it's up to you!

I’m having a bit of writer’s block again. We can all blame this on the fact that I’m now 20 weeks pregnant and don’t know if I’m having a boy or a girl. Lots of other pregnant ladies and bloggers have known for weeks what they’re having and I’ll be nearly 21 weeks before I find out. At least I know that things will be pretty accurate because I’m so for along.

In order for me to leave you alone with posts about, “Is the baby a girl or a boy?”, I’m going to let you ask questions and I’ll answer. I did this once before and my friend Mojito Maven did it this week.

Go ahead. Ask me anything. I’ll take my time answering your questions and maybe when I’m almost done it will almost be time for me to go for my January 27 ultrasound! Help me!

ETA: Please leave your questions as a comment below.

some lighter thoughts

After this morning’s heavy post I decided that I needed to put something a little more fun out there.

But first I’d like to give you one lesson in Blog 101. (My friend, Nina, coined this phrase today and I am just borrowing it from her. She’ll be teaching the full class soon.)
  • We are not always going to agree with each other in the Blogosphere. What I write on my blog is my personal opinion, and this world that we live in is interesting and fun because of differing opinions. I do not force my beliefs down anyone’s throat because you have to come to me to read what I believe. I will never come to your blog to give you my opinion, but you know that you can always find it right here.

Okay, on to the fun!

I want to introduce all of you to my new bed partner, the Boppy Total Body Pillow! It’s comfy, provides a place for my growing tummy, and is really nice support for my lower back. One of the best things is that I can take the cover off and wash it because we all know it’s already covered in Boudreaux hair.

Pregnant bloggers, how do you get comfortable when you sleep? Mommy bloggers, what worked for you? Non-pregnant and non-mommy bloggers, tell me something interesting anyway!

praise who?

I’m really moved to see so many Americans joined together in Washington for a common purpose. I love patriotism and any time I see millions of American flags waving around I’m going to get choked up.

I am, however, disappointed that so many people are wearing shirts with Obama’s face on them and hats that say “Obama.” Why not just a shirt that says “America?” I am so tired of hearing this person be glorified and tired of hearing people talk like he is the savior they’ve been waiting for. He is a man. Just a man. I just think it’s really unhealthy to treat a human being this way. He has big shoes to fill and really high expectations to meet and I think Americans are making those expectations bigger and bigger every day as they build Barack Obama up to be this savior.

As I saw all of the flags waving around this morning, I thought, “Wow. Wouldn’t it just be incredible if that many people got together to glorify Jesus Christ? What if that many people got together and instead of shouting ‘OBAMA’, they shouted ‘JESUS?'”

Can we have a $150 million celebration on Easter Sunday?

I heard Oprah say the other day about inauguration day, “What a day of rejoicing that will be!”

I’m sorry. Those are the words to a hymn. It goes, “When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be.”

I’ll be praying for our country, for the Obamas as a family, and for our new President. I hope these next four years are the best our country has seen. But I don’t plan to praise Barack Obama after that happens. I will surely thank him, but I’ll be praising Jesus.

lazy Monday

I didn’t do anything today, so this post is going to be a little scattered.

1. Todd and I attended our new Sunday school class for the first time yesterday. I’m so excited because it’s just for newlyweds and I’m already committed a ladies weekly Bible study and lots of upcoming gatherings for the Super Bowl, a ladies retreat, Valentine’s Day, etc. And to make it even more exciting, I just found out that Elizabeth from No Worries Wynn in Love and her husband go to the same church that we do and will be joining our class! We’ve yet to meet in person, but we will soon!

2. Snow is coming to Columbia tonight/early tomorrow morning. I doubt that USC will cancel classes/work, but it’s always a possibility. It never snows here. We got a little bit lat year, but it didn’t stick.

3. I’m getting so anxious about finding out the sex of the baby. It’s hard because I’m reading other blogs where they’ve already found out the gender and they’re a week behind me. We go in on January 27 and I promise to let you all know as soon as I know. I’m also worried because I pretty much know my boy name, but can’t decide on a girl name. I know I don’t have to until the baby arrives, but I just want to be prepared. My instinct has kind of been telling me that Baby Carroll is a girl, but I could be totally wrong.

4. I didn’t make it to see Doubt or The Curious Case of Benjamin Button this weekend. I don’t want to go tonight because I like to be at home the night before I go back to work after having a few days off. And The Bachelor and Gossip Girl come on tonight, so why would I leave the house?

5. The armoire that you can see in the background on this post was just taken to be refinished and repaired. I plan to use it in the nursery. They’re going to repair it, take off the top two doors so I can leave it open for books and frames, and then we’re going to paint it black. The inside of the shelves will be green or pink depending on the sex of the baby. I promise to post pictures when it’s finished.

I think that’s a good little summary for now. I’m hitting a bit of a writer’s block. I’m sure it’s because most of my thoughts are consumed with, “I wonder if it’s a boy or a girl.” Believe me, I’d love to have something else really interesting to think about.

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