i did it!

This accomplishment is nothing short of miraculous. I set out to complete something and I did it. I’m totally proud of myself and feel no different about this achievement than any other goal I accomplish.

I watched two full seasons of Damages in eight days!!!

No big deal? Shallow? Do I have a life?

It is a big deal. It is shallow, but it’s a great show. And I do have a life.

If you haven’t watched the show, you must get Season 1 on Netflix, then download every episode of Season 2 on iTunes and watch them all consecutively. I finished just in time to watch the season finale on FX on Wednesday!

Please keep in mind that my husband was out of town two weekends in a row and I had lots of time to myself at the house. I also went out on Saturday and volunteered for the local food bank, but came home immediately to cook a big spaghetti dinner for myself and plop down in front of Damages. It’s okay if you judge me. I was a woman on a mission.

Anyone else ever get completely hooked on a TV show and let it take over your life for just a few days?

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  1. Mich says

    i was like that with LOST season 1 and 2…. it was a marathon all weekend long.

    and when the OC came out on DVD i watched the whole first season in like 3 days. i think it was over 26 hours of OC! LOL

  2. Liz @ McFargan: A Midwestern Matrimony says

    Sex and the City when the boxed set came out. I watched the entire show. It took me a while, but was SOOOOO worth it over christmas break that year!

  3. The Shabby Princess says

    I do not judge you at all!! Is it bad that I kind of wish my husband was out of town so I could the same thing?? I did that with Grey's years ago–seasons 1 & 2 (I haven't watched it in a while, it depresses me)…And Lost–but, I am not allowed to rent the DVDs of Lost because literally nothing.will.get.done.at.all.ever.

    I'll have to rent Damages!

  4. Kebi Cedawna says

    I was the same way with Heroes. I rented the DVD for two seasons from Netflix and then watched the ones that weren’t out yet on the Instant Play on Netflix. I was soo addicted, and usually watched 3 or 4 episodes each night til I was caught up. I wish the current season was as good as the originals

  5. Lavender Lily says

    I’ve done that with the first few seasons of 24. And I’m the dork who will rewatch seasons of Lost because I love it so stinkin much.

  6. The Ross Family says

    Way to go! I’m glad you love Damages as much as my hubs and I do.

    We did the same thing w/ the OC 🙂

  7. Lovin a Farm Boy says

    Adventures in Newlywed and I watched seasons of Gilmore Girls like we might never see a TV again. We were in college and had plenty of time to blow and the ability to stay up late/get up early. I’m not so good at that anymore, I like my sleep.

  8. southern daze says

    You know there will be no judging by me given that’s exactly what I did with Gossip Girl! Come to think of it, that’s also what I did when a friend of mine loaned me the entire series of Sex and the City a few years ago. I’d only seen the TNT versions and was thrilled to see them in all of their glory. I can’t remember how long it took me to get through all six seasons but I know it wasn’t very long 🙂

    Guess I need to add Damages to my list!

  9. CaitStClair | A Peachy Bride says

    One word: Deadwood
    I had already seen it so then when I introduced my fiance to it we flew through all 3 seasons in no time.

  10. The Reality of Happily Ever After says

    This made me LOL — How fun!! I did the same thing with 3 seasons of Sex in the City — So fun!

    Um… After a day at the food bank, you deserved a big spaghetti dinner! YUMMY!

  11. Cee says

    I have let shows do that sooooo many times…one time I watched all of the Sopranos seasons in about 2 weeks (granted I has just graduated from college and was waiting for my job to start…but still)

  12. Preppy 101 says

    I did it with Mad Men – watched the entire first season in a day – never moved from the sofa – it was ridiculous – pajamas on – ate whatever I could sit and eat while watching. I loved it. xoxo {and I am Type A and can never sit still, so it was an amazing feat}

  13. *~! megs !~* says

    Umm.. I did this with Gossip Girl. Talk about shallow! I stayed up for 2 days watching Season 1 so I’d be ready for 2. Yep. And I loved it!

  14. NINA says

    Will this take the place of Lipstick Jungle for me??? Big Bowl of Past and TV… we truly are BF’s even tho we haven’t technically met yet (it seems to untrue)! No judging from me – I would be right there with you and I’m NOT w/child 🙂

  15. Bama Belle... says

    you are too funny! i watched the first season in oh, a weekend (don’t judge! it was cold out and i had them all from netflix.) i still like the 1st season soooo much better though

  16. megan says

    how i met your mother is one of the funniest shows on tv and one that you have to watch consecutively. i’m addicted and now the bf is too 🙂

  17. Caitlin says

    All I can say is…Arrested Development. I borrowed the series from a friend and couldn’t turn it off! And when I discovered that each season was only $20 at Target, well…I had to buy them.

    But now I make all my friends watch it with me, so they understand my quotes!

  18. Tori C. (The Sweet Jelly Bean) says

    Hey there! Be sure to stop by before 9PM PST tonight to enter my current giveaway for a free Timid Monster. If you’ve already entered this giveaway, come back tomorrow to enter my next one! 🙂

  19. Kristina says

    I’m addicted to Veronica Mars right now and cannot wait to get the next disc in the mail for season 2!

  20. Mrs. Newlywed says


    We watched all 11 seasons over 4 weekends.

    I love that show…nothing got done that month…nothing.

  21. Miss E says

    Love it! Yes, I totally get sucked into shows, the most recent has been 30 Rock and before that it was It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Gotta love Netflix!

  22. The Pink Potpourri says

    ahh, yes. Last winter we had a big snow storm and were stuck in the house for a few days. We had never seen The Office, and our friend let us borrow seasons 1-3. I thought it would be stupid, but when you watch them all together, you’re totally hooked!

  23. LyndsAU says

    Girl, I get hooked on almost every show I watch 🙂 And I love watching reruns. That’s how I know I am hooked 🙂
    Yay for volunteering at the food bank. I want to do that so much!

  24. Elizabeth says

    I had never seen SATC until I saw the movie this past summer on a Friday night. I immediately went home and borrowed every season from my friend and started watching. I think I finished all of them in just over a week. I’m telling you I was addicted. I worked, came home, walked the dog, watched SATC and went to bed at obsene hours just so I could watch more episodes.

    You’re not alone. We’ve all been there in some way shape or form!

  25. Wacie's Way says

    24. A friend of mine had told me she thought I would like it and her son had copied 2 or 3 seasons’ worth. Well, for the next week after my daughter went to bed, I was hooked watching episode after epsiode!!! My family now knows that when it is on (Monday at 9pm) to LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! I have a date with Jack!

  26. Rachel says

    I’m going to have to check this out! I love finding a new, GREAT show 🙂

    I’ve found some of my favorite shows through DVD’s. Most recently being, LOST and Dexter. Both are so good and addicting!

  27. Mrs. Classic says

    I have had the oc playing in the background while I have been spring cleaning! I have found having on something in the background keeps me from getting distracted/bored.

  28. ktbtodd says

    West Wing & SATC. Watched both of them in a short span of time…but not for the first time, either. LOVE THOSE SHOWS!

  29. Blogalicious Designs says

    OMG I LOVE that show. It is so good and SOOO, ummm… how should I put it, psychotic??


  30. Josh and Tiff says

    My husband and I survived a House marathon together. When we were first introduced to House, we were hooked…and still are!

  31. Windy City Kelley's says

    I just found your blog and it’s super cute!

    I did that with Big Love on HBO. It’s such a weird show but I was sucked in!

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