thank you!

Thanks for all of your help and advice yesterday on what I should fix for my students when they come for supper. While I love to cook, I’ve gone ahead and ordered two lasagnas from one of my favorite restaurants in town, a Carnegie Deli cheesecake, and breadsticks. I’ll go ahead and make the salad if I have to!

I’m so excited to share my big wedding album with all of you! Kelly Moore posted pages of it on her blog a few days ago and I am so excited and so pleased with it. The pictures were beautiful on their own, but seeing them so creatively designed brings them back to life. I can’t wait to have it on our coffee table. Now we just need to get a coffee table.

Here are a few of the pages from the album. You can click on Kelly’s entry to see more if you’re interested.

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  1. Mrs. Stilettos says

    What a beautiful bride you were!! Love your colors and the pictures! Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your fairytale!

  2. SouthernAccent says

    Beautiful – I didn’t know you back then, so I visited the photographer’s site to see the rest, so wonderful!!!! Love your dress, the umbrellas, the shoes…and especially the look of joy on your face! What a beautiful event! Can’t wait to see your baby shower!!! You better have someone good planning that already!

  3. LyndsAU says

    I saw that on her blog yesterday and I about died 🙂 You look absolutely gorgeous!! Stunning!! All of the pictures are just amazing! YAY!

  4. Preppy 101 says

    Oh my goodness – It is gorgeous – of course your photographer had some gorgeous people to work with 🙂

  5. Mojito Maven says

    ERIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s amazing!!!!!!!!! Seriously SO AMAZING!!!!!!! AND I want to come visit!!!

  6. Rachel says

    Oh, it looks so beautiful!!!!
    We are currently playing the waiting game for our professional pics – and it’s so hard!

  7. The Pink Tutu says

    The dinner for your students sounds great. I know they will appreciate it very much! Your pics are absolutely gorgeous and I love the ones with the umbrellas.

  8. Brown Eyed Girl says

    LOVE it! It is going to be an incredible book. We have yet to order ours as it is an additional $1,500!! Not really in the budget, but it is on my list of things to have done before our year anniversary. Enjoy your album! I’m sure it’ll be even more breathtaking in person 🙂

  9. Ruby Slippers says

    What a beautiful album! I love that she uses the pic of you in the window as one of her “signature” photos now…I used to see it around and I got so excited when I realised it was you!

  10. Bama Belle... says

    What an absolutely beautiful wedding album! Your wedding looks like it was absolutely fabulous. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Kate says

    Your album looks simply lovely and lasanga sounds so delicious right now… another thing i never get as Evs doesn’t eat cheese 🙁

  12. Summer and Adam says

    fabulous! love it! did you get married in Louisiana? I am a Louisiana girl as well but living in NYC. happy that I came across your blog.

  13. Destinesia says

    i can’t believe your wedding has already come and gone…and now your pg with baby! i love you so much and am so glad i got to be a special part of that album that will forever sit on your coffee table.

  14. Cherished Gifts And Favors says

    What beautiful and truly original pictures. Many brides only dream of having their wedding photos turn out so well.

  15. Piper Jacquelyn says

    Wow, absolutely beautiful and inspiring photos! It looks like you really had the most amazing day!! You need to submit these photos to Style Me Pretty or something – others should be exposed to this gorgeous event!

  16. tickledpink says

    Absolutely beautiful pictures! I love your candy display, and the umbrellas are adorable! You look gorgeous, and your pictures came out wonderfully!

  17. Mrs. Not-so-Domesticated says

    just found your blog and your wedding pictures are beautiful! Mine are supposed to be available tomorrow…it feels like I’ve been waiting forever! I love the collage of people dancing… it looks like a great time!

  18. NINA says

    Ohhh Erin, these are To Die For!! It’s incredible how the pictures make you feel as if you were actually there in person. Lovely to say the least!

  19. Mandy Rose says

    Oh girl! These pictures are amazing!!! When I first looked I thought they were out of a magazine! What a beautiful wedding you had!!

  20. Lyndsy says

    WOW! Everything looks just so perfect! The candy bar is lovely, as is the shoe shot and you look so beautiful! Congrats!

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