the real push present

Note: There’s a special new section to my website called “Baby Hudson.” If you look at my tabs, you’ll see the “Baby Hudson” tab. I’ll try to update it at least once a week with new pictures of the baby for those of you that are interested!


Do you remember this post? You know, the one about the push present.

Well… I wanted to introduce all of you to my push present. This is my “Congratulations, Erin, you just pushed out a kindergartener” present.

He got me the pearl because it the birthstone for June. Every time I look at it I’ll think of Hudson and his June 5 birthday. {And I’ll think, “Dang! This is a gorgeous ring!”}


Poor Todd. A couple of hours after the baby was delivered and I had been stitched up, I was lying there and the nurses came in to get me to try to sit up so they could wheel me down the hall to the room where I would be staying overnight. Right before they came in Todd started to give me the gift, so I started opening it, but stopped so we could open it privately after the nurses left. Well two seconds after the nurses got there and I stood up, I fainted. So the push present opening was put on hold for a little while!

My husband out-did himself again! I haven’t been able to wear the ring yet because my fingers are still the size of sausages, but I can’t wait to wear it and get it fitted. (I actually haven’t worn my wedding rings in two months either because of the size of my fingers)

A little help here… how long should I give my fingers to return to their normal size before I just give up and go get all of my rings sized again?

swimsuit help

I need your help and honest opinions. We’ll be spending a week on the gulf coast in August with my entire family and at that time I’ll be two months post-partum. I have a feeling that my tummy won’t be bikini ready by then. {The good old linea negra is still there} I’m going to do what I can to get ready for the beach trip, but I’m still healing so working out isn’t an option yet. And I’m busy! There’s not a whole lot of free time for me to get out and work on getting bikini ready when I’m feeding every three hours!

I’m looking for some stylish, flattering one-piece swimsuits. I might try a tankini, but I’ve never been a huge fan. My problem with one-piece suits is that they always seem to take all of my shape away and completely flatten me out.  I found the suits below at J.Crew and think they may not be so unflattering. What do you think?




Please send links to some flattering swimsuits that fit this description. Let me know your favorites.

staying comfy

After my friend, Kate mentioned the J.Crew ruffle tees, I was intrigued. I ordered a couple of tee shirts right before I had the baby because I knew that I’d want some new summer clothes that fit, weren’t maternity clothes, and were cute, of course.

I hadn’t bought normal clothes since before finding out I was pregnant. I wasn’t sure what size to order so I just ordered Mediums instead of Small, but they’re still really comfortable!

I’m about the 100th blogger to mention the awesomeness of the J.Crew ruffle tees, but they are wonderful! I ordered two different styles and then went back and ordered more of the same shirts in different colors. I’ve seriously washed them every day since I’ve been home from the hospital and I live in them. They’re thin enough that I stay cool– my body is still constantly “working,” so I stay pretty warm. They’ve got enough style to dress up a pair of yoga pants when I feel like lounging around all day.

Get these shirts now!




more torture?!

Seriously, I can’t handle anymore of this.

Shop It To Me just sent a huge email full of sales to me. I found this gorgeous DVF dress, in my size, at Bloomingdale’s.

Would you believe that this dress is down to $175 from $465? They’re practically giving it away.

So far I’ve resisted the temptation, but I think it’s calling my name for 2009 spring and summer weddings.

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