the last day

Isn’t the last day of vacation so depressing? My dad has been saying all morning how sad he is. I haven’t spent much time down at the beach because of my first day sunburn, but it has been nice to just be here and be away from the house.

My parents have been such an amazing help this week and I know it will be sad to see them go again. We’ve been eating at the condo most nights since we’ve been here, but this weekend I got out to go catch up on my movies. I’ve missed going to the movies all summer, so I was excited to go see The Proposal and Julie and Julia this weekend.





Last night, we decided to take Hudson down to the beach and then go to a little area with lots of outdoor entertainment and ice cream. Hudson did fine for about 45 minutes then he was just upset and was inconsolable. We hopped in our rental mini van and came on back to the condo.

He has been such a trooper. He’s such a big boy that I often forget that he’s only 2 months old. I’m sure he’s ready to get on home to see his Daddy. I plan to spend our last day at the beach watching more HGTV, spending a little bit of time on the beach, and packing.

weekly recap

1. I obviously had to make a decision on the swimsuit whether I wanted to or not. I appreciated all of your suggestions so much and visited lots and lots of links to find the right one for me. I didn’t end up choosing any of the three suits that I posted. I knew I needed a suit with lots of ruching in the mid section to camouflage any problem areas, so I chose this suit from J.Crew in black. It’s really flattering and has a nice little detachable halter strap. I do wish the leg was cut a little higher, but I wear a cover up most of the time anyway.


2. So sad about John Hughes. I think more than half of my list of all time favorite movies were his movies. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Home Alone are both family favorites around here. My dad saw Ferris Bueller’s Day Off in the theater and we gave it to him for Father’s Day that year because he talked about it so much. We have home movies of my brother and me at ages 5 and 2 singing “Twist and Shout” at the dinner table. I knew that “Twist and Shout” was Ferris Bueller’s song before I ever knew it was a Beatles song. Our family quote is, “Never had one lesson!” 


Todd and I quote Home Alone on a daily basis and joked about naming our first child Kevin McCallister– K-Mac for short.

Everyone has sentimental stories about the John Hughes films and that’s what makes him and his movies so special. If any of his movies are on TV you’re going to stop and watch no matter how many times you’ve seen it. They’re movies that you can sit and watch with your parents or your child and not feel embarrassed or ashamed. What a genius. Thank you, John Hughes.

3. Hudson is 2 months old. He was born 9 weeks ago today! I can’t believe how big he is– but honestly, it seems like he’s been with us for a whole lot longer than 2 months! He changes every day and we’re about to get a big belly laugh out of him. He has his 2 month check up when we get back and I’m dying to know how much he weighs.

4. I’m feeling okay this week. Thank goodness! I am finally starting to feel like myself again and I honestly believe that it is all due to prayer. All of the issues I was noticing last week have just disappeared this week. I got started back on the pill on Sunday and started having some terrible side effects on Monday afternoon that lasted until Wednesday night. I wasn’t sure that they were due to the pill until I started analyzing the differences in my habits and it dawned on me, “Oh! It’s the pill!” I started Googling around and then I asked everyone on Twitter about some common side effects of Yaz and immediately stopped taking it. 24 hours later I was fine. Not sure what birth control method we’ll use now, but pregnancy is not an option right now, so we’ll be finding something that works soon.

5. I am just pages away from finishing The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Love. This. Book. It’s a great summer read and you won’t be able to stop thinking about it.


Next up: Wedding Girl by Madeleine Wickham. Has anyone read this book? Thoughts?


I got a bit scorched yesterday. I was trying to stay in the shade, but my legs got too much sun, so I’ll be sitting inside today finishing my book and helping my mom snap beans while watching HGTV. I can’t even tell you how beautiful the water is. It’s so still and clear blue. I love to watch it from the air conditioned condo!



where's the beach?

Hudson is all dressed and ready. He hasn’t seen the beach yet. I think we all know the answer to the question, “Where’s the beef?”





Check out that belly!

Huddy is such a great traveler. We drove for eight hours on Tuesday and he only really cried once. We stopped every 3 hours to feed him and he only had a dirty diaper once. That dirty diaper had all of us clearing out the car. Yowza.

He has been sleeping great since we’ve been here. We decided to keep him on Eastern time instead of switching to Central time so the transition back home is easier. Last night he slept for 7 hours and took his bottle and slept for almost 4 more hours.

I think he has gotten into his stage where he just wants to be put down to go to sleep. Feed him the bottle and put him down– this boy does not want to be rocked. He just wants to sleep. And we’re happy to let him get to it!

He had his 2 month birthday yesterday and we celebrated by having dinner with our cousins. It’s so great to be here with our extended family! We miss Todd a lot and keep begging him to come down here for just the weekend.

I hope you’re all having a great week and are surround by people you love!

p.s. We rented a crib and a bouncy seat for the trip so we didn’t have to travel with quite as much baby stuff. We ordered everything from a company called Baby’s Away. They were super helpful and the crib was waiting for us when we got here.

what are we up to?

It was quite the eventful weekend, so there’s lots to catch you up on.

1. Todd’s last day of work at his firm was Friday. I couldn’t mention any of this to you until his last day was over, but he and two other attorneys are starting their own firm on Monday. We’re all very excited and I am particularly proud of my husband. There’s really something to be said for knowing exactly what kind of work you want to do and going after it. Last week was a scary week as we were both writing letters of resignation. For a brief few hours, neither of us were on anyone’s payroll. His first day is Monday and he is so excited!

2. My parents flew in on Friday and went with us to Charlotte for a dear friend’s wedding. My folks came up to keep Hudson while Todd and I attended all of the wedding activities. I was doing a reading in the ceremony, which I’d never done before, and was a bit scared. I’ve sung in lots of weddings and I’ve been a bridesmaid a few times, but I was much more nervous about this reading. I wore my pink Stuart Weitzman rehearsal dinner shoes from our wedding, and was a little nervous about walking in stilettos for the first time in months. Taking a long walk in stilettos across a marble platform– hoping and praying to God that I would not bust it and ruin the ceremony. All was fine.

I have to mention a wedding guest who showed up in a white dress. I am obviously not mentioning her by name or describing her dress any further than saying it was white. I just don’t understand that. Even if the dress has a little embellishment of color at the very bottom– it’s still white. There should be one person in white at the wedding. Period. Can’t you just find a different dress for that one day? Sheesh.

Hudson went 8 hours during the night between feedings thanks to his KK and Poppie. My parents kept him in their room and let Todd and me sleep through the night. I’m hopeful in these next couple of nights that Hudson will catch on that this is the new routine and stop waking up. This is such a huge accomplishment.

3. Hudson is doing lots of smiling. And if he knew how to laugh he’d be laughing, too. It’s so much fun! He tries to say what we say and just makes the same types of sounds and it’s such a blast to watch him learn and discover his little voice. He’s officially too big for 3 month sizes and is wearing 6 month clothes now– just days before his 2 month birthday. Little monster.

4. I just have to say that I am so happy for my beautiful friend and her wonderful husband. She found the perfect guy for her and I knew it the second I met him. I love to watch them interract and there is something so special about watching one of your best friends commit her life to someone. I’m completely jealous that they’ll be in Bora Bora for the next 10 days.

5. We leave for the beach tomorrow. I’ll be blogging from the beach– I’m not exactly in tip top bathing suit shape, so my time on the beach will be limited. So I’ll check in with y’all a few times next week so you can see what Huddy’s first time on the beach is like!

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