the final countdown

Cue the theme song by “Europe.” We’re in the final stretch. And because so many of you have asked, I am posting my last belly shot. I have a strong amount of shame right now, so I reduced the size significantly to protect myself. That is a BIG baby in there. 


38.5 weeks pregnant

I visited my doctor’s office on Wednesday. At that time, I was 75% effaced and 1 centimeter dilated. She encouraged me to go ahead and schedule the delivery due to Baby Boy Carroll’s size. He weighed 8 pounds at my 37 week visit, so she guessed he was already 8.5 pounds at 38 weeks.

I called yesterday to schedule the induction for June 4. If I don’t go into labor before then, our baby will be born on June 4!

His brother and sister, Boudreaux and Fiona, are very excited– don’t they look excited?



My parents are leaving Dallas on Monday to drive out here. They’re picking up my brother on the way and everyone should be here for the scheduled delivery. My mom will help me put all of the finishing touches on the nursery when she arrives. She is an In-Home Consultant for Calico Corners on Inwood in Dallas and she coordinated everything for the draperies, table cloth, chair, bed skirt, and bumpers. I can’t even tell you how wonderful and happy everything looks!

We don’t have any nursery photos yet because I am still waiting on the crib and dresser to arrive. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. Ahem, delivery company! I’m not too concerned, though. Everything else is completely finished and ready to go. We have the pack ‘n play set up and it has a built in changing table, so he’ll have a place to sleep and be changed if the furniture doesn’t arrive before the big birthday. No worries, right? I’m letting go and going with the flow.

Here’s a sneak peak of an incredible gift we received, though. Our wonderful family friend, Janice Wood (in Birmingham), painted four 2×2 boards for the nursery. They’ll hang in a grid. The others are a surprise because one has his name on it, but here is one of the boards. How adorable is that frog and the little bugs? It’s so little boy! I absolutely love all four paintings and can’t wait to show y’all the finished nursery!


And because I think she’s silly, I scooped up Fiona and all of Baby Boy’s stuffed animals, and put Fiona in the middle of them. It resembles the E.T. in the closet scene when E.T. is hidden in the middle of all of Elliott’s stuffed animals.


I’ve enjoyed every moment of my first week of maternity leave. Being home has been so nice and I’ve gotten a lot done around the house. I’m in the process of making Paula Deen’s banana pudding (my favorite) to take to a birthday party tonight and this will be our last big outing with our friends. South Carolina temperatures have officially reached “hot” and I’m so glad that by this time next week (hopefully) I won’t be pregnant anymore!


blonde moment or pregnant moment?

They say that pregnancy takes away some of your smarts. I can’t say that it’s true– I have the occasional blonde moment anyway, so I don’t think blaming ditziness on pregnancy is totally fair. You tell me…

The Stage and Scene:

Todd and I went to the Original Pancake House on Memorial Day before running 800 errands. We sat down and it took a while for our server to arrive, but another server came to our table and here’s how the conversation went:

Server: Oh, aren’t you cute?

Me: Me?

Server: Yeah, look at that belly!

Me: Oh. Thanks.

Server: I’m not your server, but I can go ahead and take your drink order. You shouldn’t have to wait! You’re pregnant!

Me: Cool. I want a large chocolate milk. {hold the judgment!}

Todd: I’ll have a coffee.


The server leaves and comes back with our drink order.

Server: Do you know what you’re having?

Me: Yeah. I want the sausage and eggs, please.

Todd: Erin. She means the baby.

Server: Yeah, remember, I’m not your server.

Me: Oh. It’s a boy.

p.s. Find my server immediately because I’m 38 weeks pregnant and starving!!!

We’re at a restaurant. The question, “Do you know what you’re having?” usually means that someone wants to take your order, right?  Even after 38 weeks of pregnancy, I guess I’m still not as obsessed with my belly as strangers are.

the test of time

As I get excited about the arrival of our little boy, I also think about his future. I think about the important things and the not-so-important things. One thing I think a lot about that may seem trivial is what kind of music he’ll listen to and who will be his musical inspiration.

I grew up in a house that was full of music. There was a lot of singing, a lot of piano playing, and a lot of listening to my Dad’s records. My taste in music was formed by my parents and there was always some great old Chicago album or Billy Joel album playing through the house. I realize that The Eagles, Chicago, and Billy Joel aren’t everyone’s favorites, but they have withstood the test of time. I also grew up to love Fleetwood Mac, Elton John, John Mellancamp, The Beatles, Styx, Kansas, Boston and many others!

I’m promise I’m not trying to put down my generation, but it’s disappointing, isn’t it?

I look at the artists today that are making records and winning Grammy awards. I see the lyrics to the songs to the song and, I’m not trying to sound prudish or old-fashioned, but the lyrics are ridiculous. I know my son will listen to it and I can’t protect him from all of that, but is that really who he’s going to grow up listening to?

Is he going to believe that Fergie makes good music because radio stations play her songs all the time? I guess, if anything, she can teach him to spell.


Sure, there’s the occasional catchy song. But are these artists really legends?

My parents gave me the cassette tape for “We Are the World” when I was about three years old. They also recorded the music video and making of the video off MTV for me. I still love to watch it. The thing that I love the most is that there is a choir of 40 recording artists in that song and they are all (mostly) legends. Lionel Richie, Billy Joel, Cyndi Lauper, Tina Turner, Dianna Ross, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, and the sexiest of them all, Bruce Springsteen!


Who are the musical legends from this decade? And will my son think I’m a nerd because I have great taste in music and make him listen to music from the 60s, 70s, and 80s? Am I the only one who feels let down by current popular music?

hey, y'all!

Welcome! I’m so glad you could make it here!

I am thrilled to have my own site and my own domain– without our last names in the URL! This whole project has been so much fun and I have so many great ideas. With the birth of the new baby, I wanted a clean start with the blog. I guess nesting has been a strong instict in the house and on the blog.


If you currently subscribe to the old blog and want to stay updated on whatever I feel like writing about, be sure to update your Reader. All you have to do is click on the ‘subscribe’ tab underneath the blog header. I don’t want you to miss a thing! Oh– and update your blog rolls, too!

I can’t take credit for anything on this blog except the content and color choices. Two very great friends, Mr. and Mrs. Mojito of Make Mine a Mojito, were great resources and practically set the entire set up themselves. I owe them lots of mojitos.

I also have to thank the very talented Ashley Brooke Designs for the button and blog header design. The colors make me so happy!

And… I have one more big announcement! I know, I know, I am so full of exciting news today.

I am one of a great group of newlyweds that will be guest blogging every week over at Elizabeth Anne Designs Living. I got to know Ami of EAD back when I did a week of recap posts about our wedding, so I was thrilled when she asked me to be a weekly columnist.

The posts over there will be very similar to what I write about here, but I’ll be focusing on newlywed adventures such as home organization and how to live with a messy man. You can also find recipes and the occasional Baby Boy update.

There’s a cute little button over on the right sidebar that will take you directly to my posts. For now, just click on the button below to see my first post at EAD Living!

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