questions: answered {part III}

Shorty said….
I’m curious about your baby name choices, too…. what are your faves?

Well now we know it will definitely be a boy name, but no hints yet. Please see this post.

Will you breastfeed?

I plan to try.

What do you think about babies sleeping (aka the family bed) with their parents and will you try this, or keep the baby in its own bed/bedroom?

We will have a nursery with a nice crib for baby boy Carroll. That’s where he will sleep. I don’t have any opinions on the “family bed” because it’s not something I’ve even considered.

Is there something that you absolutely can’t stand that one of your friends or family members is doing to you while you’re pregnant? I ask b/c I had a friend who ALWAYS rubbed my belly without asking when she would walk up to me. I absolutely despised it when she would do this, but she was the hypersensitive type so I just didn’t say anything…

I think the belly rubbing thing would really bother me, too. It hasn’t happened to me yet, but I definitely think I would have to say something if it happened. Todd is also prepared to say something. We would obviously do this in a passive aggressive jokey kind of way.

I’ve also been annoyed with unsolicited advice. It’s different if someone is my good friend because I really want to know what they think or how they did something, but when a coworker just tells me that something won’t work that I’m planning to do I get really irritated. I also get tired of hearing every single birth story. “Well it happened to so and so this way…” and “so and so was only in labor for an hour…” I have my mom and cousins for those kinds of stories.

EJ & Roo said…
What’s your favorite Carolina beach?

The only Carolina beach I’ve ever visited is Pawley’s Island and I liked it fine. I’m used to the Gulf beaches, though, so I’m really partial to Perdido Key, Florida and Gulf Shores, Alabama. That’s where I plan to take all of my beach trips because that’s where we went every summer as kids.

Following Him said…

What are you craving/hating during pregnancy? Any names yet?

No name hints yet. I am craving chocolate ice cream, cheeseburgers, chips and salsa, and Za’s pizza. The things I liked when I wasn’t pregnant. 🙂

Mrs. Newlywed said…
If you could go on a date with any superhero who would it be and why? (pretend Todd doesn’t care)

I’d for sure choose Batman. He doesn’t have super powers. He’s all man!

If you had to pick between having pink hair or permanently purple lips, which would you choose?

I’d go for the purple lips. I am kind of obsessed with hair, but think I could find a nice lipstick to camouflage the purple lips.

If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would you live?

I think I’d hop around some. I love to move, so I’d really enjoy moving everything around. Chicago, San Francisco, Boston, New Orleans, and Washington, D.C.

Lori said…
What is your favorite thing about being married? And a not so favorite thing?

I love having my best friend at home with me all the time. I love that we don’t have to make plans and that we can just do whatever we want to. I love talking about the future and daydreaming about what we might want to do and then quickly changing our minds and taking it down another road. Having him around all the time is definitely the best part. And it’s great even when we’re not saying anything at all.

My not-so-favorite thing would just have to be our habits. I’m a “do it now” kind of person because I can’t stand clutter or mess and Todd’s fine to leave it alone for a day or so until he can “get around to it.”

From California to Portland said…
Did you have a feeling you were pregnant before you actually found out?

Kind of. I felt really strange and tired. I thought I was just in a funk because we’d just gotten back from a great trip visiting my parents. Then I realized that I was late and that it could be more than just being tired. So I left work and rushed to CVS and my suspicions were confirmed.

What’s your favorite season and holiday?

I love fall because I love fall clothes. And Christmas is by far my favorite holiday. Spring is fun, too, but it doesn’t last long in South Carolina. The hot humid days are here by the beginning of May.

How did you tell your husband you were pregnant?

I called him at work and asked him to please come home because I wasn’t feeling well. He hesitated for a while and I had to convince him without telling him over the phone. I paced for ten minutes until he got there and I told him as soon as he opened the door. He was really excited.

If you could travel anywhere in the world (money’s no object) where would you go?

I would take a Mediterranean cruise and then visit the Greek Isles. I’d try to spend at least a month over there seeing and exploring everything. I’d love to go into antique shops and find treasures and furniture and then find a way to get them home.

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  1. Mrs. Stilettos says

    I could not agree with you more about the unsolicited advice. Gosh, its so freaking annoying…that is one of the reasons I am holding out on telling my coworkers for so long…because we have some very opinionated people around here!

  2. Meg says

    I hear that a lot of women can “feel” when they are pregnant. It is amazing to me that women are that in touch with themselves.

    Also, I agree. When we have children (a few years from now) I think I would be annoyed at the advice giving, especially since you don’t ask for it. ESPECIALLY if you want to try a different technique (more new age) that someone older hasn’t heard of.

  3. Mrs.Preppy says

    I have coworkers that think it is their right/duty to fill me with all of the unsolicited advice possible. I am to the point now where I just completely ignore them… my response is a smile or an uncomfortable chuckle then I walk away. One of my favorites when people think they can ask you things like “so, was this planned??” We are keeping tight lipped on the name as well… I want it all to be a surprise!

  4. Elizabeth says

    I loved your answers – thanks for sharing! 🙂 I love that you are keeping the name a secret and can’t wait for you to reveal it!

  5. Caroline says

    I’m from Pawleys!! I’ve never been to any gulf shore beaches, but Pawleys is nice if you go to the less crowded spots, sorry you didn’t like it! Where did you stay?! It used to be so much more fun and not as crowded when I was little.

  6. southern daze says

    Spring in the South is practically non-existent! What I find so humorous (and sad) is that the weather we have for about 3 weeks in early April is what the weather is like in Lake Tahoe June-August. Now you can understand why I miss it so much come the summer.

  7. Shorty says

    Thank you so much for taking the time to answer ALL of my questions! I’m truly flattered. Looking forward to following all the upcoming developments…how exciting!

  8. Practically Perfect... says

    I can relate to the husband being a “do it later” kind of guy! Chris will wait, but I want things done yesterday, ha ha! We’ve definitely helped balance one another out in that respect. I’m not so uptight about stuff now, and he’s a bit more on task 🙂

  9. Mrs. Sugar and Spice says

    thank you for following my blog. this whole blogging this is very new to me. and i just read that you are having a little baby boy! congrats to you and your husband.

  10. The Golf Widow says

    Amen to the advice!

    What’s worse is 3rd party advice. If you personally hate a product make it known.I don’t really care what your neighbor’s sister’s friend prefered 5 years ago.

  11. LyndsAU says

    Girl , I am a do it now kind of girl too but Hubs will procrastinate like crazy 🙂
    I can’t wait to hear this name 🙂

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