
This week is going to be crazy. The Junior League Holiday Market kicks off tomorrow with the Preview Party. So Todd’s going to put on his tux, I’m going to put on the only semi-formal that fits right now (my black taffeta DVF wrap dress), and I’m going to work the party while he shops and eats yummy food.

I have another event for work on Thursday night and then I’m hosting all 16 of my students in our home for dinner on Friday night for our end-of-semester supper. I would like for my Christmas tree to be completely decorated by the time the students come on Friday. My dad was in town for a night right before we left to drive to Louisiana for Thanksgiving. He went ahead and put the tree up for me, so it’s standing. All I have to do is put all of the ornaments on it before Friday night.

This is a picture of one side of our living room. The tree (not pictured) is standing in the corner with the two windows. Hopefully I’ll be done decorating the tree tonight and can post a picture of the tree tomorrow.

I had my 12 week visit to the doctor this morning. I’m actually 12 weeks and 6 days pregnant. I had an oh-so-fun exam and got to hear the heartbeat again. This time it was 175. Mr. Bean is working hard in there! I don’t go back to the doctor until December 29 and at that time they’ll do all the scary testing. When that’s over I’m hopeful that my mind will be at ease.

I have to give a shout out to my best friend, Catherine, who just started her blog. She’s been lurking for a while and now she has started her own blog. Visit her at destinesia.

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  1. Piper Jacquelyn says

    What a cozy room! I’m sure it will look gorgeous with your tree all set up too. Glad your appt. went well, take care!

  2. Blablover5 says

    It’s a gorgeous room. Have fun decorating the tree all up. Are you gonna get any of the new expecting/bun in the over ornaments for it this year?

  3. destinesia says

    thanks for the shout out! i haven’t figured out how to put links in the blog like that…can you help me? i’m sure you saw how i did it in my first blog…that’s the only way i know how!

    YAY! for mr. bean. i think about “the little one” everyday! love you!

  4. USCEmily says

    I’m finally leaving a comment! Good luck decorating. If you’re at Holiday Market on Friday or Sunday, stop by the Just the Thing booth. I’ll be working for Tracy on both of those days and setting up tonight!

  5. A Belle and her Beau says

    I am with ya on the deadlines. I am having some friends over tonight so I was up way past my bedtime last night trying to get everything done!

  6. Mrs. Newlywed says

    I am glad the doctor appointments have been going well so far!

    That room looks super cute! I am curious what the painting looks like from the front. The one on your mantle…

  7. SouthernAccent says

    Already calling him a Mr? Have a feeling that it’s a boy? So glad to hear things are going well! I pray for all of my pregnant blog buddies each morning and you’re one of them!

  8. Bama Belle... says

    the room looks great! the ny jr leagues holiday shopping extravaganza starts this week too! it’s a 3 day event and so fun. have fun tonight!

  9. kmc says

    Look at your chairs!!! They are beautiful! I guess I made a good choice on your album…the fabric pattern I chose is so similar!

  10. LyndsAU says

    So glad the Dr visit went well 🙂 And I know you will feel so much better after the next visit!
    Love the room and can’t wait to see the tree 🙂

  11. Anne says

    Your living room is gorgeous! Growing up in Columbia and joining the League, the Holiday Market is one thing I miss most. (Don’t miss all the Gamecock gear, but that’s another story.) Greenville’s League doesn’t have a Holiday Market, so have some fun for me!!

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