to sell or not to sell

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about selling my wedding dress. I love my dress and I’m definitely attached to it, but I will never wear it again. I’m not sure I could ever fit into it again! Mojito Maven posted today that she sold her dress and she told me the avenue she used to sell the dress. I’ve read about other bride bloggers who purchased a previously worn dress and some who sold their dress.

I paid a strong amount of money for the dress and think that I could get some of that back. It’s just a dress. I got my wear out of it. I’m not naive enough to think that my daughter (if I have a daughter) will wear it at her wedding. I would never ask my daughter to wear it at her wedding. I’m going to keep my veil. It’s so timeless and the lace is stunning. It could easily become an heirloom piece.

I have lots of wonderful pictures by Kelly Moore of me in the dress and the pictures capture every possible angle of the dress. It will be forever preserved in my memory and in photos.

The dress is a Carolina Herrera from the 2006 collection. It’s a size 4 and has been slightly taken in. I’m 5’8″, so it’s unlikely that the purchaser will be taller than 5’8″ and not have enough length on the dress.

My question for you, dear bloggers and readers, is, “will I regret selling my dress?” Did you sell your dress? Did you purchase a previously worn dress? Who is the best seller?

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  1. EJ & Roo says

    i had this same conversation with a friend of mine this afternoon. to sell or not to sell??
    i’ll never wear it again but i can’t imagine parting ways with it…
    good luck!!

  2. EJ & Roo says

    i had this same conversation with a friend of mine this afternoon. to sell or not to sell??
    i’ll never wear it again but i can’t imagine parting ways with it…
    good luck!!

  3. EJ & Roo says

    i had this same conversation with a friend of mine this afternoon. to sell or not to sell??
    i’ll never wear it again but i can’t imagine parting ways with it…
    good luck!!

  4. EJ & Roo says

    i had this same conversation with a friend of mine this afternoon. to sell or not to sell??
    i’ll never wear it again but i can’t imagine parting ways with it…
    good luck!!

  5. EJ & Roo says

    i had this same conversation with a friend of mine this afternoon. to sell or not to sell??
    i’ll never wear it again but i can’t imagine parting ways with it…
    good luck!!

  6. Julia says

    I posted the SAME topic about a year ago when I started my blog. I was completely torn about it and a lot of my readers convinced me to keep it [although some offered to buy it, as well].

    I finally got it cleaned and it’s stored at my Mom’s house. I think I’ll just keep it for my future daughters to play dress up with….or maybe I’ll just use the lace for something else someday. But I’m kind of over the whole selling it for money thing…for now anyway. At least it’s out of my closet!!

    I purchased mine pre-owned from and was highly satisfied with them. I also sold my first gown on that site without any troubles. Good luck!

  7. preppy little dress says

    that’s a tough one, if you are having doubts now – just wait 5, 10 15 years into the future. personally, i would hold on to it! unless you are desparate for the cash, what would you do with the money? your dress has sentimental value to you – that’s just my 2 cents!

  8. Monogramchick says

    i am very sentimental so this is a biased opinion but i say don’t sell. even though you’ll never wear it again, how great would it be to have a christening gown made from it for your babies to wear or a ring bearer pillow made from it for the wedding of your chidren or close family member or something equally as sentimental. anyway, just my 2 cents. 🙂

  9. Kristy says

    Well, when I got married, I took this advice from my sister… she bought her dress and barely looked at again for 10 years. Pictures, yes… busting out the dress… no. So I rented mine and never looked back! =) 5 years later and no regrets!

  10. Megan says

    I have also been debating the same thing….I read mojita maven’s post also, and then it made me think about it some more! I think I will wait till I know for SURE whether I want to sell it or not. Cause if I am even doubting a little I’m afraid I might regret it…but who knows.
    Your dress was gorgeous by the way!

  11. Gracie Beth says

    My aunt sold her dress, and she told me she regrets selling it. If you think even the slightest that you are going to regret it than hold off. It not, then sell it!

  12. ~Mrs. Guru~ says

    I am not selling my dress. Only because I want to be able to share those memories with my daughter one day. I do not expect her to wear it but we could do so much with it!

  13. Mojito Maven says

    Clearly I am biased, BUT I will say that this is an extremely personal decision that only you can make. For me, the decision was easy. Future children weren’t a deciding factor, I KNOW I will never fit into it again, I ahve beautiful pictures, and I also paid $$$$ for my dress and it was awesome to see me get over 50% of it back.

  14. Sarah says

    I sort of don’t like children but I think this is a great idea… using the fabric from your dress to create a bassinet for your children/grandchildren. It’s a great way to keep it in the family without the expectation that someone will wear it.

  15. A Belle and her Beau says

    Let me know what you decide … I am usually not very sentimental but I am scared of regretting it. Buford Betty did a post on this not long ago so you should look at some of her feedback – she did end up selling it!

    ps- I am 5’8 too 🙂

  16. alissa says

    im with you – i dont know why id hold on to it! i want to sell mine, i just need to get my act together and take that thing to the cleaners! im 5’8″ too:)

  17. Tara says

    I thought for sure I would have it listed for sale the minute we got back from the honeymoon… but now I am not so sure. I would never expect that a future daughter would want to wear it. But maybe years down the road it would serve another purpose and the fabric be recreated for something… Maybe I am grasping but for now I am holding on to it.

  18. Allison says

    Hmmm..that IS a tough one! I don’t know that I could sell mine. I really like the idea of making it into a baptism gown for my [future] babies 🙂

  19. digimom5 says

    Can you get very much for it? I got married 22 years ago and have never laid eyes on my dress since my wedding so I’d say sell it if you can get a decent return on it. My mother-in-law brought my dress home from our wedding and had it cleaned and I’m guessing it’s in a box in her attic. I only have boys and even if I had a daughter, she would never wear my dress. It has a high neck and long sleeves and was from Priscilla of Boston which was a very nice designer at the time and I have no idea if they even have that any more. Anyway, my point is that it was a very nice dress but has absolutely no value to anyone 22 years later.

