests. Anyway, don’t feel bad you beautiful baby totin’ blogger!

  13. Mrs. Newlywed says

    Is it bad that I clicked on the link for that test you are having, and I laughed when I saw the word rectum?

    I believe this is a sign of my maturity.

    Happy peeing!

  14. Becky says

    Oh I HATE pee test so bad! I know it’s gotta be hard to do this with the belly…I feel for you 🙁 Good luck!

  15. Southern says

    Just wait until after you have that baby. You won’t be able to hold your pee ever! At least I can’t.

  16. Kate says

    Oh man! I have trouble enough as it is peeing under pressure – I never considered the perils of preggers peeing!

    I love hearing all your stories – I’m so impressed with your humor and realistic attitude throughout this process!!!

  17. StylishSuburban says

    Your story made me laugh so hard! Hope you wrote it down in your little ones baby book. Not much longer until you get to meet him.

  18. Megan says

    See this is what I am talking about. The cups need to be bigger. This story did make me laugh though!!

  19. mrs.leah.maria says

    I’m sorry girl! I don’t mean to scare, just think of everything as a possibility, not a probability! 🙂

    I had to lol about this post, while it never happened to me . . . it was close. So hard to even know where to place the cup until you hear it hitting the plastic lol!

  20. Sara says

    Thanks for sharing; now I have another wonderful image of pregnancy. LOL! I’m always afraid I’ll drop it and I’m not pregnant. Good times!

  21. Domestic Goddess says

    oh girl!

    I “missed” on a pee test once and had to come back later and try again. Totally humiliating!

    Hang in there..you’re almost there!

  22. *kimmie* says

    When I went through a year of kidney troubles, I had to pee in a cup once a week for about six months. Like you, I could pee on demand and would literally wet myself at the sight of a plastic cup.

    I love that you are comfortable sharing such fun stories, good luck in the next 5 (or less!) weeks!

  23. Marge says

    Oh my goodness I can’t even imagine. I have enough trouble giving a sample without having another human in my midsection. I love that you shared that story though, it’s so great to hear the what the real side of the pregnancy is like!

  24. southern daze says

    We’re really are alike! I can say with a fair level of certainty that if I’d ever been pregnant I would have a very similar story to tell 🙂

    Congrats on 35 weeks!! It seems like just yesterday you told me and now you’re thisclose to bringing your sweet baby boy home — yeah!!

    p.s. I’m sure you’re not at huge as you think.

  25. Mojito Maven says

    I literally had tears in my eyes at work when I read your bathroom story! I love you!! I still think you are the most beautiful pregnant girl ever!

  26. LyndsAU says

    Erin that is hysterical!! 🙂 I can so see myself doing something similar 🙂 Hope the 35 week appt is great. 🙂

  27. FROGGITY! says

    bless your heart. oh the things we mommies go through.

    wanted to wish you a happy first mother’s day! 🙂

  28. Prissy Southern Prep says

    Isn’t pregnancy wonderful? haha. It is certainly not boring. This story made me giggle. Maybe this won’t happen again!! And if it does, so what! Nobody has to know 😉 Hang in there, you’re almost to the end!

  29. The Shabby Princess says

    Um, don’t judge me, but, I’ve done the same thing at a doctor’s visit–sans pregnancy belly. Yeah, I’m klutz….

  30. Melissa says

    Ok, I dropped my cup in the toilet once at a dr. visit and didn’t have a preggo belly to blame! I was so embarrassed!

  31. Q. and La. says

    Ahhhhhhhhhh stink. Last week was my first ooops with the cup. I think it happens to all of us!

  32. Bama Belle... says

    oh pumpkin! these were things i never even thought about before. your wonderful attitude and brutal honesty is so refreshing though. and as others have said, you are an absolutely beautiful pregnant gal!

  33. Bounty says

    Hey there Erin! I hope you are doing well; I love your blog, and your pics are so beautiful! I just had my first baby (19.5 hours) labour, and I wanted to wish you luck for June! Its pretty daunting the first time, but hang in there hun, you will do just fine! I also love your dog – golden lab, so cute! If you wanna come chat to other mums or share your blog (Im sure they would love it!) check out http://my.bounty.com/forums/ where we have lots of yummy mummies hanging out! Would be lovely to see you over there! I cant wait for your birth story and to see photos of your new baby! Big hugs xxxx

  34. have a lovely says

    oh so many congrats!! you are so close the big debut day when you will get to meet your little one!!!! so excited for you!

  35. Erika says

    So I had read your blog before…but never realized you were expecting so HOW exciting. It seems that you got married and got pregnant about the same as what we did. Got married April 7th 2007 – found out I was pregnant Oct 2007 -had baby May 28th 2008! Now he will be 1 year old! OMG you will love it. I’ll add you. If you have any last minute questions let me know. Btw…I had gained 35lbs so no worries!

  36. BroncoMom says

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
    Just so you will feel a little bit better….You are not the only one that has happened too…wink wink!
    Hang in ther, you are almost at the finish line!!

  37. Abbie says

    It’s crazy to me how quickly time has flown!! (You probably don’t feel the same way.) I can’t wait!

  38. Miss E says

    Oh, that was too funny. Please reconsider posting a pic. You are about the cutest thing ever and I’m sure your belly is a-dorable! Hang in there, not too much longer *so excited*

  39. GrannySmithGreen says

    I remember those days well! Your story is so funny! We mommies have been there! I can’t believe you are 35 weeks already. It seems to have flown by! Best of luck!

  40. Candace says

    Too funny! I so remember those days when I was pregnant with my daugter! I am definitely not looking forward to that again, seeing as I am 16 weeks along, but it is a part of the process I guess!

  41. Krissy Bohannon Photography says

    OMG I am laughing so hard right now! 🙂 You are too funny! And I can totally relate to everything you said! I hope your next few weeks go well, I know you are so ready to have baby boy Carroll out of your belly! 🙂 I can’t believe how quickly your pregnancy has flown by!

  42. Destinesia says

    OHMYGOSH…i don’t think i have laughed this hard in a LONG time. b/c i know you so well makes this absolutely hilarious! my eyes have tears i’m laughing so hard. HA! FUNNY!!

  43. Prosey says

    So great to read another woman’s sense of humor through pregnancy – especially at THIS stage of pregnancy (which is right where I am presently). What struck my funny bone the hardest was the “pee pee dance” – I haven’t heard that phrase in YEARS – but I know it well, and during pregnancy…definitely on command dance party usa! LMAO!


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