James Walker is 2 months old

2 months old

Dear James Walker,

You are two months old! Fastest two months of my life.

This month was a little more challenging in terms of getting you figured out. You’re a lot more alert and want to be sitting up and looking around as much as possible, which means someone needs to be holding you. But we’re breaking that habit and getting you a little more content with being awake in your bouncy seat or Mamaroo. And we still allow ourselves some sweet cuddles and holding you for naps. It’s a hard balance because I want to snuggle you as much as possible, but need you to be okay with being put down so that we can get things done around the house.


You love looking around and taking everything in, though. When Hudson walks up to you, your little face lights up. You smile and coo at him and I just know that the two of you will be great buddies with him looking after you. Your smile is just so infectious.

Last night, we were all eating supper and you were in your bouncy seat. I heard you cooing and talking to us and you so badly wanted our attention. It was the cutest thing and you did immediately get all of our attention.

You had a great two month well visit and took your shots like a champ. I managed not to cry and you only cried for a little bit. But you charmed the nurses!


You are on a 7:00-7:00 schedule now. I feed you at 7:00 p.m. after your bath, put you down for the night swaddled in your crib, and then go back in to feed you when you wake up. We’ve had a couple nights where you’ve woken up at 5:00 a.m. (hallelujah!), a few nights of 3:00 a.m., and it seems you’re regressing and now waking up at 1:00 a.m. We’re aiming to get back to that 5:00 a.m. and just staying the course. But you eat quickly in the middle of the night and go right back down to sleep. I’m super tired these days, but also so happy to see you in the middle of the night. You love talking to me in the middle of the night!

We love you, sweet boy, and we’re excited to see what the next month brings!




Weight: 14 lbs (85%)

Height: 24.5 inches (97%)

Diaper Size: 2

Clothing Size: 3-6 month

Likes: Baby Einstein Take a Long Tunes, Snugabunny Bouncy Seat, sitting up and looking around, Hudson, your crib mobile, hymns as lullabies, bright colors, sitting up

Hayes is 4 years old!

IMG_0627my favorite picture of our Hayes from the past year

Dear Hayes,

How is it possible that you are four? Up until two months ago, you were still our little baby. I still saw my tiny little toddler every time I watched you sleep and you would still let me cuddle with you. You have grown up a lot lately.

You’re becoming such a sweet big brother. You know that James Walker is so tiny and you’re so careful with him. But there are also times that you’re a little over-eager and not super careful, so we have to remind you to calm down a little and remember that James Walker is so tiny.

You love life and you are just wide open! You play with full force. You run and jump and laugh and whatever you do, you are all in. I love that about you! We all joke that when you’re grown and on your own and come home for holidays, we’ll all be arguing over who gets to sit next to you at the dinner table. You are so much fun!

You and Hudson started sharing a room around Christmas and it has gone so well. You’ve learned that bed time is bed time and you have to be quiet when the lights go out because you don’t want to keep Hudson awake. Hudson is a lot more of a rule follower than you are, so it’s been a little bit of an adjustment for you, but you’ve done so well. The lights go out and you settle down immediately and drift off to sleep.

With the change of sharing a room, though, you dropped your nap. You were not thrilled about being in your room to take a nap knowing that Hudson was not in there napping, too. You’d just get in there and cry or play or jump on the bed. So we gave up the battle and gave up the nap. But there are a couple days a week where you just drop right where you are and crash. It takes you getting very very still, but you just crash. We have a lot of funny pictures of the places where you’ve napped.

Your vocabulary is huge and your speech has come such a long way! It’s hard to even remember the day when we struggled to understand your speech. You’re so smart, too, Hayes! You don’t sit down and focus on educational things often, but you shock us all the time with what you know. You recognize words and all your letters and numbers. And it’s just something that you seem to have snuck in while you’ve been running and playing so hard.

Our sweet little Hayesie. We’ve actually had to be a lot more mindful of how often and where we call you Hayesie because your classmates were starting to call you that. And while it’s a cute nickname for now, we didn’t want it to be something that you were stuck with your whole life!

You love pancakes and waffles and French fries. But you aren’t the best eater. We know you’ll come around someday. You love ninja turtles, make believe, playing outside, baseball, riding your bike. And you can entertain yourself so well. I’ll hear you having little conversations between your toys and it’s just so cute how much you love to play.

We are so thankful for your sweet little tender heart and your loving spirit. You’re definitely the most fun person in our family and that is a trait that I know you’ll have forever!

I’m so excited to see what God does in your little life over the next year. He has big plans for you, Hayes, and we’re just so thankful for the time that we get to spend with you and watch how He guides your path.

I love you, sweet boy!










Seven years. Three homes. Three sons. Two dogs. Changing jobs. Sickness. Vacations. Countless memories and hundreds of moments of grace and love. It’s passion and love and family and community. It’s a covenant. It’s a commitment.

Happy anniversary to my best friend and partner in life and parenting. I love you, Todd!

May Goals


I can’t believe another month has already gone, and we’re starting May. May is a big month for our family. We celebrate a birthday, an anniversary, and we wrap up a school year. I don’t have any huge goals for this month, but it’s nice to put some of these things in writing so they don’t sneak up on me in the midst of adjusting to life with three kiddos.

1. Read 2 books. I am planning to read All the Light We Cannot See and Nobody’s Cuter Than You.

2. Celebrate Hayes’s 4th birthday. My sweet boy is having a ninja turtle party this weekend with his friends, but we also need to have a mini family fiesta on his actual birthday on Tuesday. My little Cinco de Mayo baby!

3. Celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary. Todd and I haven’t gone on a date night since James Walker was born, but I’d like to get out and do it this month now that James Walker is sleeping about 10 hours at night. We’ve been married for 7 years and it’s a big thing to celebrate!

4. Celebrate Hudson’s kindergarten graduation. Oh I can’t believe this year is almost over. Hudson will have a sweet little graduation ceremony, they do a small play, and then there’s a reception.

5. Clean out toys before summer break. I want to have a nice little toy purge so that we’ve removed some of the clutter before summer starts and the boys are here all day.

6. Get deeper into Influence work. The conference planning is starting to pick up and I’m finding a nice little rhythm a few mornings every week to get things done. So this month I just want to continue that and stay on track.

7. Make progress on baby books. This one is back on the goals list because I didn’t do anything with it this month. I just need to take a naptime and do it!

8. Plan Hudson’s 6th birthday. I just need to set a date, he needs to decide what he wants to do, and we need to send out some invitations.

What are your plans and goals for the month?


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