a 3 pound baby!

I had my 28.5 week check up yesterday and because of some issues at the 20 week appointment, I was scheduled to have a regular ultrasound. The doctor wanted to check for a couple of things again and see if they had changed in eight weeks. The ultrasound technician told us that we could “upgrade” to a 4D ultrasound if we wanted to and only pay $50 instead of $150. We took her up on it.

The 4D ultrasound is purely for entertainment purposes and they still did the 2D ultrasound to look at the important stuff. Everything was great. Everything was measuring as it should be and the baby is actually weighing in at 3.3 pounds and looking more like a 30 week baby rather than a 29 week baby. She told me that his growth rate could slow down and a lot can change between now and delivery day.

He is currently in breach position with his cute head up in my rib cage– ouch– and his legs angling across my stomach. Hopefully he’ll do a few more flips and get into the correct position. If not, we’ll be alright and just have a C-section. I’m really not worried at all about the delivery at this time. I’d prefer not to have to have a C-section, but I’m just not that worried about it. There’s nothing I can do about it, right?

So on to the good stuff. The baby was sleeping soundly during the ultrasound and had his little face turned in, so we weren’t able to get a good look. After lots of wiggling around, they gave me a Coke and told me to walk around the office and do some toe-touches for about twenty minutes to try to wake him up. When I got back into the room, he had moved a little bit and we did get one or two good looks at his face before he fell back into a deep sleep.

We saw two tiny ears, a round nose that was kind of smushed in there, and some huge baby cheeks! It’s kind of hard to make out what you’re looking at in the picture above, but it’s the side of his face with his hand over his mouth.

That’s all you get! I gotta save some surprises for when he makes his debut into the world.

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  1. Team Clancy says

    Oh my gosh…he looks like he’s almost ready to eneter the world! Those images are truly amazing! How exciting for both of you!

  2. Mrs. Newlywed says


    I started laughing when you said they gave you a Coke and made you exercise. I was just imagining a pregnant woman drinking code doing calestenics…

  3. Lulu says

    PRECIOUS!!!! That cracks me up that they pumped you full of sugar and had you wiggle around to wake the little man up! I giggled out loud when I read that, just made my day:) I hope you’re having a wonderful pregnancy girl!

  4. Air Force Wife says

    Congrats!!! Too cute!!! Your giving me baby fever….boo for having to wait a few more years!! I’m supper happy for you though!!!!!

  5. Lucky in Love says

    Look at his cheeks!! Oh my gosh…this is so neat!

    I’m getting so excited for you! Hope all goes well for the remainder..and I’m glad everything is measuring up perfectly now!

  6. Melissa says

    That’s so precious! I can’t believe how far they’ve come with ultrasounds! It looks like you’re going to be having a VERY cute little boy! 😀

  7. Jane says

    How fun! Technology is great when it comes to this stuff! He is going to be adorable, I can tell! 🙂

    I was breeched still a few days before I was born and my mother went to a doctor that flipped me right around in her stomach. She said it was the strangest feeling she has ever felt.

  8. a H.I.T. says

    Too cute! I love it. It’s amazing how far technology has come. You two must be beyond excited. Congrats again!

  9. Miss E says

    How funny that they gave you a Coke 🙂

    He looks adorable! So glad that everything is going well for you both.


  10. Shorty says

    That is just too freakin’ cool! Thanks for sharing that wonderful picture. And, thanks be to Technology!

  11. Vineyard Vogue says

    Aww look at those cheeks!

    When you said you were doing toe-touches, my first thought was you jumping into the air like a cheerleader, lol. I was thinking.. hmm, is that safe? Haha, but I quickly realized you were just stretching!

  12. The Reality of Happily Ever After says

    So glad the baby is doing so great! How fun you were able to geta 4D ultrasound pic 🙂 only 10 more weeks! WOW!

  13. Naturally Caffeinated Family says

    ahhh soo cute and so much fun! I’m so glad everything is going well! That is soo funny that he was asleep! I’ve been given juice and peanut butter crackers before to get him to respond more for a special test, haha! but asleep, that’s so cute! Hope you’re feeling great =)!

  14. Brown Eyed Girl says

    How precious is that?? I love the ‘hand over mouth’ pose. So sweet! I had no idea the docs would actually tell you to drink a coke! HA How funny!

  15. Ruby Slippers says

    Those 4D scans are the cutest! Congratulations – for what, I don’t know! Thanks for the story! So cute.

  16. KrissyBo. says

    Oh he’s precious! 🙂 I’m so excited for you that you were able to have a 4D done…and for $50! 🙂 Yay!

  17. Suzette says

    Okay, as I read – walk around and do some toe touches, I immediately imagined you literally doing a toe touch.. ha! The pics are cool! I am debating on going to the same ultrasound studio we went to, to find out the gender and doing the 4d..do you think it’s worth it?

  18. Pretty Personal Gifts says

    Boy technology has come a long way in 8 years!! I was given a photo of a fuzzy snowman. That picture you have is great! About the C-section, a friend once told me (as I worried myself to death about having a c-section) “just do whatever you have to, be open to whatever it takes to get that baby out here and don’t get your hopes set on any one scenario, just roll with it because you are not in charge” I have to tell you, that kept me going. To this day I still think about what she said when things don’t go just as I hoped or expected they would.

  19. Legallyblondemel says

    So fun! Happy to hear things are going well.

    By the way, is it wrong that when I see sonogram photos, I start singing to myself, “I see London, I see France, I see ___’s uterus!” Yes, yes – it probably is. 😉

  20. Carolina Girl says

    That’s so awesome. I’m so amazed at the new technology these days with ultra sounds. That is so clear! Congrats 🙂

  21. Emily says

    ahh yeah! 3.3 lbs… grow baby grow! Gosh time is flying bye! I remember when you first told us your were pg:) yeah for you!! i love the “you know what I mean vern” story below!! I am cracking up right now!! hilarous todd!

  22. Shawna says

    You know, both c-section and “the other way” work–your doctors know best and they’ll take care of you! Just praying for a safe delivery. 🙂

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