I got tagged!

Megs at Perfectly Imperfect tagged me to fill this out. I’m cooking supper right now and it’s a nice little break while I impatiently wait for everything to finish cooking! Thanks, Megs!

(I want to point out that I love the title of her blog. When Todd and I first started dating he pointed a few little things about himself like the little gap in his teeth and a couple of tiny scars that he has. I have always told him that they were “perfect imperfections.” So I love that blog title!)

Step 1: respond and rework—answer the questions on your own blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.

Step 2: tag—eight other un-tagged people

.1. What were you doing and who were you with at 9:59 PM on Friday night? Todd and I were lying in bed. We had just eaten huge pimento cheeseburgers at one of my favorite local places and I couldn’t hold my eyes open. He was watching DaVinci code and at some point we both fell asleep in the clothes we’d been wearing all day.

2. What’s the last thing you read/are currently reading? I’m reading The Girlfriend’s Guide to Baby Gear and The Happiest Baby on the Block. Not real thrilling. I have a huge stack of unread books at my house. I just need the motivation.

3. Do you nap a lot? A few weeks ago I took a nap every day. Now I wake up feeling really sick after naps. I’m sure after little boy Carroll arrives I’ll be begging for naps.

4. Who was the last person you hugged? Todd was the last person, but I gave Boudreaux a huge about two seconds ago– he thinks he’s a person.

5. What’s your current obsession/addiction? Other than the usual addictions of TV, blogging, decorating, and online shopping, right now I’m addicted to cheeseburgers. Pregnancy has definitely gotten the best of me.

6. What was the last thing you said out loud? “Can you set the timer for 20 minutes?”

7. What websites do you always visit when you go online? Google reader, private blogs, hotmail, facebook, people.com, my bank, cnn.com, todayshow.com

8. What was the last item you bought? the Canon Rebel camera bag

9. What is your most challenging goal? to find the vision for and to start my own event planning business. I have a feeling it’s not too far away.

10. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished- anywhere in the world, where would it be? Charleston, SC or Austin, TX– I’m also lusting after the HGTV Dream House in Sonoma, California

11. Favorite Vacation spot? any major city or Gulf Shores, Alabama– it’s a simple place, but so familiar to me. I love it!

12. Say something to the person who tagged you: Megs is beautiful, real, and a joy to read about! I’m happy to know her through the blogging world.

13. Name one thing you just can’t resist no matter how bad it is for you: French fries

14. What is your favorite item of clothing? all of my spring/summer dresses. But currently I’m obsessed with my ruched white maternity t-shirt.

15. Favorite pair of shoes you keep going back to over and over, even though your closet is over flowing with a zillion others?! black Reefs, brown Rainbows, brown Danskos, platinum Jack Rogers, and silver Bernardos…. that’s definitely more than one

16. Name one thing you can not live with out: My flat iron…. even on curly hair days, I have to straighten my crazy bangs. (of course I can’t live without my husband and family, but they’re not actually a thing)

17. Has a celebrity’s haircut ever influence you on your own hairstyle? I had short Meg Ryan hair in high school and that was the picture I always took in with me. I also had that shoulder length with bangs look based on Jessica Simpson’s haircut back in 2004 or 2005.

18. What is your favorite room in your house? It’s our guest bedroom that I call the “white room.” It’s so bright and fresh in there and I love to just nap in there on a quiet day.

Thanks for the fun, Megs!!!!

Grease is the word

I know this image is a little small, but if you have impeccable vision like I do, you can see that our independent local theater is having a Grease Sing-a-long tonight at 10:00 p.m.

It’s when I see things like this that I miss my high school and college friends the most. A few of us in high school loved Grease and would frequently have sing-a-longs at our houses and dance around the room pretending to be Rizzo and the girls. For my 14th birthday, a group of us went to see the live musical.

I was an Alpha Chi Omega in college and our skit for Rush was Grease! We had lots of fun ways that we changed up the lyrics to the songs like “Greek is the word” instead of “Grease is the word.” We also sang, “Summer rush, we’re having a blast” instead of “summer lovin’….”

Who’s willing to come to Columbia, South Carolina tonight to sing-a-long with me at the Nickelodeon Theater?

questions: answered {part IV}

My home- My life said…
Are you going to work after you have your baby? I am not sure what you do now so maybe you should address that first please.

I am the Events Manager for one of the colleges at the University of South Carolina. It’s a really fun job that has really evolved since I’ve been in the position. I was actually the first person to hold this position in our office. I plan about 40 events per year. Because I have a Masters degree, I am qualified to teach at the college level. This semester, in addition to my event planning duties, I am also teaching a professional development seminar for our juniors and seniors. Last semester I taught the freshman seminar class.

I am planning to return to work.

Mrs. Cup said…
What is your favorite part about your job and what is your least favorite?

My favorite part is that I get to use my passion for event planning and organizing every day. I know that events are what I’m supposed to be doing and I love that I’m getting so much experience.

My least favorite part about the job is that it is pretty much the same thing every year; meaning that every January we have this event and every April we have that event. We’re pretty much in a steady rotation. Some creative freedom would be nice somedays. Also, because I work for the state, our event budgets are really small. I would love to see what I could do with a nice big budget!

What is your biggest passion in life?