    Just don’t do “trash the dress”. Now I’m a photographer and it makes me cringe to see people trash dresses that cost thousands of dollars.


  20. Hollie says

    oooooo that’s a toughie. I don’t know. It is a beautiful dress! But, you won’t wear it again…so,…I don’t know. Think about it for a while before you do anything.

  21. Lauren says

    Personally, I don’t think I could part with my wedding dress. I could get a lot of money for it, but I just don’t think I could do it.

    Let us know what you decide!

  22. JN says

    Oh I go back and forth on the same thing, but everytime I think about if I were to have a daughter and how much I enjoyed looking at my mom’s dress, plus she was able to take a piece of her dress and put it under mydress which was special. Unless you need the money badly, I wouldn’t do it.

  23. Rebecca Taylor says

    I’m so sentimental that I don’t think I could sell mine. I know I won’t ever wear it again and that my daughter (if I have one) probably won’t either….I just don’t think I could part with it!

    I thought Mojito Maven had a great point in her post about giving someone the opportunity to wear a designer dress that couldn’t normally afford one.

    I think it’s a great idea as long as you’re sure you won’t regret it! Let us know what you decide!

  24. The Lavender Lily says

    wow, what a toughie. I don’t think I could sell mine, although I haven’t looked at it in five years…I’m just too sentimental, I guess. I hope you let us know what you decide in a future post!

  25. New Girl on Post says

    I bought a previously worn dress (not designer) and I really loved my dress, but I’m going to sell it before I move. I just have no attachment to it. Pictures of me in it or enough.

    Your dress was beautiful! I’m sure you’d have no problem selling it!

  26. Kappa Prep says

    Seeing as I am not married I will be of little help. However, you are not likely to wear your dress again and it is so beautiful that I know you will get loads of offers should you choose to sell!

  27. Abbie says

    I bought a used dress (which should arrive any day now) and think it’s a great opportunity for someone who can’t afford a full-price designer gown… kind of a win-win situation. While I say that, I’m not sure if I will resell the gown once my wedding is over. I think it’s a very tough decision.

    There are definitely some great options out there for resale…,, EBay, craigslist. With EBay, you might set a BUY IT NOW price in order to get the price you’d like to see.

    Good luck with your decision! I think it’s a very personal one. In this economy, it definitely wouldn’t hurt to have a little extra money back in your pocket! (And it would certainly help out another bride trying to save a little dough herself.)

  28. Elizabeth says

    Your dress is beautiful! I wore a Carolina Herrera dress also. I love her style. Great minds think alike. 🙂 I personally couldn’t part with mine.

  29. Tara Caire says

    your dress is gorgeous! My sisters and I talked about what we could do with our dresses.. and If i have a daughter, I would like to use it toward something for her. But there are upsides to both sides.

  30. Liza says

    I went a different route. I donated mine to Goodwill. I figured let someone else have a beautiful gown who couldn’t afford it, you know? I am still happy I did it. Only do what you are completely comfortable with.

  31. Mojito Maven says

    ummmm excuse me, why am I not invited to join your new blog venture with LyndsAU..we are officially in a blog fight (well maybe not really)…hahaha…juts kidding with you 🙂

  32. LyndsAU says

    Diverse in the things you post about girl 🙂 I meant that as nothing but a SUPER COMLIMENT 🙂 Yay for tomorrow’s launch!

  33. E says

    My Mom and Nana both kept their wedding dresses and I had great fun trying them on as a kid. I’d always beg them to let me take them out. I ended up using a piece of my Nana’s gown as a bouquet wrap and my something old- I can only hope my future kids/grandkids might someday get the same joy out of seeing my dress! Keep it!

  34. Kitty Cat says

    I decided from the get go to sell mine as I didn’t want to be stuck with something I’ll never wear again and it’ll just take up space. But I’ve put in a store on consignment, and it’s just sitting there, hasn’t sold. So now I don’t know.

  35. Her Shabbyness: Sweet 'n Southern says

    My dress was not designer, as there was no way in heaven that I could pay for it… Andyways, I have considered selling mine, but, several problems: I’m very short, so, the buyer would have to be a teeny like me, since it was altered for my lack of tall-ness; and, ha–you’ll laugh, I wasn’t really thrilled with my wedding pictures (sad), and I keep telling myself that we’ll re-shoot them with a photographer that I love…but, I’ve been married for 3 years and don’t quite look the same as I did on my wedding day…. I know, I know…

  36. Katie says

    Hahahaa. I’m ALL about selling the dress! I mean you get to give a beautiful dress to a deserving bride, you gain room in your closet and you make a dollar! 🙂 And seriously…you can’t wear it again. Really.

  37. southern daze says

    Hard question. My advice to you is that if you are the least bit torn about selling it, you should keep it. Given I have no daughters to pass it down to (my step-daughters mom would throw a total fit if they wore it!) I’ve thought about selling mine but just can’t seem to get over the sentimentality of it. Besides, there’s nothing to say that you can’t make this decision in a year or so. Your dress was gorgeous so I know it would sell in a hot minute if you ever decide to part with it.

  38. Vicki T says

    I bought my dress from a consignment shop and that is the ONLY reason I was able to get the dress of my dreams, which was out of my price range for a price I could afford. Think about how happy you’ll make another woman by sharing your happiness through your dress! You’ve probably long since decided, but I just found your blog today and HAD to comment!!

  39. 狼星 says

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