I’m not going to get deep with this answer. My passion is creativity and the arts. This is broad, I know, but I am completely inspired by music, singing, hearing someone else sing with a beautiful voice, beautiful photography, gorgeous scenery, a well-planned event, musicals, and fine art.

Hollie said…
Will this be your parents’ first grandchild? Your husband’s parents?

Little boy Carroll will be the first grandchild on both sides. Todd doesn’t have any siblings, so until we have another baby there won’t be another baby on Todd’s side. My brother is a ways away from getting to that point, so this child could have siblings before he has a cousin.

Bama Belle in the Big City said…
I know you used to work at a law firm (which is where you met your husband)- what did you do there? And what do you do now?

I managed the conference and event space at the law firm. The best part about that job was the wonderful people (not even including Todd) that I met there. See above for what I do now.

When did you know your husband was the one?

Before we even went on our first date. There was just something there between us and his heart is so kind. I just knew. I know everyone always says that when you know, you know. We had so many wonderful conversations and really got to know each other before we ever went on a date, that I knew before we ever went on our first date.

GrannySmithGreen said…
Did you ever consider NOT finding out if it’s a boy or girl?

No. Not even a consideration. Haha. I plan events for a living and wanted to get started planning a nursery and monograms. My husband will confirm that I don’t like surprises. I beat them out of him, so we just never considered it. I really love the couples that can wait until that big moment to find out!

Mrs. Stilettos said…
What is the most important thing that your parents taught you/showed you growing up that you want to pass to your child?

To love the Lord, Jesus Christ first and above all. They taught me the importance of letting others see Jesus in you. Then to love your spouse second and never put your spouse down in front of the children. They also taught me the importance of loving my sibling like he was my best friend. Unfortunately, I didn’t take advantage of that when I was younger and my brother and I argued a lot. But now, he is my favorite person to be around and I think he’s just an incredible man.

CLuthren said…
What are your three most treasured items? Other than Todd and the dogs what would you rush to save if your house was burning down?

I would save Le Mutt (my stuffed dog that my mom received at one of her baby showers when she was pregnant with me), our wedding album or CD, and the video that my mom made for my high school graduation. The video is about 4 hours long and has hours of video of my life and still pictures in a slide show. Really special.

Marden Family said…
I know you said you like to cook- what are your favorite cookbooks/websites to make recipes from?

I like The Comfort Table by Katie Lee Joel. Any Junior League cookbook is great. The two that I love are The Cotton Country by the Monroe, Louisiana Junior League and Down by the Water from the Columbia, SC Junior League.

The Shabby Princess said…
How is it working while being pregnant? Is your office/workplace supportive?

It has been fine other than when I’m sick. It’s really hard to get out of bed when you’re exhausted and throwing up and have to go put on a happy face and put together a great event. My responsibilities haven’t changed at all.

How do you think your furry kids will react to the new addition to the family?

I think they’ll be a little confused at first, but I think they’re going to love him. I plan to keep their lives pretty much the same and not shut them out of the baby stuff.

Tara Gibson said…
What do your parents and your husband’s parents want their grandchild to call them?

My mom will be K.K. and my dad will be Poppie. I don’t think Todd’s parents have decided yet.

What is the first thing you will go buy for your child if it’s a girl? Or a boy?

I haven’t bought anything yet for him, but I’m sure it will be something special.

Mrs. Jetplane said…
As someone who is still to scared to have kids… What does it feel like to be pregnant, I mean physically feel like? Do you feel different?

There is a lot of heart burn and nausea. That’s more obvious, though. I have some neck and back pain. We saw in the ultrasound that the placenta is pretty thick, so that’s why I’m not feeling him move, but his little m
ovements feel like little bubbles. It isn’t too strange yet since he’s still so small.

Allison said…
If you had to be on a reality TV show, which would you choose? Survivor? American Idol? The Bachelor/Bachelorette (pretend you aren’t married…), So You Think You Can Dance?, Fear Factor, Real World?

I would totally be on American Idol. No question.

the push present

I think Todd was a little surprised at Thanksgiving when my pregnant cousin informed him of the “push present.” I’m sure he was thinking, “I just married her. Now I have to give her a present for having a baby?” Of course he doesn’t have to, but I think it’s a wonderful tradition. Wink wink.

When we purchased my wedding ring that was fitted to my engagement ring, the jeweler had to make a mold. He told us he would hang on to the mold because he was sure that Todd would come back someday to get the ring for the other side. I said, “Oh! Five or ten year anniversary presents!” And the jeweler corrected me and said that he was implying that Todd should come back when our first child is born. Who knew that would come so soon?

So, if it’s not the other piece of the wedding ring set, then I’m thinking that I love the David Yurman blue topaz ring. Topaz is my birthstone and I have tried this ring on about twenty times already.

And there’s always the option of taking a trip. My mom has offered to keep the baby for a week whenever Todd and I are ready to take a belated anniversary trip. A real babymoon is not an option for us because my work schedule is too hectic this Spring. Our anniversary is May 3 and I’ll be a month from my due date at that point. A beach vacation is out of the question. No one wants to see that! A city vacation is not a great idea because I know my legs and ankles will be enormous and walking around could become miserable.

So it looks like we’ll have to wait on a trip until the baby is a little bit older and we decide that we’re ready to leave him.

So those are the fun decisions ahead! Has anyone else heard of the push present?
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